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From: butt plug for walking around? by philgr1

I just bought my first but plug. Actually it's the first time i ventured in a sex shop (!). Sitting with it up my ass, super nervous waiting for my wife to return, she has promised sex today. Every movement tickles me up there. My dick hard and drooling but i mustn't jerk off. The plug s too small for keeping it in place while doing chores, but now i know...

From: Have you ever tried to suck your own cock? by philgr1

Was never flexible enough for this stunt, but over the years this idea has given me some of the hottest erotic dreams.

From: Do you need porn to JO? by philgr1

I have stopped using porn, because it made me need bigger doses of stimulation to get off, stiffled my fantasy and gave me a hard time finishing in my wife without exhausting her and myself too. And when looking at porn I would get off too quickly. I do miss porn but in the long run it becomes too much of a need.

From: He said I don't jackoff by philgr1

It's like the No Fap movement. A constant battle against nature. Not masturbating IS perverse, unless there is some health issue involved.

From: The cum thought by philgr1

Every time a different fantasy. The other day I was thinking I'm pants down in a corner of my underground train wanking while a stranger, one of those handsome beautiful young men, is looking at me from across.

From: How often do you THINK ABOUT IT? by philgr1

Constantly. It is my default state of mind. Unless i am distracted by work or my other businesses. And even then, I sometimes feel unable to switch to anything else

From: Cumming vs cumming inside by philgr1

It is quite different and I need both. So we have sex all the way, then sometimes she will masturbate me or watch me or let me hump her thigh. I also never quit jerking off by myself. BUT, cumming inside gives such a feeling of complicity, of fulfillment, it will always be my no 1 choice

From: Finding cum gross by philgr1

It's all in the mind. I used like many to fantasise of licking it then when cumming lost all urge and felt it was disgusting. Then I found myself in a very upsetting sexually hyperdrive period and just tried it. I've been doing it since and guess what? It s nice but not a fantasy any more.

From: What do you guys think about NoFap? by philgr1

I asked that question too, some time ago. For me it is absurd. Although restraining yourself for a while may make for better orgasms later, doing it for longer periods goes against nature. It is self-maltreatment.

From: Sniffing Panties by philgr1

Well, I like sniffing my own underwear. Does that count; smile

From: Alone at the office by philgr1

One of those few days when I'm alone at work, due to a strike. I have been surfing here on JC all morning, I'm hard and horny. I think I'll end up cumming in my pants, as I haven't since years now.

From: Husbands; how's your love live? by philgr1

I masturbate lets say 30 times a month. At least daily, often 2 times, sometimes 3. I back down when WE approaches, to build up, because we have sex once a week. In between she may give me a handjob or two. No blow jobs unfortunately.
These are our current stats. Until a few months ago it was 0 everywhere, except for wanking, which was also less frequent, but these were bad years and I prefer to forget them. So you may say that today I'm a happy man again.

From: Have any of you guys ever faked an orgasm during sex? by philgr1

I also sometimes take too long to cum and my wife gets tired, so then we finish it with a handjob or frot. What I dont get is how on earth a guy who fakes orgasm can then feel satisfied and relieved. I can be terribly tired, to the point of losing my erection after one hour of trying to cum, and still not wanting to stop. The frustration of not cumming is terrible and can keep me awake for the night. The cock may seem relaxed but my underbelly inside remains on fire. So, how on earth does it make a man feel good to fake an orgasm?

From: Bisexual by philgr1

Blowing a twink, kissing him while he's fingering my cock and ass, fucking him while jerking him to ecstasy.

From: Some days I'm SO glad I masturbated by philgr1

Wanker78 said:
I must wank at least once a day otherwise I get very irritated and cannot concentrate. A good cum sorts me out (although two is good and three even better) strokestrokestroke

Wife and kids going their way this morning, i'm preparing to jo so that i will be able afterwards to concentrate om my work. When I dont do it it's because i expect to have sex later on. But when then sex is postponed or not coming at all, i get really nervous and miserable. I can't take my thoughts away from it and her, and cannot then jerk off without feeling i'm .... a jerk. It feels like banging your head on a dead end wall. You get what i mean?

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