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From: hotel jerking by micbimbo

dandanson said:
I love jacking in hotel rooms, there's nothing more fun. I usually save up for a few days and then go at it for hours. I always bring along a couple of ass toys with me and a cord so I can watch porn on the TV screen. Still waiting to hook up with a bud while I'm out.

It's always pretty foggy the next day.

I enjoy doing the same. I get a nice quiet, big room - queen bed or 2 doubles. Hook the laptop up to wifi and start the porn. TV onto pay-per-view hotties. Edge for hours...

420 and favours ocasionally, lots of KY jelly and my fleshlight, headphones and some pumping tunes to Bate out with. lots of porn...

From: Who is into mic or phone with a buddy when strokin? Survey by micbimbo

jayoff00 said:
Love being on mic with a good jerk bud and stroking to pictures of hot girls. It's always great to moan and groan and pop to the same girl together.

hell yeah man. Enjoy bustin a nut together to some hottie...

From: Best lotion? by micbimbo

I so enjoy the Shoppers Drug Mart brand of KY jelly.

Feels so good on my cock. And its 3 dollars cheaper than KY here.

I always stroke with lube, feels so good...

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