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jon_1212 Novice Jackinchatter

68 posts since 2012-03-28
37 year old heterosexual from Bournemouth / Southampton
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Hi guys and gals. Is anyone else fed up with hearing women called sluts / whores / bitches etc just because they like sex?

You hear it all the time, in the real world and in porn.

I enjoy watching porn where women have sex with 2 guys at once. However, I don't think of the woman involved as a slut or a whore. All I see is a woman enjoying sex, and it's the kind of sex I want to watch (and fantasise about having for myself).

A woman who enjoys sex, especially the kind of sex I myself would like to be involved in, is a wonderful, wild, goddess to me. Not trash.

Guys, a woman is entitled to enjoy the same things as you and be treated in the same way and with the same respect. Show a little love for the ladies, and treat them with respect for being awesome enough to have the sex they want even when so many guys (and gals) will call them sluts and whores for it.

There's no such thing as a slut or a whore. Just women who like having sex. There aren't abusive names for guys who enjoy lots of sex, and there shouldn't be for women either.

These words are outdated. It should be clear to us all by now that sex is something we all enjoy, and can all be free to enjoy. Drop these words from your vocabulary now!!!

If you feel the same way, drop a line on this thread! Let's get some support for this idea and make it more widely heard.
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I have never considered "slut" to be a pejorative term. To me, a "slut" is anyone who likes sex for its own sake, and seeks it out on their own terms, for the sheer pleasure of it. I aspire to sluttiness myself, and I seek the company of others who are on the same path.

Hooray for sluts!
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I agree with you friendlyfun, however I also agree with Jon insofar as when the term is used in porn, too frequently the users/recipients haven't thought hard enough about why they're using it or what it means. Slut can be an arousing term but it is over-used.

friendlyfun50s said:
I have never considered "slut" to be a pejorative term. To me, a "slut" is anyone who likes sex for its own sake, and seeks it out on their own terms, for the sheer pleasure of it. I aspire to sluttiness myself, and I seek the company of others who are on the same path.

Hooray for sluts!
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bigarseluvr said:
I agree with you friendlyfun, however I also agree with Jon insofar as when the term is used in porn, too frequently the users/recipients haven't thought hard enough about why they're using it or what it means. Slut can be an arousing term but it is over-used.

Well, I understand, of course, but I attribute that to the factory assembly line quality of modern professional porn. Modern professional porn overdoes everything and has no feeling for real eroticism. Everyone is just going through the motions, like robots. I can't watch it. My interest in pro porn ended in the mid-80s. Still like modern amateur, when the people are genuinely aroused and, yes, slutty!
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phiilip Professional Jackinchatter

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I agree with this. I prefer to watch amateur porn where the 'stars' are real people indulging in real sex for its own sake and the use of the term slut refers to their unashamed indulgence in sexual activity in all its forms.
I certainly don't think of it as degrading in anyway.

I have had sexual encouters with many men over the years and consider myself a slut.

Interesting debate though and I'd love to hear what our female friends think.

friendlyfun50s said:
Well, modern professional porn overdoes everything and has no feeling for real eroticism. I can't watch it. My interest in pro porn ended in the mid-80s. Still like modern amateur, when the people are genuinely aroused and, yes, slutty!
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friendlyfun50s said:
Well, I understand, of course, but I attribute that to the factory assembly line quality of modern professional porn. Modern professional porn overdoes everything and has no feeling for real eroticism. Everyone is just going through the motions, like robots. I can't watch it. My interest in pro porn ended in the mid-80s. Still like modern amateur, when the people are genuinely aroused and, yes, slutty!

I wouldn't call a woman a slut or a whore in real life because I know that those words are intended to demean women. However, I take a different view on porn. I see porn as fiction and a means for sexual release. To think that the things you see in porn happen in real life is crazy. For me porn is about power. Hearing a woman called a slut/whore/bitch/cunt is a great way of making it clear that she's subservient. If I was bi/gay I'm sure I'd get off on hearing men treated the same.
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i find it amazing that a guy can call a women who enjoys sex a slut!
women like that are essential.
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AlanAlan Amateur Jackinchatter

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Ok, so if a gal in a porn is having sex the way the OP likes, then he is offended with the name calling? Also, why does the OP make the assumtion that the chick in the porn is enjoying the sex act that she is getting paid to perform?? Granted, just because she is getting paid does not therefore mean she isn't enjoying it, but to assume that because she is getting fucked by two guys she must be enjoying it.

Either way, these gals that we all love so much are whores, sluts, sleezes, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love as much as the next guy, but a chick that fucks for money is a whore. Having said that, in the real world there can be different rules for different sides of the bedroom door. Meaning, a lot of women enjoy the "dirty talk" in the bedroom including calling them a whore or a slut or whatever; just fantasy stuff. But don't evey to be stupid enough to violate her trust and confuse the real world rules with the fantasy rules. In short, don't call her a whore and actually every mean it.

Sounds like somebody is taking their porn a little to personal.
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Use of these words is a total turn off for me and it is of course totally unfair and uncalled for. The sub-text is humiliation and of course if that's consensual, fine. If not, best to keep this stuff off the page/screen.
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Friendly fun you should check out some sweet gonzo porn like 90's Seymore Butts anything by John Stagianno with Christy Lynn or whatever her name is if you can still find her. I bet Seymore Butts current gonzo porn is still excellent.
as far as calling a woman a whore or slut when boys or girls say it behind their back they are fuming backstabbers! However in the bed room or when men and women are having hot consensual hot sex and they are using the words fuck, cum, cock, cunt.....with pleasure and it makes the sex hotter if the woman gets more turned on by being called a slut whore dirty girl slutty cocker bitch.... That's totally sexy as all fuck especially if the woman can call their man anything she wants and it makes the sex hotter for both of them.
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Bethany33 Novice Jackinchatter

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I am a slut. I fuck like a whole and I can be a real bitch if I haven't gotten laid recently....what's the problem?
An orgasm is a terrible thing to waste
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Bethany33 - I love you already! Come and live in England! xxx
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thumbper384 Amateur Jackinchatter

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Aside from the technical whore=hooker=someone who is paid to have sex, I tend to reserve those terms for women who sleep with a bunch of different guys while under the pretense of being in a monogamous relationship. It has less to do with the number of people they're having sex with, and more to do with lies and cheating. If the relationship is an open one and both parties are careful, comfortable, and in agreement, then I really can't fault a girl for enjoying herself. I can only hope I run into her a to a party somewhere.
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I agree. It is so ignorant to put a woman down for wanting to enjoy sex as much as guys do.
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jon_1212 Novice Jackinchatter

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Words from a true industry veteran, Jenna Jameson, in her autobiography How to Make Love Like a Pornstar: A Cautionary Tale:

“Most girls get their first experience in gonzo films - in which they're taken to a crappy studio apartment in Mission Hills and penetrated in every hole possible by some abusive asshole who thinks her name is Bitch.” (Pg. 132)

“When they were finally ready to shoot, J.B. came into the makeup room and ordered: ‘Get your whore ass on set and do what you do best.’ He had just used the wrong word. I ran after him in a Tasmanian Devil frenzy. The crew had to pull us apart. It was late and my nerves were frayed, but nonetheless J.B. was out of line. And I was right: they were wasting time arguing about the lighting. When he left, I collapsed in my makeup chair and started crying.” (Pgs. 453-454)

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