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I don't know about other guys, but I think if I were not married, I'd probably sit at home and stroke my cock to porn all day and night.

I even pull over on the side of the road at night when heading home after work and jack off to some porn on my mobile phone.

I guess I'm a jerkaholic :-)
I used to masturbate together with my ex wife watching porn. That was awesome. But times change and my current wife is totally against porn :-(

But I continue to jerk off anytime I'm home alone. Even sometimes I'll go in the office downstairs and quietly watch some porn and jack off.

Just thought bid share that :-) I have never had a buddy, but might be willing to try it if I found someone on the south side of Brisbane that was very discrete. Watching good porn and jacking off should be a paid job. Then I'd be in heaven :-)

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joed Skilled Jackinchatter

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I like your post. I am in a similar situation. My wife and I have always enjoyed a good fuck, but I need more, a lot more. She knows that I jack off and is not really happy about it because she wants me to "save myself for her" exclusively, but that is not going to happen. So, if I were not married, I would likely be watching porn and jacking all the time! So, I guess it's time to look at some more porn!
Nicknames: Freestyler
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bicurjo Novice Jackinchatter

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i like your post! sad that we can't do what we always have without disapproval and/or judgement by our wives?

i jerk off every day. my wife knows but has no clue of the extent. think she'd be highly pissed off is she did.
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Chiefiepa Amateur Jackinchatter

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Hey same here stroke a lot and wife would shit if she knew..this thread has me doing it again
Married and luv stroking to sexy pics!
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willowboy Amateur Jackinchatter

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I must be one of the lucky ones (and older), as my wife goes along with me wanking and in a kinds way helps .. but is not keen for too much fucking
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bigpete Amateur Jackinchatter

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been married several years wife would cut mine off if she knew how much I jerked off, but whats funny is when your alone at home, like now, and some one lese walkes in on you and you don't know it till they speak up and ask what your doing
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FLGuy Novice Jackinchatter

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Let me give you both some advice that has served me well. Your the man in the relationship, the Alpha. Take charge, dont let them bust your balls. If she doesnt like it that you jerk off, then she isnt doing her wifely duties to take care of you. If your wife was horny ,would you not come running to "Tap that and take care of her" why doesnt she you?

Lastly, a mans home is his castle, and call this old fashioned, but its perfectly acceptable for a guy to jerk off if he wants. Now.. If his wife doesnt like porn and feels you should be saving yourself for her. Tough shit, your the man, your balls are your property, not hers.

Now, absolutely nothing against your lovely wives! Nor women in general, its just Im sick of this laughable story of women who try to break their men down with their "oh.. but i dont like that.."

Let me give you a demo of what it would be like with me and my wife, I'm engaged btw) and btw, this is just a hypothetical, I will be marrying a loving submissive woman who knows her place, but this just a general idea of what might go down if she pulled this shit.

Example A:

Wife: I don't like (want) you jerking off, its supposed to be special, your supposed to save yourself for me.

Me: Its my body, you do not own it or nor have any right to tell me what I can do to or with it. Haven't women been fighting forever to have the right to do with their own bodies as they please? Wasnt that an abortion clain? Don't be the double standard here woman. Now you know I love you deeply, but your not the man in the relationship, and bitching at me and claiming ownership of me makes me no less than a slave, and I wont put up with that shit.

Example B:

Wife: I don't like it when you watch porn, and I dont want it anywhere in this relationship (or my house).

Me: I respect your personal preferences, however your not respecting my desires nor fullfilling them to my satisfaction, so lets compromise. I am going to watch porn anytime I want, and when I am good and ready to, I will jack off to it. You dont want to share the experience with me, then thats fine, I wish you would though, because it would bring us closer together. However you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do.

Now to all the men out their, fuck your wives if they "shit if they knew". Fuck em, its not their bodies, and men are becoming submissive just to avoid fights or angry wives. Sean connery used to smack his wife, you know why? TO cease their bullshit. To make the point. He's scottish, so i'm sure its commonplace back in his day.

Women dont seem to get their place in this day and age, and while women should show a man more respect than it seems they have many of you, your doing your job well to give them the respect, love and compassion they desire and need.

Women should be respected, and to any female member of JC, I am by no means a woman hater, I am just sick and tired of women thinking their the fucking cornerstone of the relationship, that their demands are all that matter. I am not marrying a woman like that, I am going to cherish, love, adore, and spoil her rotten. Do you know why? Because she's fuckign rare. She keeps her mouth shut, we share every interest, and she knows how to behave. If I want to wear a latex speedo with my cock hanging through a hole in front, she will be the first one to drool abit and convince me to let her take care of it. SHE'S A FUCKING GODDESS. lol

I respect all women, but I have no tollerance for most that act in such ways as described in this forum.

I love women, they are to be respected and provided for, but I will not stand while my brotheren are abused like this!

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hotwad69 Novice Jackinchatter

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calsonic125 said:
I don't know about other guys, but I think if I were not married, I'd probably sit at home and stroke my cock to porn all day and night. watching porn. That was awesome. But times change and my current wife is totally against porn :-(

As a married man, if it weren't for jacking off, I'd be the most depressed, anxious person on the planet. I need to cum several times a week.

Cute wife, good sex (when we have it). Typical situation and de-evolution:

Dating: Sex constantly.
Years 1 -5: Regular sex.
Years 6 - 10: Not as frequently.
Years 10 -14: Sometimes once a week, usually bi-weekly.

Happy, don't get me wrong, but women are not wired like men. I need to watch that hot white cum spurt from my throbbing purple rager as frequently as possible.
Let's edge for her on mic... all night
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married83 Novice Jackinchatter

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My wife knows I JO sometimes but not really how much I actually do it. I think it's one of those things she doesn't ask about and I don't talk to her about. I'm just careful not to leave porn on my browser or cum rags on the floor. It's an unspoken understanding (or so I've convinced myself). After all I'm only JO not running around with other women! Men are definitely wired differently than women and we need this release or we'd go nuts!
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Unregistered ?

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[quote=calsonic125]I don't know about other guys, but I think if I were not married, I'd probably sit at home and stroke my cock to porn all day and night.

you are correct, that's what I do each day. I jack off daily and watch porn frequently. you said it, sit at home and jack off all day, its what I do each weekend. no gf/wife means lots of jacking off. luv it. wink
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w_ankah Amateur Jackinchatter

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Mine knows how much I jack off and is happy to know about it. I dont think I could live in a relationship where I was not allowed to satisfy my needs.
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sureshoot Professional Jackinchatter

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I'm married and have sex with my wife about once a week. I JO about 2 times a week. If I had more private time I would be JO 2 or 3 times a day.
Love to JO to porn
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mountainchef Amateur Jackinchatter

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read all the posts. Seems we are doing the same thing. I am curious to know what would happen if we asked our wives to join us. I have been married for 32 years. We have been separated for a couple of years. The only sex I have is stroking
looking for a women to play with.
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Unregistered ?

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I would be jerking all the time of not married and also likely getting in to kinkier stuff than I am now...
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MistressT Novice Jackinchatter

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I really feel sorry for FLGuy's fiance.
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