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From: Erotic fiction by jerka20aus

Hey all,

I've written a few short erotic stories. If anyone wants to read them and give their opinion that'd be awesome.
Here's the links.



From: Track your jacking 2015 by jerka20aus

Haven't been on for a few days but it seems a few people are taking my lead and doing a much better job of it than me.

I don't know how many each day but since my last post i've jacked 9 more times.
So i'm up to 24.

I should probably keep a daily track myself.

From: Track your jacking 2015 by jerka20aus

Got up to 15 by the end of yesterday. Will be another 2 to cum today

From: Track your jacking 2015 by jerka20aus

Thanks guys now I feel like the freak I'm well behind both of you.
Added another 2 yesterday and so far 1 today to 12.
Plus 5 loads with bf.
Will end the day with 2 more at least

From: Track your jacking 2015 by jerka20aus

The first 5 days of the new year i jacked out quick loads in the shower. One each day.
Since then I've jacked 4 more times, 2 at the computer, once in bed and one in the car when I arrived early to an appointment.

So it's the 10th (here in Aus) and I'm up to 9 times.

From: Track your jacking 2015 by jerka20aus

Hi all,

I meant to do this last year but things got away from me.
I'm going to attempt to keep track of how many times I jack off this year.
I'll comment here regularly to keep track of the numbers, maybe include some info on things like where, when, inspiration etc.
Feel free to join in.

From: Who taught you how to masturbate? by jerka20aus

I'm so jealous of everyone who had a buddy or a big brother as a teacher. I never did, just picked it up myself at about age 12.

From: Jerk off race by jerka20aus

Depending on when u start the timer i'm pretty sure i've blown in less than a minute before.
A mate and i used to race occasionally, never in person usually via text one would text 'i'm gonna sank' other would say 'ready, set, go' and we'd each beat furiously and text the other when we're done
even tho i didn't see anything it was hot knowing my mate with a big dick was jerking off right when i was (i always won tho)
closest we got to doing it in person was when we were standing in a parking lot either side of my car, back to back, i heard him grunt when he came, hot stuff

From: which hand do you use?? by jerka20aus

when i first did it i started with left. then changed to right somewhere along the line.
when on computer i jerk with right till i'm close then take my hand off it and type two handed to get away from the edge and make it last, works for me

From: Publicly admitting masturbation by jerka20aus

i'm open with friends. guys only but if i'm online and they chat i'll say, sorry mate i'm wanking wanna chat later?
or i'll tell them when i last wanked, i'll be as open as the other guy lets me
but not quite at the level of talking it to strangers tho (unless her anonymously)

From: Universal Signsl by jerka20aus

sounds hot, i needed a quick jerk in a public toilet last night and wanted to be able to signify i wanted company. white hankie would've been handy. i'd walk round with one out all the time

From: Birthday Sex by jerka20aus

On my birthday morning my bf, cuddles up to me big spoon-style, has a handful of lube and gives me a long hand job, he knows it's my favorite thing he does so he makes it last for my special day.

On his birthday i lie him back and suck his dick for as long as he wants, when he decides he wants to cum i finger his arse to get him off.

Both those things are our favorites. But that's just the morning. Birthday fucking happens that night too.

From: Melbourne Masturbation by jerka20aus

Never been but thought about it. would love to see other guys jerking of while we're all watching.

From: Tall Guys=Big Dicks???? by jerka20aus

I knew two guys at school who were the same height roughly and similar build.
One was very proud to show off his 10" tool, the other was just as arrogant but not so proud of the 5" he kept hidden in his pants.

From: late because you masturbate? by jerka20aus

dewdrop25 said:
I must admit that ever since I began edging my cock the days of the quick nutt has long passed. Now don't get me wrong there are times when the vid is so hot that I can't help from busting quick but I love to prolong my jerk time and sometimes it has caused me to be late to work I will admit but only like 5 min at the most. I adore my jerk time and I love porn!

I'm with you mate. I used to just go the quick jerk then move on but damn a good edge is too hard to leave. Never been late but made it bloody close.

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