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pammybbw Novice Jackinchatter

13 posts since 2014-08-17
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would anyone like an old womens opinion? pametanbbw on yahoo if anyone wants to chat about it
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Mightyhammer Amateur Jackinchatter

136 posts since 2014-02-22
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I'm 40 and NOTHING gets me rock harder than a cute teen!
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Same here mightyhammer, nothing gets me harder grin
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sd40jk Professional Jackinchatter

1564 posts since 2007-01-16
57 year old bisexual male from Near Glenella Manitoba Canada.
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tef said:
Hello all, I mentioned in my first post about how I like the younger ladies, and how pleased I was to see other like minded older males here.

There's something very erotic about a much older man lusting after or having his way with a much younger woman. Well, it is to me anyway. I know exactly where that particular kink came from but that is another story for another day.

One of my favourite things to do whilst out shopping or at work (I'm a bus driver) is to watch out for the older fellas ogling girls young enough to be their daughter or even grandaughter on some occasions lol. Obviously, in my job I have the perfect opportunity to witness things like that. You only have to know what to look for.. And, It seems as I've got older I've become adept at spotting it, sometimes even being able to predict it..

One of my particular favourite places to visit for this is a shopping centre (Mall) in Liverpool.. Whoever designed this place needs commending.. It has a large steeply rising escalator to the upper floors slap in the centre of it, whilst directly underneath is an open air cafe.. A few years ago I noticed that by having a cofffee at the right table you can see up the skirts of every woman who uses the escalator..Needless to say I spent/spend many happy hours at that place.. It's also interesting to see how many other men have cottoned to it and it always get me hard to see some of the really old men trying to see up some young miss's skirt. A fact made easier by the fashion here of wearing very short skirts, even some of the homeless old buggers hang about there before being moved on..

One afternoon there, I spotted an eldery gent having tea with what I presume was his grandaughter and a gaggle of her friends all sort of 19/20ish and all stunning looking girls. I have to say they turned many an eye as they went past. What struck me right away though was the fact that depsite the many free tables available he went past them all till he got to one of the tables with the view up the escalator..

Once they had all sat down, I found my own table far enough away not to draw attention but close enough to observe.. Throughout their tea he would constantly ask for this or that and when one of the lovelies brought it to him he would always pat their bum (Butt) as they turned away... None of the girls seemed to mind.. I think they presumed him harmless and the touch accidental.. And to be fair he was very quick in doing it for a 70 something year old man..Indeed anyone else may have missed it.. But yours truly certainly didn't lol.. Anyway after tea the girls decided to go upstairs shopping but the old fella stayed behind and sure as eggs is eggs as soon as they were halfway up he was continually twitching his neck to have a good look at their panties... Now, not all of them were wearing skirts, but for the rest.. Well, I'm sure they made his day..

There are many many things I've seen over the years and I'll willingly share all I ask is that in return you share some of your own experiences.. So how about it folks.. Anyone ever seen an old gent obviously ogling the young ladies?
Guilty grin
caffein8d, vaccin8d, & freshly masturb8d cockstroke
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DadBadThoughts Novice Jackinchatter

48 posts since 2014-05-24
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Yeh guilty here too...very guilty sometimes, since the girls they are ogling may be my daughters. Strangely proud
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sd40jk Professional Jackinchatter

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DadBadThoughts said:
Yeh guilty here too...very guilty sometimes, since the girls they are ogling may be my daughters. Strangely proud
I have daughter's as well. Very protective and watch over them like the lord god. Find myself giving the stink eye to any guy who look's their way even tho they are adult now Lol..smile But yes I am proud.
caffein8d, vaccin8d, & freshly masturb8d cockstroke
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picturepainter Skilled Jackinchatter

602 posts since 2011-09-06
63 year old curious from glasgow uk
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With fashions these days and with the recent good weather towns seem to be full of young females in either very tight or very revealing clothing and being an older gent i cant help but admire them and occasionally take the odd picture to look at when i am at home alone at which time i allow my imagination to take over
...guilty ha ha
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Completely guilty here too. In fact i found just reading this thread about it to be a complete turn on... ;-)
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wimpyguy11 Skilled Jackinchatter

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When they look like that and go out...I don't blame older men for staring.cock
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Andy_Web Skilled Jackinchatter

660 posts since 2014-05-08
71 year old bisexual from Manchester, England
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Fucking adore teens. Adore their tight, round bottoms, pert tits and miniscule clothes. Bollocks to Autumn
Mutual wanking to smutty porn
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Andy_Web said:
Fucking adore teens. Adore their tight, round bottoms, pert tits and miniscule clothes. Bollocks to Autumn

Nah Autumn is good, they come out in their leggings and ugg boots, hot chavvy teens.
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Jerkimiah Amateur Jackinchatter

192 posts since 2012-02-21
68 year old heterosexual from Cape Town
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Guilty, the biker bar I frequent has a Backpacker round the corner, wait for it, "Saltycrax" is its name, approx. 700 meters from the ocean, every afternoon the young girls go to the beach to surf n what not, and have to walk past the bar, some real beauties, a boy oh boy, do they turn the heads of all the male patrons, from their early 20's to the much older 50-70 groups, we all perv, very enjoyable. Yummy boobsgrin
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Nope, I always go to the car dealership and ask them to drag out the oldest, ugliest cars they have --- just to be politically correct!
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I get really horny when I saw old guys lusting after supple tight teen bodies knowing they haven't a chance, and can only go home and wank themselves silly
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tef said:
Hello all, I mentioned in my first post about how I like the younger ladies, and how pleased I was to see other like minded older males here.

There's something very erotic about a much older man lusting after or having his way with a much younger woman. Well, it is to me anyway. I know exactly where that particular kink came from but that is another story for another day.

One of my favourite things to do whilst out shopping or at work (I'm a bus driver) is to watch out for the older fellas ogling girls young enough to be their daughter or even grandaughter on some occasions lol. Obviously, in my job I have the perfect opportunity to witness things like that. You only have to know what to look for.. And, It seems as I've got older I've become adept at spotting it, sometimes even being able to predict it..

One of my particular favourite places to visit for this is a shopping centre (Mall) in Liverpool.. Whoever designed this place needs commending.. It has a large steeply rising escalator to the upper floors slap in the centre of it, whilst directly underneath is an open air cafe.. A few years ago I noticed that by having a cofffee at the right table you can see up the skirts of every woman who uses the escalator..Needless to say I spent/spend many happy hours at that place.. It's also interesting to see how many other men have cottoned to it and it always get me hard to see some of the really old men trying to see up some young miss's skirt. A fact made easier by the fashion here of wearing very short skirts, even some of the homeless old buggers hang about there before being moved on..

One afternoon there, I spotted an eldery gent having tea with what I presume was his grandaughter and a gaggle of her friends all sort of 19/20ish and all stunning looking girls. I have to say they turned many an eye as they went past. What struck me right away though was the fact that depsite the many free tables available he went past them all till he got to one of the tables with the view up the escalator..

Once they had all sat down, I found my own table far enough away not to draw attention but close enough to observe.. Throughout their tea he would constantly ask for this or that and when one of the lovelies brought it to him he would always pat their bum (Butt) as they turned away... None of the girls seemed to mind.. I think they presumed him harmless and the touch accidental.. And to be fair he was very quick in doing it for a 70 something year old man..Indeed anyone else may have missed it.. But yours truly certainly didn't lol.. Anyway after tea the girls decided to go upstairs shopping but the old fella stayed behind and sure as eggs is eggs as soon as they were halfway up he was continually twitching his neck to have a good look at their panties... Now, not all of them were wearing skirts, but for the rest.. Well, I'm sure they made his day..

There are many many things I've seen over the years and I'll willingly share all I ask is that in return you share some of your own experiences.. So how about it folks.. Anyone ever seen an old gent obviously ogling the young ladies?

This is the most British thing I've ever read. Haha. I love it.
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Index » Masturbation » For Him » Old men ogling the young ladies, Anyone seen similiar?