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Lovecock Amateur Jackinchatter

387 posts since 2023-03-13
47 year old homosexual male from Philadelphia PA
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I have been a member here not quite a year and I am curious how jackinchat was years ago. All you see now is the constant complaining about what is allowed for some and not for others. Sounds like a bunch of cry babies taking a tantrum but I wanted to hear from legitimate members from years ago. Was it better? Or was it more of what we experience now? I feel sorry for moderators to have to police the chaos that occurs. Anyway lets hope it gets back to the core of what its true purpose is, all things masturbation.
Str8 guys who suck cock are not straight
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splotch Amateur Jackinchatter

328 posts since 2023-09-13
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I'm genuinely sorry to hear that you're grappling with a negative experience on this site. It's disheartening when instances of trolling and harassment disrupt what should be a positive and engaging community. The importance of maintaining a supportive and respectful environment cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts the growth and overall well-being of any online platform.

Trolling and harassment pose challenges that extend beyond their immediate targets. These toxic behaviors can significantly dampen healthy discussions, deter active participation, and even drive individuals away from the platform. As responsible members of this community, it's imperative for the platform's moderators and administrators to take a proactive stance against trolling and harassment. Establishing clear guidelines and promptly enforcing them in response to reported incidents is essential.

However, it's vital to handle accusations with care and respect, considering their potential impact on individuals. Accusations should always be grounded in concrete evidence, as baseless allegations can perpetuate negativity and further worsen the situation. A more constructive approach involves addressing the broader issue of trolling and harassment without assigning blame without substantiated proof.

Rather than making direct accusations, encouraging open dialogue and urging users to report instances of trolling and harassment can pave a more productive path forward. It's crucial for individuals to feel comfortable expressing their concerns and providing evidence to the moderators or administrators. This approach ensures that appropriate action is taken against those engaging in harmful behavior.

If you find yourself grappling with challenges related to trolling and harassment, I strongly urge you to reach out to the moderators or administrators of the platform to voice your concerns and provide evidence of the harassment you're experiencing. Collaboration is key; by working together as a community, we can effectively combat such behavior and strive for a more positive and enjoyable environment.

Fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and collective responsibility is paramount in shaping a platform where all members feel safe, welcome, and free to engage in meaningful discussions. Together, we can contribute to a space where kindness and constructive dialogue prevail over negativity, ensuring that our platform remains a haven for thoughtful interaction and growth. Ultimately, building this culture will make a significant difference in creating a nurturing online community that stands against the tide of toxicity.
Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle, is well on it's way to over 1 MILLION VIEWS thanks to everyone here! https://www.jackinchat.com/viewthread.php?tID=111227 - I'm thankful for everyone's support. I couldn't have done it without you, the humble reader!!
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dogetog Novice Jackinchatter

90 posts since 2023-09-15
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Lovecock said:
I have been a member here not quite a year and I am seriously considering deleting my account and just never coming back here. I am curious to ask regulars about how this site was years ago. Was it ever a fun website? Since being here I witness the troll or trolls which sometimes I think it is just one troll with dozens of accounts but other times I think how can it be just one? Who has that kind of time on their hands? I am listening to the troll rant and reminiscing about jnc of the past. Was it different than now? When I first joined I thought oh this is a great community of guys that share a common interest, masturbation. Wow where else can you discuss all things masturbation with guys just like you. It was fun at first but now It honestly has been the biggest shit show here and seems to be getting worse. I have never experienced such immaturity, hate, basically the worst in humanity and in what are supposed to adults on a masturbation website. I have been harassed, bullied, threatened, have every derogatory slang thrown at me and for what ? Being gay? Expressing my opinion? Just giving my opinion, interacting with fellow masturbators. I stand up for victims and call out what I not decent. I report the troll to Rod, most of the time he suspends them. But now he stopped altogether reading my reports , I know with 100% certainty that there a 3 troll accounts that have been harassing me constantly. I report all three with evidence that a kindergarten kid see there trolling. Every single time I log on, my inbox is flooded with hate. This website has gone to complete chaos. I probably will get suspended permanently for voicing my opinion and if I am you are probably doing me a favor. Life is full of bullshit. This website is designed to be a fun place to interact and masturbate. But it has become opposite of fun. The troll or trolls should be ashamed of him,themselves . I mean really? The amount of time and effort you spend spewing your hate for your own life and your disrespect and disruptions should be an embarrassment. But they are not are they? You get some sick gratification off it dont you? It is really sad and I pity you. Rod I do not envy you for a second. I feel for you having to police this mess. I do not see it ever getting any better. Good luck to you and thank you for helping me when did. I understand why you stopped. I reported every Session sharer I saw and you did suspend them. Thanks for that. You have literally the worst job putting up with the lifeless pathetic troll or trolls. I was always on your side but I am exhausted witnessing the decay. The troll won. Yay , good for you. Enjoy your bliss . Now what?

Edited to add and I am not surprised that number One of the 3 troll account has posted immediately after my post. Not difficult to see. Simply click on his profile, click on the number within his profile to view all of his posts. Any sane person can see what I am referring to. Not rocket science here

Maybe if you didn't feel the obsessive-compulsive need to tell complete strangers on a jerk-off website what they need to identify as (to the point of making tons of fake profiles to make it look like other people agree with you, and having your biased opinion right in your signature),then you probably wouldn't feel like such a victim, or sound like you are completely off your rocker.

And threatening to delete your account when you have 10 others is pretty meaningless, don't you think? But hey, you do you. I'll let the moderator sort it out. You aren't worth my time.
I am a straight guy who sucks cock. Deal with it.
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splotch Amateur Jackinchatter

328 posts since 2023-09-13
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Lovecock said:
Edited to add and I am not surprised that number One of the 3 troll account has posted immediately after my post. Not difficult to see. Simply click on his profile, click on the number within his profile to view all of his posts. Any sane person can see what I am referring to. Not rocket science here. Try to send me a private message. Oh you cant. Do you know why? Troll account number one below with his rant floods my inbox.

Edited again to show that troll account number 2 posts after troll account number 1 in record time I might add. Are both online at exact same time? , or are they indeed the same said troll. Hmm. This is what I have been dealing with for a very long time. And for what?

Take note of the banner on troll account number 2 post. And ask yourself why does he have that banner? Where on earth did he come up with that? Hmm
And the irony to accuse me of having multiple accounts when the 2 posts directly under my post are indeed from the same troll with his multiple many accounts to troll me. Posted seconds apart.

Once more, I implore you to refrain from baseless accusations. Judging me solely based on the number of posts I've made is misguided. Quantity does not equate to ill intent; I have contributed content ranging from poems to observations and images, while your contributions often center around complaints. It's important to focus on the quality and substance of discussions rather than jumping to conclusions based on post counts.

As for private messaging, the inability to do so is a platform constraint, not a deliberate act on my part. Attacking me for a system limitation is unjustified. Let's steer the conversation towards productive and respectful dialogue, addressing the real issues at hand instead of making unfounded accusations.

It's essential to engage in meaningful conversations that contribute positively to the community. Accusing others without evidence only perpetuates negativity. Let's strive for a more constructive interaction, seeking understanding and resolution rather than resorting to baseless claims.

Also, I'm genuinely disappointed that you chose to respond with accusations and hostility rather than internalizing the points I made in my earlier response to your original post. Engaging in a constructive and respectful discussion is paramount, and unfounded accusations only derail us from achieving that goal.

I made an effort to address your concerns and clarify misunderstandings, emphasizing the importance of focusing on meaningful content and promoting positive dialogue within our community. However, your response seemed to bypass these points and dive into baseless accusations.

Accusations without concrete evidence not only hinder constructive conversation but also create an unwarranted atmosphere of distrust and negativity. I encourage you to reevaluate our conversation and consider the opportunity for productive and respectful dialogue, free from unfounded claims. Let's strive for a more understanding and cooperative exchange of ideas for the benefit of our community.

I won't be drawn into a futile back-and-forth in this thread, as it's evident you're seeking conflict, which I am not inclined to participate in. Please understand that this is not an invitation for further unwarranted attacks. Let's aspire to maintain a more respectful and productive exchange in our discussions.
Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle, is well on it's way to over 1 MILLION VIEWS thanks to everyone here! https://www.jackinchat.com/viewthread.php?tID=111227 - I'm thankful for everyone's support. I couldn't have done it without you, the humble reader!!
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splotch Amateur Jackinchatter

328 posts since 2023-09-13
60 year old
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I said I wasn't going to get caught up in a back and forth but this accusation needs addressing:

Lovecock said:

Another edit to shine a light on one of todays topics called - How old were you when you started jacking off- go to
Page 67 go to the second post. Please read it.

Your insinuation that the second post on Page 67 of the mentioned thread is somehow attributed to me is completely unfounded, as I am sure you are aware. Upon even casual examination, it becomes abundantly clear that I never authored such a statement. The content has obviously been poorly manipulated to create a false association with my account. Anyone, even an impartial observer, would recognize this upon reviewing the threads or post in question.

It is paramount that we adhere to a standard of honesty and integrity in our interactions. Deliberately attempting to cast me as the author of something I did not write is not only misleading but goes against the principles of fair and respectful engagement. We should strive for open communication, devoid of any attempts to involve me in fabricated scenarios through your account or any potential secondary accounts.

Transparency and sincerity are foundational to fostering a constructive discussion and maintaining the trust necessary for a healthy community. Let's focus on authentic dialogue that promotes understanding and collaboration, steering away from manipulative actions that derail meaningful conversations. Upholding these values will ensure a respectful and trustworthy environment for all participants involved.
Grumbleton's Gummy Bear Giggle, is well on it's way to over 1 MILLION VIEWS thanks to everyone here! https://www.jackinchat.com/viewthread.php?tID=111227 - I'm thankful for everyone's support. I couldn't have done it without you, the humble reader!!
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pete1892 Novice Jackinchatter

63 posts since 2023-09-20
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I thought Lovecock would never leave. Let's have a party when he goes.
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Phillyphag said:
See what you did, you stupid fucking faggot? Because of your dumbass rants about straight guys sucking cock, you have ruined this site for everyone else. Now we have troll attacks every day because of your idiocy. Why dont you go away like you promised? Fucking retard baby whiner. Get a life, faggot.

You have summed this up perfectly. I salute you.
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lLlCKDlCK said:
You have summed this up perfectly. I salute you.

Of course you would approve. Your derogatory slang against homosexuals is what is wrong with this world. Dont hate.
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pete1892 Novice Jackinchatter

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Phillyphag said:
Did you know that Openphillyguy is a big whiny insecure baby?

Another dogetog and splotch sock puppet account. Dont hate
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pete1892 Novice Jackinchatter

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[quote Dont hate[/quote]

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pete1892 Novice Jackinchatter

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Phillyphag said:
You are finished here Openphillyguy/Lovecock/BulgeWatcher/mmmCocks/
CockCum/FriendlyFire/Ladeezman/ILickDick/DontHate. Everyone has had enough of your pathetic whining. You are an insecure guy whiny retard.
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Nicks Professional Jackinchatter

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47 year old heterosexual from Just ask
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If you are offended at something on line from someone who you have never met you might want to evaluate your life

This is not an airline no need to announce your departure just go
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pete1892 Novice Jackinchatter

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Phillyphag said:
Hear that, Lovecock? Even Nicks thinks you should go.

That's bad when a fellow idiot wants him to go. Perhaps they should go together. Go live in a forest where no one can see them.
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About time he left. Nobody likes him and he's a boring cunt.
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