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adam18 Novice Jackinchatter

1 posts since 2011-12-03
41 year old
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I broke both arms my sr year in high school not long after I turned 18. I had help, or I would have been hard all the time
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britlad85 Novice Jackinchatter

41 posts since 2011-03-18
39 year old from uk
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Who from? How was it?
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Oh please tell, it sounds SO interesting...
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ladude1986 Amateur Jackinchatter

177 posts since 2011-09-04
38 year old bisexual from http://www.gayboystube.com/user/ladude1985
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Yes, who helped u?
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smokinlilsmiley Amateur Jackinchatter

222 posts since 2011-05-02
44 year old bisexual from Alabama
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When i was 18 i met a gentleman in his 50's who was in a wheel chair he didnt have full ability of his arms after about a year we became great friends then one day he was like my wife told me she fantasizes about you getting me off as soon as he said this i became instantly hard and told him i would do it he had me pull his cock out and start playing with it then he called his wife in she stroked me while i stroked him off i continued for years having fun with him
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Always told my wife that if anything happened to me, if I was a quadriplegic or in a coma...to still jack me. She agreed. So far there hasnt been a need. I wonder if she still remembers that agreement--I need to remind her.

Thanks for jogging my memory.
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SloStroker Omnipitant Jackinchatter

7249 posts since 2006-08-21
52 year old bisexual male from Nashville, TN
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When I was 17 I had a motorcycle crash and broke my left arm and tore my right hand up.

Luckily I had a great girlfriend who sucked, fucked, and jerked me daily. She would meet me in the parking lot at school and we'd drive a mile down the road where she'd take out my cock and get me off. I miss her. frown
Check out my porn blog at https://slostroker.bdsmlr.com/ and my writing blog at https://slostroker.wordpress.com or catch me on Skype as SloStroker
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His hair caught fire as did his t-shirt. I saw the whole thing and was so horrified that I was rooted in place for a few precious seconds. Eric let out a scream that I can still hear in my mind and I hope to never hear one like that again. Eric's brother-in-law was closest to him and threw him on the ground and got the fire put out but the skin on Eric's face was black and charred. His hair was gone on the front and top of his head, no eye brows. Someone called 911 while all I did was stand there and stupidly tell Eric everything was going to be okay while he moaned and gasped for air. I'm sure my shaky voice gave away the lie.

You are a loving caring sensual sexy saint. Your story slide into the center of my soul and aroused me so much. I feel and have empathy for your unrequited love for Eric. I know it's not the same pain but I have two migrane diisorders and sex heals name by taking away the pain. Even though your gay giving you head would help me heal the acute pain of my head. Anal I'm so anal that I would be able to lie back and slide yourself into my open ass. I know I'm a woman and I know your gay but I ove bi and gay men and from the conversations I have had you have all helped me heal from an extreme situation by my housekeeper when I was 5 years old and my brother was 2. Would love to talk to you about my healing my sexuality. The first boyfriend I had in college was a man named Chad and he was loving caring and he was the first man I slept with. he teacher me how to sensually kiss and shared his love of music for me opening up my tastes in mustc and acceptance. We broke up because he came out of the closet. He wasn't bi he was gay. I was his last girl friend and female lover and now I realize that my love and acceptance for him slowed himselfbto embrace his sexuality.

Please pm me so we can share our experiences.

The next day when I went to the hospital to visit, I was told that Eric wasn't conscious and that he had some very disfiguring facial injuries and that he would not be able to speak. I was cautioned to stay away if I were squeamish and didn't think that I could keep myself under control... but I wanted to see him and let him know that I was there for him. When I walked into the ICU and the nurse opened the curtain surrounding Eric's bed, I was stunned - his face wasn't bandaged and was covered with some kind of shiny goo. His lips were still blackened but the rest of his face, neck and chest were peeled raw. His hair was completely gone and I could tell where the burn stopped on his head and they had shaved the rest of it off.

Now Eric knew that I was gay but he never acted like it bothered him and every now and again when we were out together if he saw a nice-looking guy, he would ask me, "Would you do him?". Naturally my answer was always, "Hell yes!" and Eric would always chuckle and call me a whore. But we never did anything or even hinted that anything ever could or would happen between us. Naturally, I lusted over Eric but I knew it was one of those things that would never happen. I had seen Eric nude a few times and I thought he had a really nice body but he was average in almost every way. I was attracted to the man inside.

While I was standing there looking at Eric and trying to keep myself together and not cry for Eric and his injuries his never-to-be-sufficiently-damned wife walked up. Her opening comment was, "Can you believe how stupid he is?" And then her words hit me like a fist in the stomach as she said, and I quote, "What a shame it wasn't terminal. Now I have to take care of his sorry ass!"

Well, she didn't take long making up her mind that she had no intention of taking care of him during his recovery. Eric was awake on his third day in the ICU burn unit when I went to visit him. I was so happy that he was awake and it seemed like he would be okay except for some scarring from the burns. My first words to Eric were, "I love you and don't you EVER do anything so stupid again!". And then Eric who could only make sounds in the back of his mouth because his lips were swollen and burned, his eyes were also swollen shut and his tear ducts weren't working right so he couldn't cry but even through all that I could hear his internal pain when he told me, "Loretta filed for divorce. What am I going to do?"

No brainer. I told him that he was coming to my house where I had two empty bedrooms. I had no idea what I was committing myself to do, but I couldn't let him just be dumped out of the hospital to stay in a nursing home while he recovered. It took about two months before he was finally discharged.

Now of his injuries, Eric's face received the least damage although it looked pretty bad in the beginning. His hands were the worst - they were in these gloves that he had to wear to keep the moisturizing antibiotic goop on them and he couldn't hold anything. Instantly when I got Eric to the house, I realized that I had taken on caring for someone who could do almost nothing for themselves... I had no concept of how much we depend on hands and fingers until then.

Eric could do nothing, and I mean nothing for himself. Walk to the bathroom, yes. Manage to get his pajama bottoms pushed down enough to sit on the toilet, yes. And it stopped right there. My first task as Eric's keeper was to wipe his butt for him. I gagged and held my breath while he cried in humiliation. I couldn't let that continue so with Eric sitting on my toilet with his pants at his knees, I told him that I loved him like the brother I never had and that I would willingly and lovingly do every task that he needed.

Eric, through his tears told me in very low tones and in utter embarrassment that he was so upset because he had gotten a hardon while I was wiping him and that it hadn't gone down and he didn't want to stand up for me to see it. I told him it was natural and a good sign that he was getting better. Eric said that it was staying like that a lot because he hadn't cum in almost three months and that he was miserable.

My heart was racing because I didn't want anything sexual to ruin my friendship with Eric. But I have to admit that I was hugely attracted to the idea of giving him a hand. I helped Eric back to his bed and suggested maybe he roll over and hump the mattress and that I would put a towel under him to catch the mess. He cried more and said he had tried but it was uncomfortable and he couldn't push himself around to get "right".

So I surprised the shit out of both of us and reach right through the slot in the front of his pajamas and pulled out his hardon. Then I started jacking him off. At first I was just flogging it and giving him a "duty jacking" but it only took a few seconds to realize that I had fantasized about this moment and I slowed down and started giving him the hand job that I had imagined. I pulled his pants down and rubbed his balls and just lightly brushed his dick with my finger tips and alternated this with light jacking motions. I guess I jacked him with love :-)

Eric was horrified at first and then he just smiled and looked me full in the eyes and said, "I always said you were a whore!" At that moment, I knew our friendship would not be in jeopardy and that I was proving both my friendship and my love for him. He took longer than I expected to cum but I had no doubt when he started getting close. His balls drew up and climbed up on either side of his dick. The head of his dick kept getting more purple and the thing got steel rod hard and he was pouring out precum. I started using the precum for lube and gave him a few slippery full-hand strokes and then the Big-O hit him full force. Now I've never been three months without cumming but I don't think even then I could make that much juice. Eric wailed, I don't remember what he said, and his dick jerked so hard that it popped out of my fully closed fist. I swear that first rope of cum just barely missed splatting on the ceiling. It came back down and landed right in the middle of his face. The next shot hit me right in the nose, lips and chin and I admit that I wiped it off with my hand and licked it off my fingers. I got several samples that way while Eric's eyes were squeezed shut. I wanted to slip that bad boy in my mouth while it was still spurting but I knew that would be over the top.

It took some work to get Eric and the room cleaned up after that... cum went everywhere! Eric was very quiet while I was cleaning up and then he started crying again. I mistook it for gratitude (well, it WAS a great hand job!) but Eric was worrying that I would now expect more and that he couldn't love me like a gay guy. So I told him to think of it as medical care and leave my orientation out of it.

Eric stayed with me for a year and a half, not that it took him that long to recover physically but his construction business went under while he was laid up for nine months and he ended up losing everything he had. Eric had not kept insurance on himself (it's very expensive for small business owners!) and ended up being hugely in debt. I let him live with me that entire time and couldn't accept a penny from him knowing how bad-off his finances were. I was making more than enough at my job anyway so big deal, you know?

One day after Eric had been moved into his own place for about six months and I hadn't seen him in around two weeks (and boy I was missing him!), he pulled into my driveway. When he walked in the door, he had kind of an odd expression on his face and I thought something was wrong or maybe he was mad at me for some reason. And in typical Eric fashion, he said exactly what was on his mind (I love the fact that he is so guileless and damn! I wish he were gay). He asked me point blank why I never tried anything more on him than jacking him off. I was so taken aback that my answer was flip, "The way you cum you'd blow out the back of my throat!". Then he asked if I had actually enjoyed jacking him off and playing with his junk. I couldn't lie, he knows me too well for me to pull that off so honesty was my only option. I told him yes that I had loved playing with his balls and massaging his taint and teasing him into nice orgasms. I was thinking, how could I be gay and not?

Eric told me in that matter-of-fact voice of his that he knew I had been hard most of the time while I was "taking care of him" and that he had felt guilty and he also felt like he had abused me. I tried to convince him that I had gotten enough enjoyment from handling his man parts that I felt compensated but he wasn't going to have it. And to my surprise, Eric told me he had heard me jacking off in my bedroom many times after I had jacked him. Then he walked across my living room, grabbed my hand and pulled me up off my sofa. To my complete astonishment, in one quick grab he whipped both my elastic-waisted shorts and underwear to my knees and left my willy and boys swinging in the breeze. I was mortified, humiliated and embarrassed all in a split second. I had taken great pains not to be naked around Eric when he lived with me so that he wouldn't think I was trying to flaunt myself or tempt the straight guy and here he had pantsed me in a flash.

Eric pushed me back down on the couch and I was still so shocked that I just plopped down with my face red as hell and my mouth just hanging open as I was speechless. Then Eric looked me in the eye and told me to shut up, that he was going to show me his gratitude and that if I was any kind of man, I would just enjoy what he was going to do for the one and only time in his life. Then he knelt down in front of me, grabbed my dick and sucked it right into his mouth.

I was still so shocked that it took a few minutes for me to get hard but there was no way in hell I was going to tell him to stop. And for a straight guy who had never had a dick in his mouth, Eric did a fine job of keeping his teeth away from my cock. Now, I don't have a large or even long dick but he could only get about half of it in before he gagged. But he didn't let that stop him and he learned quickly about moving his tongue around the underside. By that point I was so turned on that I was rock hard and knew that I was going to be shooting a load very quickly. I asked him to slow down and told him he was going to make me cum soon. He seemed pretty determined and he just started sucking faster and harder.

I was becoming frantic because I knew the orgasm was on its way and so I more or less yelled at him that I was going to cum and that he needed to move. And Eric ignored me and in addition to sucking hard up and down on my cock, he grabbed my balls, started massaging them and took his finger pressed on my taint the way I had done for him when I was jacking him. Then I was over the edge and there was no turning back. To my credit, I didn't shove my dick to the back of his throat although it took all the self-control that I had not to do it. My first shot must have been a doozy because it felt like my balls were going to fly out the end of my dick and I saw some of my jizz leak out the corner of his mouth. Then he swallowed and that sensation was so amazing that I don't even really remember the rest of the orgasm, maybe I blacked out for a second.

Eric just stayed there and swallowed every drop and even as my dick shrank he held me in his mouth and swirled his tongue around giving me lots of little after-cum thrills. I used to do that to his dick with my fingers, like rubbing the sweet spot just under the head when I had finished jacking him and he was softening before I cleaned him up. I still have that image in my minds-eye of Eric with his mouth wrapped around my half-hard dick looking up straight into my eyes. It is to this day my best jack off material and it was more than 10 years ago :-)

Eric and I are still very good friends although he lives in another state now and I only see him about twice a year. We haven't done anything sexual since then and it doesn't come up in our conversation - not that we actively avoid talking about it, it's just one of those things that doesn't really need discussing. But Eric hasn't gotten married and doesn't seem to have much interest in women (or men) when we're talking whether in person or on the phone. I have a lover now that I've been with for years and I sometimes wonder if Eric would want to give us a shot if I ended up single. But I'm afraid to ask... I deeply love the man I'm with and if I knew that Eric was available I think I would probably go crazy trying to figure out how to end up with Eric. My lover does not deserve that from me so I stay faithful to him.

When I started writing about this piece of my past, I had no intention of writing a book but I kept looking and thinking, "This is not just a jack-off story and people need to know about this and about that." So here you go, now all of you know what I'm thinking about 90% of the time when I'm jacking. I'm thinking about jacking off my best friend, his perfect cock (thick, veiny, cut, about 7 inches with a purple head and a long slit that oozes precum), how he would spray cum everywhere and the time that he sucked me dry.[/quote]
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