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barefoot_preppie Novice Jackinchatter

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40 year old heterosexual from Connecticut
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Just what purpose does it serve? I heard it keeps you hard because it stops blood from escaping. So if I want to fuck for hours, should I use one?
I love stroking my cock as much as I hate wearing shoes!
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They work as advertised. It seems to work better for me if I put one around both the cock and balls rather than just the cock.

I will say, when I was your age such assists were never required.
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condomjacker Novice Jackinchatter

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Besides keeping you "up" longer - they can be helpful if you use lube insided a condom - keeps them nicely in place.
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I have never needed one and am quite afraid of them (what if you cant get it off and panic, all that), but would suggest if you use one to BE CAREFUL!!
Sometimes I wish they'd invent the opposite of a cock ring, something that would keep my rod from ripping pair after pair of pants! LOL!
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Hey barefoot_preppie,

I'm so glad you brought up this topic and I hope many members will respond.
I've been using a variety of cock rings for over 10 years and wouldn't be without them. There are a number of reasons, but primarily they feel very good when jackin and fuckin and even just going about your regular day. A few of my reasons are:

A ring around my cock shaft and balls keep my balls nice and tight and swinging about and make me always aware that my "pal" is always straped in for action.
A ring around my ballsack only does essentially the same thing...keeps em tight, firm, swingin about and always in the back of my mind. (I wear no underwear and usually loose-fitting pants or shorts).
Rings around my cock shaft keep a nice tight grip on my blood-filled member and add to the sensation of a "grasp" around my shaft. Again, great for jackin as well as fuckin. Not easy to say if they help keep you hard or not, theory being that blood flows into your penis via vessels deeper inside and then back out of your penis (thus going soft) more toward the surface skin or outside. The ring around the shaft may keep blood from flowing back out and keep your dick engorged. The theory seems to work for me, especially when I have properly fitted rings and an especially "raging" hardon. It feels like my hard cock might explode from no release, and that feeling alone makes for longer fuck time and edging time.
Individual rings around each ball (sometimes in use with shaft alone or shaft and ballsack) are an extra sensation making your nuts really sensitive to your partners grasp and squeeze or the feeling of them bound and jiggling as you thrust or jack.
When I have a hardon and especially before I ejaculate, without rings, my balls draw up inside and nearly disappear. With the rings, they stay out and are easy for my partner or me to squeeze before, during and after my ejaculation. My cums with rings on are expecially good.

Bottom line, get some rings to fit all those private parts and give em a try. Don't pay the price at an adult shop, just go to a good hardware store and get some black rubber "O" rings (plumbing) and brass/steel rings (reg hardware) of various sizes (for me 1 in. up to 1 3/4 in. inside diameter). Rings are about 1/8 - 3/16th in thickness. Have fun playing with them and jack or fuck your brains out!

One more note, I shave my balls and cock shaft, leaving the rest of pubes to trim. Makes the rings go on and off a little easier without having to mess with hair.

Anyone want to comment or ask more, fire away. And check out some of my pics at my yahoo profile linked at my jackinchat profile page. Ring pics are there.

Stoke on!!

Jack N
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randydave Novice Jackinchatter

83 posts since 2006-09-05
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I will be 43 in October, I have used cock rings or other substitutes for them for about 30 years. As soon as I started masturubating to orgasm I started tying up my cock and balls with a shoestring just for fun and pleasure. I liked the increased swell and intense feeling.

I must say the point of a cock ring should NEVER be to cut off blood flow! That is a quick way to permanent damage! The ring or other device should SLOW the flow and never stop it. I suggest anyone who wants to try a cockring should use a soft cord or the snapping leather type of rings you can get at sex shops. I am wearing a leather ring as I type this, I wear one about all the time. I have never been a big fan of metal rings, they look cool but would be very difficult to get off your cock in a hurry if you were very hard, especially if you wear around cock and balls. The rubber o-rings can be cut in an emergency I guess, but I don't want anything sharp in that area.

One thing I liked about wearing a leather ring when younger was as a late teen and early 20's I was openly bi and found both men and women I dated liked to 'get a closer look' at my leather ring! I sure do like a friend getting a closer look down there! I also admit I snapped several of these rings on JO buddies over the years to teach them the pleasure and, well now that I helped you out a bit it is your turn...lol!

I am not an expert on cockrings and please always be careful. I have extensive experience personally with CBT (cock and ball torture) and have posted pics of my activites with rings and various weight devices. The pics may be unsettling to some but I will try to include a link here. If you don't want to see gay oriented material please don't use the link. I am randydave at newboynudes.com (free site, requires registration). I have over 300 pics posted, you may have to dig to see ring and weight pics. http://www.newboynudes.com/Photos/default.asp?AT=U&PC=TODAY&SB=randydave&MyAction=+GO+&OB=D

If the link doesn't work and you want to see pics send me a PM and I will try to respond.
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Good Points by randydave,

Yes, blood flow should NOT be cut off, just slowed down. And, also, you must never have rings so tight they would prevent an ejaculation....very serious, here, and a very bad thing to do to your dick and your ball plumbing.
So,practice with the right sizes for your parts. I apply rings when soft or just getting hard, and I know that I can get them (metal or rubber) off after I get soft following a hardon. Often just applying the rings will get me hard. And I may have to go soft again before getting them off easily. Of course, plenty of lube would help if you seem to be having a problem. I just don't want anyone to have to fear running out with a hard dick looking for a bolt cutter!
I actually do like metal rings sometimes simply for the extra weight around cock and balls.
Oh, and when fucking with rings, some partners may or may not like shaft rings or a hard metal ring. Softer, more flexible black rubber "O" rings may feel more comfortable when you drive em home.
Have fun and be ring safe.

Jack N
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
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They should not be left on for longer than 30 minutes for risk of tissue damage.
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Anna, thank you for making that point. You are absolutely right! This is especially true with a tight ring. If I want to wear a ring for an extended period of time, either for lengthy edging or a long fuck session, I wear a looser fitting (even when I have a raging hardon) rubber one or a stretchy one (like for tying hair back). Also, this helps prevent chafing.

Jack N
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the point is that it feels really good
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I love cockring

they are sexy and my cock looks bigger and harder...


it makes me shoot further!
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Is there such thing as a cock ring that will actually help stimulate her clit when having sex?
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Cock rings are uncomfortable I don't know how anybody puts up with them
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Danny Skilled Jackinchatter

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I've never used rings....but the idea of having something to keep my balls prominent and accessible during sex sounds great. My ball sac pulls them up into my body and they are pretty much out of sight as I approach orgasm.
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Danny, You should give cockrings a try. Like I wrote above, I have the same situation where my balls pull up into my body when I approach orgasm. A ring around either your cock and balls or your balls alone, will keep those puppies out where you acn feel em swingin or your partner or you can grab em and squeeze em when you cum. Let me (us) know if you try this. Have fun.
Jack N
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