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From: Dawnsplace by Frotboy

Dawn and Heather I deep throat.... left me empty 3 times a day for 5 years as a teen grin

From: Fleshlight Question by Frotboy


The most important link from the subreddit lol.

I'll be going for my 3rd fleshlight- destroya texture.

First I had was an simple tight canal with ribs, fucking amazing, then Tera Patrick, which was not quite as good. Destroya seems to be the best overall and I'll be buying an old-school tight w/ribs again anyway.

From: This site is no longer about masturbation, but about degrading women by Frotboy

A slut, whore, cumdumpster, pornstar etc. are all the things you would never want a family member or friend being called, more importantly we'd never want those statements to be true about them.

Where I can see mods getting extremely stressed is that a lot of the users in IRC (even myself) have very little idea about using commands to block people they find offensive, annoying or take preventative measures in chat.

Such as doing whois lookups (I've got myself covered with mibbit for a good gui), really handy when you can see the person who just pm'd you is in a pedo room, rape room, guro or the most evil of them all- gooners!!!!!!!!.

This lack of knowledge is probably responsible for hundreds of complaints over the month, when really, mods should just be dealing with your first example- malicious behavior or illegal behavior.

That Young Teen Ass post you mentioned probably should be deleted or at least be cleaned up. Just scrolled through the 1st page and one of the pics is watermarked primejaitbait, so eew.

From: Bex BBW by Frotboy


From: MYCIRCLE jerk off room by Frotboy

Umm, voice chat pls?

10/10 room otherwise!

From: Survey - masturbating to pictures or videos? by Frotboy

1% video/gyfy, 1% pics, 98% yo Mom!

From: Ava Addams by Frotboy

She was natural but definitely has implants these days, also, wtf she was preggo?

Umm, gonna have to find sum sauce on that one razz

Edit, yeah... attitude to match her bitch face. Excellent it gets sprayed with cum 2-3 times a week then!

From: Fleshlight Owners- Favorite Sleeve by Frotboy

Very well grin It's the 5 minute, 5 cent, 50 gram version of a Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit.

You cut out a piece of bubble wrap in a rectangle shape- about 1.5 times your dicks length and about 40cm wide.

Roll it once around your boner so you know the circumference of your dick. Say it's 30 bubbles around

The clever part now is to tape down the inner sleeve you've measured with a taper. So make the entry 32 bubbles around and the end 28 bubbles and tape it down ( tape should cover half smooth plastic and half bubble side).

Now you just roll it over until you run out of bubble wrap and tape down the length. Stick some tape over the narrow end to prevent spillage and run a piece of tape around the circumference of the base.

Now you have the equivalent of a FL STU that's disposable and requires no heating or washing. Just add two squirts of lube and a boner!

They last about 45 minutes under decent use.

You can add tape between outer layers of the sleeve to increase rigidity and usage time.

You could reverse the wrap if you wanted a smooth inner sleeve.

Also, when you cum, if you pull down hard enough you can pop bubbles. It's like your personal 21 gun salute!

Pro-tips: Get bubble wrap that has been packed well, I bought the cheapest I could find and I lost a lot of material to damaged end pieces.

Probably best to make the first couple of these while your not horny, then once you tweak it to the way that suits you- make a few in advance.

From: Fleshlight Owners- Favorite Sleeve by Frotboy

This and this with a squirt of this and when I'm done, it goes in this.

From: MYCIRCLE jerk off room by Frotboy

nice room

From: QVC UK - Italian Shapewear by Frotboy

Added to favs for later research! ty

From: MYCIRCLE jerk off room by Frotboy

I've noticed that chrome browser has problems with the mic settings, where you set the device in mycircles audio options chrome leaves the device drop down blank.

When I use microsoft's edge browser it shows me connected devices and let's me choose the mic device.

From: There are some weird people in the room now. by Frotboy

As a preamble- When it comes to private chat and pic swapping I'll pretty much post anything in a combination of female, sexy and naked. Sometimes I'll roleplay or it'll just be "hot" + "mmmmmm" or a genuine chat.

What I find weird are people who have a laser focus on one fetish or woman. It's like being in a bakery and watching someone buy a slice of white bread every second for an hour... All I want to do is grab the mixed pack of pastries and a Tiger loaf and jizz rainbows motherfucker !!

From: Sex robots - would you ? by Frotboy

1. Would you ?


2. Would you let a present/future partner know ?

Nope. Who cares about what toys you've used in the past.

3. Would you let a present/future partner join in ?

No, probably would prefer good'ol human/human sex tbh grin

4. Do you think society will still regard men using sex toys
(including robots) as failed weirdos whilst women using sex toys are "embracing their sexuality" ?

Women hate competition from other women as it is, just another target for them to project on without improving their desirability.

From: Cracked Penis Skin by Frotboy

Go to the doctor. Could be an infection or you just left soap under the foreskin.

If for some reason you can't get to a Doctor give it a rinse with warm, salty water.

Pat dry with a clean towel and put a dob of plain Coconut Oil or vaseline over the helmet and foreskin.

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