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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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I've enjoyed both. Star Wars is OK big screen SciFi, but Hollywood movies seldom live up to their hype. Star Wars is taken WAY too seriously by the fans. I generally prefer Star Trek, except for the movies. Movies are never as good as TV......way overdone and over the top.

My favorite Star Trek is "The Next Generation" series. Counselor Troi is seriously hot in her tight, low cut, cleavage revealing uniform.

Speaking of seriously hot, we also have Seven of Nine in "Star Trek: Voyager." But she would be one high-maintenance girlfriend. The Borg screwed her up. She'd drive you crazy. But WHAT a body!

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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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Str8Male74 said:
.......The original series of Star Trek didn't really appeal to me for some reason. I think because it was from the 1960's and by watching it now in repeats it looks really outdated........

I agree......it looks like the budget for sets and special effects must have been all of $50 per episode. And Jim Kirk lacked the depth of Jean Luc Picard. Spock was cool, but Data (the android) was better.
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Str8Male74 Amateur Jackinchatter

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Kent said:
I agree......it looks like the budget for sets and special effects must have been all of $50 per episode. And Jim Kirk lacked the depth of Jean Luc Picard. Spock was cool, but Data (the android) was better.

The Next Generation was more innovative with the use of the holodeck, Data playing Sherlock Holmes against Professor Moraity, Picard acting out his 40's detective fantasies of Dixion Hill. Those were some of my favorite episodes as well as Time's Arrow, when the crew went back and met Mark Twain. Patrick Stewart had more depth and was more compelling espically when he visits his brother back in Paris after being rescued and defeating the Borg.

With Data I think he achieved his humanity. Everyone is the sum of their human experiences so collectively by the end of the series I feel he got there. Brent Spiner brought so much to him. For those who saw Star Trek: Nemesis it was sad but ended on a high note and it was fitting.

What I found the most incredible about Jeri Ryan, and no it wasn't her skin tight body suit, lol, is how she was able to keep a straight face in character playing Seven of Nine. There must be alot of bloopers where she'd be cracking a smile and couldn't keep from laughing. What I liked about Star Trek: Voyager is there were a few firsts. Be'lanna being seperated from her Klingon half and Seven of Nine being brought back out of the collective. They were in a new region of space and had more freedom to write outside of the confines of what you'd expect.
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Roger Skilled Jackinchatter

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"Episode Three.....Shatner Strikes Back" is now on the internet.

The issue of Shatner fitting into his old Star Trek uniform is addressed. And Fisher's need for more uplift in her old Star Wars bikini.

Shatner's video statement on YouTube is embedded in this MSNBC news report.

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miller Amateur Jackinchatter

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I can't believe im only the 2nd person to pick Star Wars!
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trekkie through and through AND I SPEAK KLINGON..... for any future bators meets this makes me a geek..... but a fukin coool one.... love star wars too... and lord of the rings, and transformers, and thundercats and the list goes

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I have to agree with CandyDarling's earlier comment. Star Wars and Star Trek are both way overrated, though if I had a choice I'd go with the more cerebral Star Trek (Star Wars was a great pioneer in Sci-Fi).

I'd must prefer to watch the entire Firefly / Serenity season again (gets better every time). And I'm still a huge Babylon 5 fan as well. Right now I'm working my way through the new Battlestar Galactica and love it too.

My conversion to the dork side is complete grin
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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I never watched "Star Trek:Enterprise" during its network run. But I recently streamed the first three episodes on my computer. Looks interesting and entertaining...in documenting the early years of Warp 5 interstellar travel, and mankind's early association with the Vulcans. It happened in the 22nd century, a few years before the establishment of the United Federation of Planets.

Analogous to the first Star Trek, the science officer is a Vulcan, T'Pol. And T'Pol is a girl. So in addition to pointed ears, she has nice tits. There were always nice tits in Star Trek, from Counselor Troi to Seven of Nine.

Seven of Nine had nice big ones which never drooped in her skin tight outfit......with no sign of a bra. Maybe far future clothing provided female uplift without underwear.

And while all the interesting (and sexy) things were going on in Star Trek, the eternal warfare and bizarre creatures were still appearing in the Star Wars movies. Compare Seven of Nine with Jabba the Hut.
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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Accidental double entry....Sorry. (Apparently no way to delete an erroneous entry.)
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I'm reading all the heavy intellectual BS why one show is better than the other. The original Star Trek was never meant to be anything more than a video comic book. Totally camp, and in that light, great. Great science fiction, not even. Star Wars, a fairy tale in an inter-galletic setting. The true sci-fi of the day has been forgotten. 2001, Dune, Silent Running.
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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bobdxcrcr said:
I'm reading all the heavy intellectual BS why one show is better than the other. The original Star Trek was never meant to be anything more than a video comic book. Totally camp, and in that light, great. Great science fiction, not even. Star Wars, a fairy tale in an inter-galletic setting. The true sci-fi of the day has been forgotten. 2001, Dune, Silent Running.

I agree that there's a lot of BS involved, as we take both Star Wars and Star Trek too seriously. And of course the Shatner/Fisher feud is tongue-in-cheek fun.

But "Dune?" "2001?"

"Dune" was so unbelievably bad, it could hardly be seriously reviewed. It was so badly produced on film that the storyline, whatever it was, couldn't be discerned. It was so bad it was quickly pulled from general release.

But as bad as it was, "Dune" was the highest of cinema art compared with "2001: A Space Odyssey." Worse than "Dune"? Is that even possible? You better believe it!

"2001: A Space Odyssey" was quite simply and beyond a shadow of a doubt the most horrendous piece of pretentious bullshit ever put on film. Words actually fail me here. Sitting through that celluloid abomination was time out of my life that can never be reclaimed. Honest to God, I don't know why people weren't throwing rotten fruit at the screen. Getting up out of their seats, finding the manager of the movie theater, and demanding their money back.

But worse than the crime against humanity that was 2001, was the fact that it was slickly produced, hyped to the heavens, and then declared to be GREAT CINEMA ART by brain dead movie reviewers who didn't grasp the fact that it was unmitigated pretentious tripe. Since no one had a clue about its plot or theme, then they figured that it must be something deeply intellectual and grandly artistic.

2001 was the greatest cinema con job ever perpetrated upon the movie going public. Nothing short of criminal. IMHO.
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my 2 cents;

i do like both equally, because of what i can enjoy from them. i'm 40 yrs old and had the privilege of seeing star wars eps 4-6 in theaters and being young to believe in the magic of the force, enjoy the robots and battles.
the prequels were only good as action movies and natalie portman in the white jumpsuit.

my intro to star trek was the movies with shatner, nimoy etc etc. i enjoyed them as well because more space battles, phasers and transporters.

i've never watched the original star trek tv series, but enjoy TNG. i'm rewatching TNG on netflix and yes, some of the episode are cheezy, but weren't the originals?

i really enjoyed Voyager (one of the few) and tried to watch DS9 and Enterprise, but they couldn't hold my interest.

and to this day, i'm still holding for my browncoats to come back wink
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bfphawk Professional Jackinchatter

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Trek. I was a kid when the series started and it was fascinating. Gene Roddenberry was a genius and WAY ahead of his time. Remember that the series came at a time when space travel was still a fantasy and the excitement of it was everywhere. This before long range telescopes or digital imagery so we REALLY didn't know what was out there. Star Trek appealed to a new audience before computers were on every desk, let alone in every pocket. We grew up imagining that what we saw on Star Trek could actually come to pass, and for some of the ideas, we did just that, made them happen.
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FlyCanadian Novice Jackinchatter

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I am gonna go with Star Trek, I loved TNG, I wish they had it on the air still. I love going to Star Trek movies too, the new Kirck/Spock ones are awesome too. I think Brad Bird has done a good job with the new movies and I cant wait till the next one!
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horneyoldguy Amateur Jackinchatter

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While I enjoy both I am a Trekkie or Trekker. When comparing the original Star Trek and Next Generation keep in mind that the original version was only on for 3 years and NBC was not supportive because of content and cost. This was not the case of Next Generation, which had the support of both the network and studio. As for the movie version of Star Trek, it only came out after Star Wars became a hit and this was because the material was owned by Paramont. However, they had to pay dearly to get the original actors back to play their roles: especially Nemoy and Shatner.
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