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kungfu40 Amateur Jackinchatter

411 posts since 2007-10-27
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Oh, and also, when my wife finally wanted sex, she didn't want any foreplay: she just wanted me to go right to her clit.

Maybe I'm a reverse stereotype, but considering the 7 straight years of denial / rejection, it might help me believe you're really interested if you touch me, hold me, kiss me, say something encouraging! That did nothing to help me feel wanted.

I'd suggest you tell your wife that you don't need Viagra, you just need her to convince you she really wants it. The burden should be on her to get you hard.

Easy for me to say, of course, as I'm already getting divorced. But I'll sure never put up with that bullshit again!

I'm trying not to let my experience destroy my ability to trust a woman, but I am going to need one hell of a lot of proof that a woman actually might enjoy having my cock in her pussy!
Whatever gets your rocks off!
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Bogey58 Professional Jackinchatter

1062 posts since 2007-12-29
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"Sexless Marriage"
That is an redundancy.
Meaning of life= Suck cock, swallow sperm.
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I have been in a sexless marriage since my youngest was about 13 - he is now 25.

When I was young and single, I use to jackoff a lot by myself and with friends and always enjoyed it, but felt it was to gay and that this feeling would go away if I ever got married.

Sure enough, when I got married we were fucking like rabbits and I never had the desire to jack off with another guy - however I would jack by myself during her period which was fine because I did not want to deal with the mess.

But with the lack of sex and the ease of the internet, I have found that I would much rather jackoff with another guy than try to have sex with my wife - and like several other posts, about 8 years ago, I had the chance to fuck and could not keep it up - even with viagra. Have no problem with another guy keeping hard.

I still love my wife and she is a wonderful woman, so divorce is not even something I would think of, but I will keep playing with other guys - besides we know how each other is feeling when we are coming or being played with.
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I went through a period without sex after the birth of our second child, it seemed to go on and on and as I have a higher sex drive than her it probably seemed longer than it was. I understand that after giving birth women don't want sex but six months seemed a bit too long, I was patient with her and jacked off a lot but missed sex. I brought up the subject of sex one night and it ended in an almighty argument where she asked if I wanted her to just have sex wether she wanted to or not, I did want her to want to have sex and not just give me a pity fuck. A week after this argument things looked pretty bleak and we were hardly talking, I though maybe it was over and I should go, I questioned wether it was my fault and even if she was having an affair. I went to work at the weekend and when I got home I walked up to bed and she was lay there in lingerie waiting. We had amazing sex and after we sat talking through things. Her low sex drive and a fear of getting pregnant were issues ai was her dislike of condoms and mistrust of the pill. After a bit of research she had a coil fitted and ten years later things in the bedroom are better than ever, but it could have easily gone the other way and led to a split, it turns out she had spoken to a friend who had encouraged her to move past her fears or it would end the relationship.
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Creamaster Professional Jackinchatter

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jerk247 said:
any guys out there who aren't bothered their wives know how much they jack off and watch porn?

I'm not bothered if she's not bothered.
Do you crave big balls?
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Unregistered ?

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I'm with scottntx on this. its not that my wife of 29 years refuses sex, I still do her a few times a month. Its that she's lost all interest in it, and she was never that enthusiastic about it when we were young. She lays there like an inert mass waiting for me to mount her and doesn't put any effort into at least faking that she's enjoying it. As far as I know she hasn't had an orgasm in decades (if ever). And you can forget about her giving oral or even a hand job to get me up. The only reason she spreads her legs for me in the first place is she considers it her religious "duty" to provide me a minimal outlet, but then complains about having to clean herself up afterwords.

I've tried the usual inducements like fingering her pussy and giving oral (her smell has gotten a lot worse through the years!), taking her to romantic dinners, buy her presents, talking to her about it and getting counseling, etc. Nothing has worked. She has also let herself go physically and is approaching 270 lbs, which makes a fantasy life impossible. About 7 years ago I threatened to go elsewhere for sex if she didn't change her attitude and she said she wouldn't mind if I got relief elsewhere as long as I swore on her bible that I'd use a condom and never embarrass her or the kids by being caught in a scandal. For a variety of reasons having to do with family and church commitments, divorce is not an option.

For a few years through Craigslist I had a couple of affairs and hooked up with women when on business trips for one-night stands. But that can get expensive as most women expect to be wined and dined before putting out.

I find it a lot easier to play with other guys. There's a secluded heavily wooded park across town that I go over lunch where, way in the back, guys hang out looking for encounters like circle jerks and giving/getting blowjobs. A few guys like to take it up their ass, but I haven't done that (yet!). As far as I know cops have never bothered the place, but you do have to be careful at first with strangers. There's about 20-25 regulars that frequent the place.

I have discovered I get turned on watching a guy blow out a big jet of jizz while I stroke mine to completion. I also like the variety of cock sizes, shapes, and semen loads of different men. I found out that I'm fairly well endowed compared to most guys and I enjoy having men play with mine without asking just by taking it out of my pants with it semi-hard.
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ilsatyr63 Skilled Jackinchatter

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Dave J, your story sounds like i wrote it, except my wife exercises and has kept her weight down, in fact is kinda pretty; but everything else including the religion is the same. If I had to do it all over again, I would have married a whore. Still I love her, so what do you do?
Viva la 69; I'll suck yours while you suck mine!
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itfeelsgood Novice Jackinchatter

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I had rather jack-off than fuck my wife and I am sure that is what she like too
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Haven't had any sexual contact with anyone in over a decade. I'm not sure why we have no sex, we just don't. We are great friends, but just never have sex, kiss or anything else.

I am so depressed at this point. I can't imagine the point in going on. Truthfully, at this point, I've repressed my sexual disires so deeply that I don't even realize they are my own when they happen.

No woman would ever be interested in me and I've not gotten any signals like that in ages. I'm not unattractive, run 20 miles a week, in perfect health and financially ok, but still my sexlessness must be completely obvious.

Chatting online is the only sexual outlet I have, and even then it's not all that satisfying,

I don't really understand the point anymore.

YIM dandanson74
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smokinlilsmiley Amateur Jackinchatter

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I'm in one but I still got my hand
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Hard4fun Novice Jackinchatter

12 posts since 2014-10-18
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Not entirely, but not as often as I would like.

I really enjoy the wanking scene as a result. Get very turned on with topics here and play on Skype etc. also love phone chat while playing.

Had a family friend, female, who was a real turn on. She knew and we had a few close encounters. She actually played with herself while we chatted on the phone. The only problem was I was at work and could not play along. Quick toilet visit post call. We had one car session and she let me play with her. I finished wanking over her tits. Awesome. Only happend the once, but works as mental stimulation still. In fact I feel the need ......
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Hard4fun Novice Jackinchatter

12 posts since 2014-10-18
71 year old from UK Reading
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Not entirely, but not as often as I would like.

I really enjoy the wanking scene as a result. Get very turned on with topics here and play on Skype etc. also love phone chat while playing.

Had a family friend, female, who was a real turn on. She knew and we had a few close encounters. She actually played with herself while we chatted on the phone. The only problem was I was at work and could not play along. Quick toilet visit post call. We had one car session and she let me play with her. I finished wanking over her tits. Awesome. Only happend the once, but works as mental stimulation still. In fact I feel the need ......
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willycum Skilled Jackinchatter

763 posts since 2012-04-24
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Me too - it happens about once a year now if that!
My wife has never wanted sex as much as me so all through marriage I have been wanking to keep my sexual urges satisfied. Sex was maybe once a week to start with and wanking about 10 times a week - now I think I enjoy wanking more as its so much easier than trying to seduce a woman who doesnt want to touch me. More than sex I miss the human contact of another naked body against mine - wanking relieves the tension but I still crave being close to a warm naked human being.
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SloStroker Omnipitant Jackinchatter

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willycum said:
wanking relieves the tension but I still crave being close to a warm naked human being.

Yeah, same here. My wife and I slept naked for years. When my daughter was born 10 years ago, my wife stopped sleeping naked. We were already at a point where we didn't fuck very much.

I love jacking off, and honestly have gotten over not having sex. I honestly don't care if my dick ever touches pussy again. But I sure miss skin on skin contact. That's one thing that nothing can replace...a woman's touch.
Check out my porn blog at https://slostroker.bdsmlr.com/ and my writing blog at https://slostroker.wordpress.com or catch me on Skype as SloStroker
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iBalls Skilled Jackinchatter

673 posts since 2010-08-29
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What possible reason did she give about wanting sex after refusing it for 7 years? I have never heard of a woman waking up one morning thinking she would tell her husband they were back on after years and years of total abstinence.
Sounds more like a bizarre movie script.

kungfu40 said:

You too huh?

After 7 years of no sex (also no hugs, kisses, or handholding), my wife told me she wanted to have sex again. And we tried a few times, and I too had trouble getting and keeping a good erection. I didn't want to try Viagra, as I had no trouble getting it up when masturbating.

I talked to my psychologist about it, and she said it was totally understandable. By denying me sex for 7 years straight, she was denying my masculinity completely (my shrink's words).

Now I don't give a lot of thought to how 'manly' or masculine I am; I just am who I am.

But, I agree: you deny me sex for 7 years, which tells me one of 2 things:

1. You don't want or enjoy sex

2. You want / enjoy sex, just not with me

Either way, after 7 years of this you suddenly tell me you want it, don't be suprised if I don't believe you! I have a hard time getting it up if I think you don't want my cock inside you. And you're surprised? Talk about mixed signals!

I have no guilt about it, I've always told her the truth, while her reasons for wanting to divorce seem to keep changing. I don't even care why anymore, I just can't wait till she moves out (should be by May at the latest).
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