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From: For us married buds, is having a Jo bud or jacking on phone cheating? by jobudcali

Yes, any deception is of course cheating. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it or even feel bad about it. But you should at least own up to what you're doing. If you feel the need to lie to yourself about it, you probably shouldn't do it.

From: Bill Cosby by jobudcali

None of these women coming out now have come after Bill Cosby for money. There is no evidence whatsoever that they are gold diggers. They have nothing to gain from this. It makes total sense they would wait this long - they were afraid and ashamed when it happened, and felt no one would believe them against the great Bill Cosby. But now the allegations are coming out and they're finding the strength to finally give the alleged crimes against them a voice.

From: . by jobudcali

on what planet is that dude nerdy?

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