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From: How do I post images? by Administrator

Hey all - realize the pic posting feature is a bit clumsy, but it's really a liability thing. We don't have the staff or funding to deal with legal blowback and DMCA takedown notices if we hosted the pictures ourselves.

We specifically are not hosting images because we don't have the apparatus in place to properly comply with legal requirements. All it takes is one legal infraction to get kicked off our hosting provider.

From: Account hacked? by Administrator

Hey everyone,

Not hacked, but a really dumb bug on my end. I've corrected the busted data (yay, backups!) and fixed the bug. Sorry for the scare!

From: Discord chat by Administrator

From Discord's Terms of Service:

...you agree not to use the Service in order to:

post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information that is obscene, indecent, vulgar, pornographic, sexual or otherwise objectionable as outlined in our Community Guidelines;

From: Staying logged into Jackinchat.com by Administrator

Sorry everyone - I had to temporarily disable the "remember me" function. I've been combating some increasingly sophisticated and aggressive mass-spamming attacks, and have been plugging security vulnerabilities in the old codebase.

I have to re-implement the feature, and I'll also be looking at implementing SSL encryption for logged in users and authentication.

I know it's annoying to have to keep logging in - I'm working on it!

From: What are some features you would like added to the site? by Administrator

Hey guys - hearing you loud and clear on the sent box.

Live cams is tricky as the hosting is expensive for it and the ads don't cover it. I really don't want to add paid tiers to the site, but if there's enough demand for it, I'll consider it.

Finally, I know not being able to directly upload pictures to the site is a drag, but we don't have the moderation power to screen every image (also hosting costs get out of control fast when you have 10s of thousands of users uploading galleries). One sick asshole uploading some child porn and I get in serious trouble.

I'd recommend using imgur.com as your image host. It's free and porn friendly.

Hiding avatars and the homepage profile pic is a good idea - maybe a "stealth mode" for the site that is less sexual looking overall.

Good ideas - keep 'em coming.

From: Greetings Jackinchat! by Administrator

Hi jackinchatters,

Just wanted to pop in and share a few words.

I know I'm not active these days within the community, but I do my best to put folks in charge who care about the site, and the community to make sure that anyone who visits can have a good experience.

Rod's been flying solo for quite a while and he's only one man. As such, JC's been a bit "wild west" lately - especially in the chatroom. If Adiemus has felt it necessary to include banned words in the chatroom, I assume it was in response to a specific problem that has either gone long unchecked, or was starting to be a problem.

Criticism is welcome, but will be best received if presented constructively. I've always felt the rules at JC should largely be common sense and rely on people having basic respect for one another.

I understand that there are tons of things that people get off on, and I want this to be a place to share. However, once we start getting into particular extreme niches, that content can start negatively impacting the enjoyment of others on the site.

For instance, anything related to kids has always been a hard ban on the site. We're not interested in being a place where people with sexual fantasies involving under age children congregate. I think most people who visit JC would consider this a common sense rule.

Sexual violence is another topic that hasn't traditionally been banned if only because it's never really come up before. There's a lot of nuance within that realm, however. Safe, sane, consensual BDSM is a world away from abusive sexual violence against women, for example.

I've never personally been a fan of "black lists" for words because context often matters. However, again, if that step's been taken, I'm going to trust it's being done in response to a specific problem tied to a small but persistent minority of users.

TL;DR - discussion and criticism welcome

From: Lovely babe gets her tight ass humped by Administrator

User posted image
Lovely babe gets her tight ass humped

From: Other user's profiles wont load by Administrator

Hey everyone,

Sorry about this. Just fixed it.

From: Chat room 12/4/2014 by Administrator

There are three options for chat clients. When one doesn't work, try one of the other two.

The default is hosted by dal.net - it sometimes goes down for mysterious reasons. I've notified their web team about it.

From: Server Migration by Administrator

Hey everyone,

I've fixed the photo upload!

Let me know if you run into anything else.

From: Server Migration by Administrator

Hey everyone,

We may have lost between 12-24 hours of content. The old host's server was having serious problems and wasn't letting me extract the data. I had to grab the most recent backup instead.

From: Server Migration by Administrator

Hey everyone,

Just migrated Jackinchat.com to a bigger, faster server. Hopefully you'll notice improved performance!

Let me know if you find any bugs. I'm still uploading several hundred megs of photos and avatars, so if you see some broken images, give it an hour or two.


From: Server Going Down? by Administrator

Hey guys,

Our webhost recently had a hardware failure. The sporadic downtime was due to them recovering from backups. You may have noticed things like missing photos on profiles over the past couple of days as well. Those should have all been restored by now as well.

The restore process has been completed and there should be no additional downtime.

From: ADDING FRIENDS. by Administrator

I've got a simple version of friend lists working on the dev version of the site, but I haven't quite figured out how to make them particularly useful. It's just a basic list of people - glorified profile bookmarks, if you will.

From: Virus Warning by Administrator

Hi Everyone - finally figured out what was going on.

Had an ancient version of Wordpress for another domain sitting on the server that I had forgotten about - was exploited and malware was injected into every php file on the box. Really annoying to clean out.

This malware only triggers on Internet Explorer which is why I didn't personally noticed it until people started reporting the IE only trend.

It's worth noting that as long as you didn't download AND run the software the malware site was trying to get you to download, there was no harm done to your computer.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience - I'll lock down the jackinchat account and separate it better from everything else on this server to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.

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