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From: Some more explanation of our little idiots here. by MeaManus

Fake quotes as result of mental helplessness.

From: Short explanation of PEDO scream by MeaManus

The nation, the state sets the conditions for the people. Hard work, low money, the daily hamster wheel, very limited individual success, permanent frustration. But the nationalist refuses to realize this. As for him his beloved nation is good and virgin in all cases. So the bad conditions must come from bad and dark powers outside or even inside the nation. Conspiracy theories are great fashion. The worst and darkest power is the pedophile for the nationalist. On the other side the victim: The pure, good, and innocent child, the hope of the nation. Maximum fall height. Everyone hates the pedophile. Soothing unity.

So our little stupid whom is no one interested in can imagine doing something for his beloved nation: Screaming alarm sirene. If there is a real pedo or not.

From: Some more explanation of our little idiots here. by MeaManus

The nation, the state sets the conditions for the people. Hard work, low money, the daily hamster wheel, very limited individual success, permanent frustration. But our little nationalists refuse to realize this. As for them their beloved nation is good and virgin in all cases. So the bad conditions must come from bad and dark powers outside or even inside the nation. Conspiracy theories are great fashion.

Homosexual is another thread, a dark power for the beloved nation. Means for the reproduction of the white, healthy nation.
It is funny when somebody is even called gayter or faggot after he explained his attraction to women.

All these things are result of profound stupidity

From: Short explanation of the insult CUNT by MeaManus

Fake quotes as result of final stupidity and helplessness.

From: Short explanation of the insults GAYTER and FAGGOT by MeaManus

The nation, the state sets the conditions for the people. Hard work, low money, the daily hamster wheel, very limited individual success, permanent frustration. But our little nationalists refuse to realize this. As for them their beloved nation is good and virgin in all cases. So the bad conditions must come from bad and dark powers outside or even inside the nation. Conspiracy theories are great fashion.

Homosexual is another thread, a dark power for the beloved nation. Means for the reproduction of the white, healthy nation.
It is funny when somebody is even called gayter or faggot after he explained his attraction to women.

All these things are result of profound stupidity

From: Short explanation of the insult CUNT by MeaManus

Mentally overwhelmed in terms of content of course. Overwhelmed with everything except foreskin up and down.

From: Some more explanation of our little idiots here. by MeaManus

Mentally overwhelmed in terms of content of course. Overwhelmed with everything except foreskin up and down.

From: Short explanation of the insult CUNT by MeaManus

This seems a little contradiction because our little retarded, lifelong exclusivity wankers using this would give everything to come only into the near of a real cunt once in their life. The insult is a mechanism of self protection. To endure the insoluble longing, they decide to despise the goal of longing. Dirty, immoral, the owning women inferior.

The porn sites serve watching material with the word destroy. For example 'Big cock destroys pussy'.

From: Some more explanation of our little idiots here. by MeaManus

They are ultimate losers. No perspective in their life except fake porn and a sad bucket filled with sperm.

This perspective makes them jealous and spitefull against the whole rest of people here, if those have a better perspective or not. The last, pathetic, little satisfaction of our little losers is to spit into any soup here. Rubbish, fake quotes, stupid insult as faggot or pedo.

From: Nice and funny: Foaming at their mouths, riotous in their wanking stalls. by MeaManus

Humourless and helpless.

From: Nice and funny: Foaming at their mouths, riotous in their wanking stalls. by MeaManus

It is fun to see how all our little underperformers now confirm ALL my statements again and again which I have made here the last days.

Out of any more ideas. Foaming at the mouths, riotous in their wanking stalls.

Beside this it seems to be possible again to post a serious question here. Thanks for the serious answers to mine and feel free to post your serious questions.

From: Who else has experience with female ejaculations or female squirting? by MeaManus

Helpless and humourless.

From: How many customers think that their sexworker gets aroused by their cock? by MeaManus

Helpless and humourless.

From: To the fake quotes by PEDO screamer Rodsmum and other idiots here by MeaManus

Humourless and helpless.

From: To the capitol letters our little idiots use permanently by MeaManus

Helpless and humourless.

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