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soccerguy88 Novice Jackinchatter

3 posts since 2011-07-08
35 year old from Florida
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Well, I agree that some look better cut, but some are just fucking hot the way they are. I prefer mine. But maybe I am biased. As far as hygeine, well that's up to the parents to teach that. If it becomes a problem, he can choose to have it cut later in life, or when health issues persist. In the mean time, fucking enjoy what you've got! I sure as fuck do!
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bicuriouslongisland Novice Jackinchatter

51 posts since 2011-03-31
69 year old curious from NYC
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unfortunately this issue is NOT about hygeine. It's about politics...and the seemingly neverending "chick-afication" of the World..MEN be damned and castrated, if it was up to proponents of this circumcision FAKE story and controversy !
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I personally think Cut looks better, but that's me. I know some guys that even when they are hard their foreskin doesn't retract and their cock still looks like an ant-eater. I think the whole appeal to the cock is the raging cock head.
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Selflove Novice Jackinchatter

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I want to thank you BudB8 for posting in this thread. You said most of what I would want to say on the issue, and you did it better and with more aplomb, than I would have been able to; as I was pretty appalled by most of what was being written.

BudB8 said:
I say the same thing, “The only person who should decide if a penis gets circumcised is the owner of the penis.”

Now, that said, I don’t particularly care to wade into the quagmire of religious and cultural debate. If change is to happen within those respective communities, than it can only come from within.

As it happens, the tide is turning in North America, with circumcision of infants at an all time low and continuing to plummet.

Maybe the phrase, "My body, my choice" will finally apply to both genders.
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palmer Skilled Jackinchatter

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we should be left just as nature intended, uncut. yes cut - theres no doubt which end goes up but prefer the natural uncut look. + i think uc gives more options for bating. yea as for the hygiene theory, yea maybe if you drug 'it' thru the mud and never cleaned yourself off - you could have a prob. another reason some say its done & that was to discourage masturbation. ha, didn't work here thats for sure, im still a daily stroker
its just sex
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Sounds like a law that is mis-guided. However, remember that religion is separate from law - just like a baby doesn't have a religion as a baby's brain hasn't yet developed to create a "belief" system.

Aesthetics shouldn't be a consideration - unless we wish to return to laws that contributed to discrimination.

From my perspective, parents shouldn't have the right to physically alter their child's body in a permanent manner, unless the child has the ability to contribute to making an informed decision. Some cultures, such as in the Philippines recently, 13 yr old boys elected to have such a procedure. A baby has no choice.

Meanwhile, I would expect most cultures would object to female circumsision.

In the end, unless it is life threatening, parents and more importantly, the medical profession should avoid from deciding to undertake such permanent changes to another person's body. By all means, remove cancer, but why a foreskin?
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palmer said:
I think uc gives more options for bating.

Regardless of the other arguments fore and against, this is probably true.
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USAgay Novice Jackinchatter

41 posts since 2011-12-18
59 year old homosexual male from Wisconsin, USA
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Circumcision in the US is so popular, because it's an easy way for doctors and hospitals to make extra money. There is no medical reason to do it routinely. My urologist, a penis expert, said, "It makes as much sense as cutting off a child's eyelids."

In my case, I was circumcised at birth without anyone's permission. My father was uncut and wanted me left intact. Unfortunately, the unethical doctor who delivered me had other plans. My parents were never asked what they wanted, and neither of them ever signed any type of consent form to have me circumcised. According to my birth records from the hospital, the doctor "ordered" that I be circumcsed in the delivery room seconds after birth. The hospital admitted to me that the procedure was done without anyone's consent.

The choice belongs solely to the owner of the penis in question. No one else has the right to make that decision, unless there is a compelling medical reason in favor of circumcision.

Some groups talk about how circumcision prevents HIV infection. If that were true, why is it that the US has the highest rate of infant circumcision and the one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the western world? Contrast that with Finland where virtually all men are uncut. A report I read a few years ago said Finland's HIV infection rate is 0.1%! Yes, one tenth of one percent of the population is HIV positive.

Consider the state and federal laws that prohibit any type of medically unnecessary genital surgery on female minors. In my state, even a tiny nick on a female minor's genitals will get someone about 8 years in prison. Why is there no equal protection for male minors in accordance with the 14th amendment of the Constitution?

This American obsession with circucmsion must stop. Thankfully people are coming to their senses as evidenced by the drop in circumcision rates in the US.
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Because the US is ten times the population of Finland you Idiot, and yes there is fact based studies linking uncut with more problems, if your happy, so be it,but so am I.
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funny that, if you mention circumcision to a lefty they go ape, BUT....
if you mention that muslims are circumcised, then all of a sudden, its not so bad.
dont even try to get them to discuss femail genital mutilation, (FGM), otherwise known as clitoridectamy.
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holdingmyown Amateur Jackinchatter

185 posts since 2011-03-16
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Good for San Francisco!

It is illegal in most of the western world to mutilate females and it's about time males were given equality.
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