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Dinosaur_Panda Novice Jackinchatter

45 posts since 2016-04-07
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carpntr said:
Several if us on here have the same problem when trying to reply to a response! It gets to be a pain type out a ness age reply then have it not send!
I have Kearney to send shorter message replies it's a hassle but works!

Ah, that explains it! I was trying forever to get the message to send, but it wasn't working! Fortunately I found the text upload alternative until the issue is (hopefully) fixed grin
The Sperm Goddess of JackinChat <3
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JOLUVR Professional Jackinchatter

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SloStroker said:
It is very sad that organized religion and archaic beliefs define anything sexual as "wrong", "immoral", "dirty", "sinful" and tell people (particularly women) to wait till marriage. Then the day comes when you have a piece of paper and a ceremony and suddenly sex is all good.

Bad part is, you've been brainwashed to think it's bad your entire life. You have sex with your husband, but you have no experience and don't know what you like, much less what he likes. After a few years, he strays and fucks another woman who does all the things he sees in porn videos. She rocks his world. Men need two basic things...sex and food. If you feed us well and keep us sexually satisfied we'll do just about anything for you. Men have killed for women who sexually satisfied them.

I am a deeply spiritual person, but not a religious person. Religion is a business. We are saved by grace, not by following religious law. God knows your heart.

My advice is that you begin exploring yourself. Masturbate regularly. Try different toys. Get to where you feel confident with your sexuality. Then you can be with a man and not feel as embarrassed.

Sex is a wonderful, natural, normal, beautiful gift from God. It's not dirty or wrong.
Excellent thinking here Slostroker. Millenniums ago religions figured out that creating taboos around sex and sexuality was a formidable way to manipulate and ultimately control a population. Most if not all of it is rubbish.
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SloStroker Omnipitant Jackinchatter

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To each their own, and I'd never try to sway someone from their beliefs....only offer my own.

I read the reply on the text link site. I agree with you that happily married people have sex twice a week. I think that's probably about the perfect amount. If you do it every day, it would become "routine" and less that once every week is not enough. My wife fucks me about once every two to three months. Some men may see that as a luxury as there are guys on here who claim they have not fucked their wives in DECADES.

Sex is not just about frequency, it's about HOW you have sex. I have no doubt that my wife would spread her legs any time I wanted her to but that's not what I want. I want to be desired. I want her to be attracted to me. I want her to receive pleasure from sex. I want to have sexual adventures with my wife and not just the same old "me on top, her on top" stuff.

You can "make love" without sex. Sitting on the sofa holding hands or going for a long walk in the woods...that's love. Sex, to me, is entertainment. It's not about love. It can be a very intimate thing and I've "made love" to my wife many times, but the best is physical, unadulterated, raw sex. Sex that leaves you breathless...and sore the next day. Sex that makes you say, "Did I really do that?" after it's over. There is nothing better than good freaky, kinky sex. If a spouse isn't willing to give that to their partner, their marriage will be extremely boring in the bedroom.
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baker55 Amateur Jackinchatter

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Aren't they healthy? keeps your libido stirred for her next time.
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Dinosaur_Panda Novice Jackinchatter

45 posts since 2016-04-07
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SloStroker said:
To each their own, and I'd never try to sway someone from their beliefs....only offer my own.

I read the reply on the text link site. I agree with you that happily married people have sex twice a week. I think that's probably about the perfect amount. If you do it every day, it would become "routine" and less that once every week is not enough. My wife fucks me about once every two to three months. Some men may see that as a luxury as there are guys on here who claim they have not fucked their wives in DECADES.

Sex is not just about frequency, it's about HOW you have sex. I have no doubt that my wife would spread her legs any time I wanted her to but that's not what I want. I want to be desired. I want her to be attracted to me. I want her to receive pleasure from sex. I want to have sexual adventures with my wife and not just the same old "me on top, her on top" stuff.

You can "make love" without sex. Sitting on the sofa holding hands or going for a long walk in the woods...that's love. Sex, to me, is entertainment. It's not about love. It can be a very intimate thing and I've "made love" to my wife many times, but the best is physical, unadulterated, raw sex. Sex that leaves you breathless...and sore the next day. Sex that makes you say, "Did I really do that?" after it's over. There is nothing better than good freaky, kinky sex. If a spouse isn't willing to get that to their partner, their marriage will be extremely boring in the bedroom.

Thank you so much for your response! Yup, we definitely have different views, but I'm glad we can have intelligent exchange without getting too heated about something as sensitive and personal as religion and morals grin
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No, you shouldn't feel guilty. Also I hope you got my PM. I've honestly been looking for someone like you who feels the same way. Hope to hear back from you.
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steven303 Amateur Jackinchatter

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masturbation is very positive in many ways and you should take it as a compliment and also that you help the world be a better place.
enjoy jerking off to amateurs, milfs, cuties, asians
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grindgruntsquirt Novice Jackinchatter

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I only wish I had the wisdom to answer your very serious question in any meaningful way. All I can do is wonder at your unbelievable life history.
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First I commend you on sharing the conflict over your religious beliefs regarding sex and marriage and of your emerging carnal instinct of enjoying men taking pleasure in seeing you. I have exchanged emails with nude models and my emails always centered on expressing my joy they modeled nude and shared their beauty with us. I always assumed it was understood men masturbated to their modeling so why even bring it up. I also never shared "sexual fantasies" with them because again I did not feel it necessary. Nothing wrong with men or women sharing those fantasies to the model.

When I read your original post the sentence that caught my attention was "I was forced into doing several years of professional modeling in Europe and North America." Clearly modeling was not a choice you made and so I can understand your initial dislike for the "sexual based" comments fans sent you. It does appear you are having an awakening to the power that you hold over your fans as the enjoy your work.

My feeling towards modeling whether it is nude, lingerie or glamour modeling is to be proud of your work, the confidence it can give you and view the pleasure you give your fans as a source of joy.

As I said at the start I appreciate you sharing the dilemma with us all that takes courage.
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I would say if those are your religious convictions, stay with them. Sex isn't going anywhere. I don't know about what people are doing with your pictures. I don't see any reason to be upset about something that is not in your control.
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fred_8 Amateur Jackinchatter

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You are going to have to find a balance between embracing your feelings and temperance that you are comfortable with, given your religion.

You wrote that you are waiting until marriage to have sex. Is self stimulation considered a sin in your religion? Is being sexually provocative a sin?

Men's reaction to you is not your responsibility, but if being sexy is considered bad in your religion, then it comes back to you, doesn't it?
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TerryHastings Novice Jackinchatter

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I agree with gm501, this is a load of nonsense.
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plush Omnipitant Jackinchatter

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Back in the 60's-70's the porn magazines had an add for a wrist watch that flashed "time to fuck" after so many seconds as it said men think of sex at that interval. I'm fine with that as it is a normal part of life.
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