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ukguy4228 Novice Jackinchatter

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Ive been looking for a buddy for ages, and may finally have found one, but I'm afraid of one thing over everything else - that I might like it a bit too much. I'm married with children, so have got a lot to lose - but I just can't get the thought of wanking another guy off out of my head... I keep telling myself it's just a bit of fun - two guys doing what comes naturally etc etc, but I'm worried about a first-time meet. Anyone got any thoughts?
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js06877 Professional Jackinchatter

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Go for it, guys. You will definitely regret it if you don't. Trust me, you will like it a lot.
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Like yourself, I am eager and excited to explore a little sexual activity with another guy. Masturbating together and each other. Thoroughly enjoyed it as a teen - then strictly women for the next 20 years. But there was something special about being with another guy - maybe because we were equally horny - all the time. Anyway, I certainly won't pass on an opportunity to explore some sexual activity with another discrete guy when the opportunity arises. Couldn't imagine losing interest in women - but a little cock enjoyment would make my sex life a lot more exciting/interesting.
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iwant2deposit Novice Jackinchatter

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Myself would love to meet with a guy. But the fear of someone actually knowing of my desires is a bit scary. I did enjoy it in my teens with my cousin. If was fun to let the cum fly. I too would need a very discrete buddy.
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Have met up for mutual pleasure on two occasions and thoroughly enjoyed. Hope to do it again.
It's a bit worrying at first but you just have to be careful who you meet.
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I've done it and its a blast
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whiteout said:
Have met up for mutual pleasure on two occasions and thoroughly enjoyed. Hope to do it again.
It's a bit worrying at first but you just have to be careful who you meet.

My thoughts exactly on being careful. Trust your gut. If it tells you the guy you're considering meeting may be a bit more "out there" than you'd like, don't go.
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ukguy4228 Novice Jackinchatter

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Thanks guys - some wise words there. I found someone thru Gumtree.com... Anyone got anywhere else they found buds?
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I know your hesitation very well, ukguy. I have managed to meet up with a few other people for masturbation over the past couple of decades, but because of the need for discretion and difficulty getting away without arousing suspicion, not nearly as many times as I'd like.

My biggest advice would be to be very patient. Everything needs to fall together: a suitable partner, a time when you can both meet and not arouse suspicions and a place where you can safely enjoy yourselves privately. The partner must respect your need for discretion. Although it would make it much easier to arrange, I've never felt comfortable offering my own home as a meeting place, so you are probably looking for a partner who can host.

One of the great advantages of masturbating with someone is that you are not risking getting busted when you come home sporting an STD. If you are like me, you will be tempted to touch and maybe even to taste but you can have a very stimulating and memorable time sharing the sights and sounds of arousal without touching. Part of your negotiation with a potential partner is agreeing not to touch. I've found that many potential partners see masturbation only as a prelude to a blowjob or a fuck but your best bet, in my opinion, is to find someone who truly sees masturbation as a highly desirable end in itself.
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horneyallthetime69 Novice Jackinchatter

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UKguy, I know what u mean dude. A few years back, I was curious about meeting a guy as a jo bud. I met a guy from yahoo chats. We chatted online for at least a good 2-3 months before I was ready to meet him. While driving over to his place, I was getting hard but at the same time, I was extremely nervious. I didnt know what was going to happen. When I got to his apartment complex, I was worried about other people seeing me & saying something to me. When I did get into his apartment, everything was going well. We chatted for a bit before we ended up watching each other masterbate. The first couple of minutes meeting someone can make u very causious about whats going to happen. After that first meet, I met that same guy for about 30 more times, each time was more exciting than the last
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I've met a few guys before thru yahoo chat groups. I always make sure to meet them on neutral territory, have coffee, chat, get to know them. With me, it's always been the guy, not the cock that mattered. A few were no-shows, guess they weren't curious enough.
Still get together with one of them, along with a couple of guys that I've been jackin' with for a years.
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horneyallthetime69 said:
When I got to his apartment complex, I was worried about other people seeing me & saying something to me.

Yes, indeed! grin. I know the feeling! It seems like everyone you meet along the way is going to just know what you are up to and be extremely curious about what you are doing visiting that apartment. Maybe it's the bulge in your pants. Maybe it's the nervous quiver in your voice. Much more likely, though, they simply have no idea of your intentions and no reason to suspect anything out of the ordinary.

Although not as intense as my first meeting, I still must confess that feel some of that same nervousness and anticipation any time I venture off for a new jacking adventure. But, then, where would the fun be if there was no anticipation?
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paneros Novice Jackinchatter

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ukguy4228 said:
Ive been looking for a buddy for ages, and may finally have found one,

Lucky you! I've been looking for a jerk buddy as I'd love to experience it, but finding it hard to find someone who is relaxed about it. I get on really well with some guys I regularly cam with, and would meet them if they lived in the same country, but unfortunately they're all in the USA!
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I know exactly what you mean. It's very hard to find a serious and discreet person to JO with. You really have to be upfront in what your expecting from the session. I have met a few people on CL and still felt we didnt connect.

I would say get to know the person before meeting them. That way you get a good feeling about them.
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