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From: 8 weeks off?! Help! by Danny

Sort of a business trip...where guys and gals room together? You can't get a private room?

And what kind of a sorry ass place are you staying that only has cold water in the shower. Even one star motels usually have hot water.

But, if the intolerable situation can't be changed, it's quickies in the bathroom. The bathroom got me through my young teenage years at home. It's not bad.


Ben, I respect your knowledge of the chat room dynamics. I respect the need to maintain good order and compliance with our Terms of Service.

But, I will stand by my original analysis. I must remain dubious that the word "Dad" is sort of a code word that INEVITABLY means "I want to talk about children." In any case, if that was what I wanted to do, I'd choose an age younger than the 50 yo example you gave. A 50 year old man would be far more likely to have adult children than underage children. Regardless of his real age, if he wanted to attract someone to talk about children, it seems he would say he was 30, or maybe as old as 40.

And I note that your concern seems to be "incest related themes." Up to now, the thread discussion has been about "underage children." Only in some cases are the two subjects one and the same. I have a hunch that you just don't like people announcing themselves as "Dads", whichever or whatever subsequent discussion ensues. And I'm certainly not persuaded that you have pursued a sufficient number of "reports from users" or have sufficient "findings" from your own questioning of the individual "Dads" to allow the sweeping generalizations you assert.

Please understand that I am not questioning your authority to take whatever actions in the chat room you feel is appropriate. I just think that your decisions on this matter are actually based on rather flimsy anecdotal evidence and personal bias, not a mathematically valid statistical sampling.

That said, I certainly respect your's and Anna's overall chat room experience compared with mine. You have to be there a lot....and it's a dreary place. God help you. winksmile

From: First sex? by Danny

Hard to know what to make of this thread.

After all, on another currently active thread we have members coming unhinged at the mere thought of a 16 year old marrying and older man (apparently in full compliance with the marriage laws of the state). On another thread we have members who seem to believe that it constitutes an actual criminal act to merely mention an underage person in the chat room. Everyone screams "pedophilia".

Anyway....why such outrage elsewhere.....but none here? Just look at the sexual pairings described here.

Male - 16 yo / Female - 19? yo (was drunk)

Male - 15 yo/ Female - About 38 yo

Male - 19 yo/ Female 16 yo

Three clear cases of an adult having sex with an underage minor. Anyone ever hear of statutory rape? Maybe it's called something different now, but I'm sure the idea is the same.

Where's the outrage? On what basis do we simply give these SICKENING descriptions of sexual pairings a wink and a nod?

BTW, don't make the mistake of trying to discuss this in the chat room. The mere mention of the two underage males or the one underage female will get you banned for sure.

Anyone for logical consistency?


Anna said:

.....................Also, don't come into chat and tell us "## year old married dad". What does you being a dad have to do with coming into a masturbation chat? I can only imagine the stuff you're going to be talking about in private.

May I suggest that we can all "imagine the stuff" that will be talked about. But "imagining" it is all we can do until a discussion really happens. You seem to assume that pedophilic discussions will inevitably ensue. I can just as easily "imagine" that "married dad" is identifying himself as a solid family man, not some pimple faced 18 yo jackoff, who wants to talk with another solid, mature family man. I would certainly NOT assume that an improper discussion about children must inevitably ensue. And another thing, what if I choose to identify myself as a "50 Year Old Married Dad" and DO say something about my 25 year old son. Is that OK? Seems so to me. Or should my son be 35 or 45 before I can mention him. Can I talk about an 18 year old (adult) son, but not his 17 year old brother? No one wants discussions about children. But beyond that, it seems to me we're getting a little carried away here with our "imaginings."

I recall it was not long ago that one of our moderators seemed to be advancing the notion that it was improper to be discussing our own (YES...I'M NOT KIDDING) "OUR OWN" childhood masturbation experiences. (Can you imagine a masturbation forum that can't discuss first time experiences?) Cooler heads prevailed among the mods and the locked thread got unlocked. But it just shows how well meaning people can get a little carried away sometimes.

BTW, to the member who believes that merely mentioning a child in an adult chat room constitutes "SOME KIND OF VILOATION OF PEDOPHILIA LAWS"..........JEEZ. I'll again point out that pedophilia, as a criminal act, involves improper sexual contact between an adult and a PREpubescent or PERIpubescent child. It is contact between a REAL adult and a REAL child in the REAL world. NO...merely mentioning such a thing in a chat room.....while it may be contrary to the Terms of Service......while the mods may ban you for it......IT IS NOT A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL LAW..........it is not even "SOME KIND" of a violation of law.........whatever that is supposed to mean.

From: Does anyone like to play with their nipples during JO? by Danny

hairyassguyuk said:
Yes totally. Squeezing them. They seem to be hard wired to my dick!

YEP hairyassguyuk....there absolutely is a direct nipple dick connection for me too. I like to catch them "asleep" and use a lubed fingertip on them.....feel them pop up and get hard. Then squeeze them, pull them, flick them with my finger.

With a partner, I like to have them tongued and nibbled....mmmmmmmmmmm.

From: shower jerk by Danny

Tommyhot said:
I put the shower head on pulse and aim at the back of the head. AWESOME!

You got that right Tommyhot.

I like any kind of hands free jacking. I love to feel the cum pressure building as I slowly reach orgasm without even touching it with my hand. I prefer to use a fine steady water spray, aimed right on that sweet spot under the head.

Like Tommyhot said.....AWESOME!!!

From: Male/Female Avatars and Profile Pics by Danny

Rod said:
OK. Even though I don't normally go around flashing the goods at the drop of a hat, due to the requests (man...that sounds really full of myself), I've swapped out my profile pic. The full Monty will be available until the 4th, then it's back to the good ol' bulge.


Now...I'm gonna go hide in the corner, hoping that the reality isn't a disappointment.

Way to go Rod.....NICE ONE!!

Far be it from me to express inappropriately graphic compliments. Suffice it to say, you did not disappoint.

Now get out of that corner and hold your heads high. Yes....both of them. wink

From: Coach, 40, Weds 16-Year-Old Student by Danny

hairyassguyuk said:
......................................................................................Interestingly, the USA seems to be alone in putting the age for the consumption of alcohol at 21. Various ages apply in Europe, but none, to my knowledge, higher than 18. It seems that at 18 you can get married, vote, fight and die for the flag, but not have a beer?

In the matter of alcohol use, as in so many other ways, Americans have a way of considering themselves morally, ethically, and in every other way superior to the rest of the world.......especially those Europeans who insist on doing things their own way. (Remember the French and the Germans who refused to join our war in Iraq. Americans hated them for that. Now lets see......how did that all turn out?)

But as for alcohol consumption. Politicized fundamentalist Christians run American society and, where possible, impose their values and beliefs by force of law. They got the age for all alcohol consumption, including beer, raised to the historic age of majority, which was 21 years.

Of course there are problems...real problems.....which this is supposed to solve. Alcoholism.....drunk driving.....teenage binge drinking......etc. All of these real and serious problems get publicized and magnified, and a national hysteria results. So, politicians must take action. Problems MUST be solved. Laws MUST be changed.

So now we have solved the problem. No one can drink a beer until they are 21. The politicians have their law. And college students somehow still have their beer......and a lot worse. Ain't democracy wonderful?????

And OH YES....this is solidly on-topic. I have it on good authority that almost all married 18 year olds manage to drink a bit of alcohol on their honeymoon!

From: Coach, 40, Weds 16-Year-Old Student by Danny

nice_yet_fun31 said:

...........The post about the marriage age being 16 in virtually every state and 14 in Texas is incorrect. I live in Texas the law is: Under 18 you have to have parental permission, under 16 you have to have court permission. It's similiar in NC - Under 18 w/ parental permission, 14-16 w/ a court order, which explains why they waited till she was 16. Here .http://www.coolnurse.com/marriage_laws.htm .

Just a side-bar I think it should be ILLEGAL in EVERY state regardless of he situation until your 18th birthday. These people don't have the mental faculties or maturity to vote, yet they do to enter into a marriage? Where's the logic there. THEY ARE KIDS AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH TILL THEIR 18TH BIRTHDAY. END OF CONVERSATION!!!


I do not believe that some magical transformation ALWAYS occurs between the ages of 16 and 18 that turns a kid into an adult. Some people are surprisingly mature at 16....some are still kids at 18 and beyond. BTW, voting and marriage are two entirely different concepts. What goes on in a voting booth is unrelated to what goes on in the marriage bed. I would agree that one should have achieved a significant degree of maturity before marriage. But individuals vary widely. The law should make allowances for individual differences and generally be judicious about the regulation of personal behavior. I have an aunt and uncle who were married when he was 30 and she was 17. They have two beautiful children and a happy marriage.

Thanks for the clarification regarding the marriagable age in Texas. The point I was making was that marriage AT AGE 16 is allowed in ALMOST every state WITH parental permission. Younger ages in several states are allowed. Some do indeed require court permission, and of course you are correct about Texas law.

The issue is sometimes complicated by terminology. For example "marriageable age" is what I am talking about. It is often confused with "age of consent," which is a different legal concept, involving informed consent to a contract or regulated behavior. Of course, within a given jurisdiction, the age at which two people can marry MAY be the same as the age of consent. But it doesn't have to be. Another term, the "age of majority," is, in the US, usually age 18. This is the age at which a person assumes full adult responsibilitites....except (generally) involving the consumption of alcohol. Soooo....you can have sex.....but don't drink while you're doing it...LOL.

Another issue that often gets mixed into these discussions involves criminal sexual behavior with underage children. It's a ghastly crime. It's a matter of criminal law and is vigorously prosecuted. But a discussion involving the legal right to be married should not be confused with this separate criminal issue.

People often want to impose their views involving personal behavior on others. It's so satisfying when you can make your personal standards of behavior a part of the legal code. But absent criminal coercion, I will recognize the right of a person to marry at the age of 16. Since that is younger than the age of majority, I have no problem with requiring parental consent. The lawmakers in ALMOST every state have agreed with that arrangement.

From: Blow Up / Love Dolls by Danny

We need to apply solid inventive genius, and the cost effectiveness of mass production technology, to the love doll.

We need a beautiful, shapely, love doll with state of the art (Fleshlight) vaginal, anal, and oral orifices......all for under $100.

Whoever comes up with that will make a fortune. wink

From: Male/Female Avatars and Profile Pics by Danny

Rod said:
..............Showing the actual goods isn't something I do at the drop of a hat. A select few get to see that.

Although I have had someone, after seeing a pic of the full Monty, suggest I use it, instead. wink

I remember Rod's post a while back about his gf's OB-GYN who identified that she had a new bf....namely Rod.

When you can be identified by your gf's gynecological exam, you should definitely show the Full Monty. wink

From: Male/Female Avatars and Profile Pics by Danny


Anna's profile pic!!!!!!!!!!!

And wetclit's avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!

The lady's pictures are certainly improving here.

And they FIT so well with the male contributions.

From: Coach, 40, Weds 16-Year-Old Student by Danny

hard40 said:
This makes me wonder about just how backwards the laws in N.C. must be that a 16 year old can legally wed, especially some middle age pedophile, which he obviously must be. And WTF is wrong with this chick's PARENTS!? They signed consent? Maybe the parents should be charged and prosecuted for child neglect and child endangerment. And the "coach" (AKA child molester) should be locked up and general population to have his ass gang pounded nightly. I'd enjoy getting hold of her parents AND the coach, but not for sexual pleasure, just to participate in the punishment they justly and richly deserve.
And to the poster who made that stupid-ass glib remark about "lucky gut" and that she was a "cutie", I wonder what kind of danger you might pose to kids if that is your sincere sentiment. YES, 16 years old is a KID.

As hairyassguyuk points out, we don't really have the details of the case that might answer important questions about the actions of the coach, the parents, etc. Improper influence of an authority figure may well be an important issue here. But I assume that any actual violations of the laws of North Carolina have been or will be addressed.

But, as we consider the question of a girl marrying at 16 with parental consent, it is interesting that we are throwing around words like "backwards", "pedophile", and "molester." May I suggest that we tone down the irrational emotions and look at some facts.

Virtually ALL states allow marriage at the age of 16 with parental consent. (In four states, the age is 17.) In Florida and Texas, the age is 14. In Missouri, Georgia and Hawaii, it is 15.

Get ready for this hard40........in Mississippi, the age is 15 for females WITHOUT parental consent.......and there is NO LOWER AGE LIMIT with parental consent.

Seems like ALL the states are "backward" and that molestation of underaged females must be a national epidemic. And then there is the problem of those other countries, like Scotland for example, with different laws, customs, and cultures.

BTW, pedophilia is a medical and legal term which involves sexual attraction to PREpubescent children. It has nothing to do with 16 year olds. That said, molestation of underaged children is a terrible crime, much in the news lately, and one that is punishible under the laws of every state.

Unwarranted hysteria ABOUT pedophilia and child molestation, is unfortunately NOT punishible by law in any state.

From: Blow Up / Love Dolls by Danny

A friend of mine has one that I borrowed and fucked a couple of times. But it did not feel very realistic and, for masturbation, my own hand or a good hand held pussy substitute like a Fleshlight is better.

Expensive dolls probably have more realistic feeling pussies....and are sexier looking. But they can get very expensive.

From: Penis Pumps by Danny

I've had a penis pump for a long time. It's great fun watching and feeling your soft cock inflate like a ballon in the vacuum chamber. You can apply and release the vacuum in cycles as a jackoff procedure. After you've cum and gone soft, you can pump up another hardon immediately and hold it until you're ready to shoot another load.

I enjoy playing with my penis pump a lot.

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