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This is something I had posted in response to a "personals" post regarding why females aren't as 'willing' to want to share masterbating together with some of you guys as often as you may want us too... by sharing that sexy chat session that you're hoping we will, sharing sexy pix, webcamming and so on. Think it might possibly be some advise to think about when hoping to chat with those of us girls that frequent the 'jerkinCHAT' chat website to one degree or another...or any other similar chat room as well. Hope you'll take it to heart.... "Guys that don't have a photo of any sort showing with their profile, I'm a lot less likely to be tempted to respond or interact with them. And those that don't have anything whatsoever writen up in there profile... likewise, I'm less likely to have a response to. It's nice to have something to go on to base a feeling within me as to whether I want to interact with someone. Of course I am fairly 'sellect' with who I wish to spend some sensual time with. I think, we of the fairer sex, can 'afford' to be more sellect, moreso than a guy...generally speaking. But yeah, the same goes when someone's private messaging me... when someone just says "hey, message me back"...that doesn't stir any desires whatsoever in me to pursue fun with that person, whether they be male or female. Though other females, I have found, are usually better at communicating than many guys seem to be. And then too, just like in a real life person to person first meeting... when someone has a 'come-on' line to attract or invite me, I can pretty much get a gut feeling whether someone is sincere with their desire to interact in a more sensual manner...if they have a good communication presence that would make meeting with them, in whatever way, spending time together a fun way to get to know them, chat and play with... and not just some thoughless, stupid come-on line. We girls aren't dumb and we like to: #1 be treated right (being polite and respectful with us), #2 we like to spend a little time when being turned on, more than 5 minutes... which is all it takes most guys to get their nuts off, to chat and get 'into it' with you, and #3 (this pretty much goes along with #1 and #2)... we like to be 'romanced' a little...even though this is 'just' a cyber meeting and, in more cases than not, it is going to be a one time meeting. That's my opinion anyway... I look for quality, not quantity or speed in my sexual fulfilment and achieving an excellent orgasm(s). Of course, after that having been said, a hot quickie now and then is pretty erotic too... but that happens more with someone I already know to one degree or another, hehehe!"

I would be interested in hearing a discussion form amongst all... from the gentlemen out there as well as other ladies. Too, it'll be interesting to see if many of we chatters are a little more free with our profile information (and hopefully more profile pix). I would think, if you are more informative in your profiles, it would open up a lot more interaction amongst everyone.
Happy Orgasms Everyone!

P.S. Please don't inundate me with private messages... respond with all comments here in this discussion thread. (.(.) razz
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You know what, I think that what you said should go without saying. I happen to have a very close online gf who I got to come over to JC recently and we've sort of have had that discussion to just get it out there. Guys and gals (for the most part) need different sorts of "things" from online relationships - even just "fuck buddy" or "jo buddy" type relationships.

It's the whole Men are from Mars Women are from Venus thing. It's all good in my book. For one-time jo buds it's not all that important to make that connection most likely but any other sort of contact where you and the other person are going to probably chat more than once I figure should include a little romancing and sensitivity...

All that aside, Donna, I love your posts! You rock!
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Danny Skilled Jackinchatter

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I'm always amazed to find a lady in the chat room. It seems to me that sex for guys (on a short term basis) is just a physical thing. With ladies, it seems to have some romantic connotation from early on. In short, a masturbation chat room seems to me to be a "guy thing". Not sure what the ladies find compelling enough here to bother to logon. (Unless they can find other ladies in the chat with which to talk about the female side of masturbation.)

Ladies are a rare commodity indeed in most adult chat rooms. And they almost always seem annoyed by their enevitable resulting "popularity." From a male perspective (my perspective at least), the result is a generally snooty attitude, almost always accompanied by an expressed rejection of any invitations for private messages. (I have never requested a private message from either gender, but the up front blanket rejection is a little annoying.) The ladies apparently expect to find a nice looking profile pic, attached to an individual with a sparkling personality and an engaging conversational style. The jackinchat chat room seems an odd place to expect to find such an animal. After all...most profile pics here are dick pics.
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
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Danny has a point yet.. why do women need to be treated like "just a fuck"? I'm often greeted with "hi asl?" as MANY of us are and it's annoying. I don't expect really good looking guys with well-written and well thought-out profiles. I just want to not be harrassed and expected to drop to my knees and service you because I'm female.

Yes, it's a masturbation chatroom but it's also a chatroom where people can just talk. I don't come to the chat to masturbate. I'll talk about sex and have conversation but I'm not there to cyber/cam/phone/tell you with extreme detail about how I masturbate or my last sexual encounter.

If I'm going to talk to someone, they have to be able to have a conversation. Yes, I'm picky. Why? Because if I'm in chat I'm usually doing a number of other things. A "so.. what brings you here?" conversation does nothing for me.

I do have an online boyfriend of sorts. I have never cybered or phoned with him. I have thought about it but it would just seem weird. Don't get me wrong, I'd fuck his brains out (and some day I will!) but I'd rather be mentally/intellectually stimulated to begin with than physically. If you can respect a woman and do that for her, you will have her. He makes me wet because he knows exactly what I want because we've talked about it.

There's a reason I married Ben, too. Not only is he the most spectacular fuck I could ever imagine but he talks to me. He engages me in conversation. I'm still surprised when, after 6 years, we still have things to talk about. There are people who I stop having things to talk about with after 2 days. What's even sexier is that it's an open communication - it's not just me talking about sex and masturbation while he jerks off. It's give and take.

There's my bit.
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mack2334 Amateur Jackinchatter

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Good point Donna,want to masturbate?
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WhiteButter Novice Jackinchatter

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It goes both ways. Women get caught up on not being treated like sex objects, and then go on to treat men like a dick with legs.

This is a site for fun. Chances are if there's someone in Jackinchat, they just want to wank off with someone, they don't want to spend an hour reciting poems and talking about their favourite type of flower (that's an exaggeration, by the way.)
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Dirtyboy Novice Jackinchatter

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Hey get over it dont flatter yourselves please. You aren't the only females. I couldnt care less if a female wanted to chat or not, i just move on. There are plenty more females out there willing to chat and have fun. Who wants a prude anyway! Just my opinion, dont shoot me for it.
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
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LOL. We'll remember that next time guys are whining for some pussy action.
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mack2334 Amateur Jackinchatter

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Donna was only screwing around with us,loosen your shorts.At least I think so,what would she expect from a jo website,diamond ring on second chat?
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str8_husband_27 Novice Jackinchatter

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Here's my 2cents > Donna, Danny, and Anna have all made valid points. I am personally not the type to send a IM or email so forward that it ignores any kind of "romancing" or general absence of introduction. If and when I run into a female on this site, I'll definitely appreciate the rarity and act accordingly because I personally enjoy getting to know a woman before anything else. That said, we've all gotta admit that many of us are on sites like this in order to escape the formalities that we would normally offer in person right? Again, for me personally I'm not up for sending an empty hit or miss invite but if I may say > that type of behavior is certainly appropriate on a site like this. Go Lakers!!
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Unregistered ?

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Well...there is certainly a lot to say on this topic. I can see both sides of this. Here's my personal opinion...I think with ANY sort of relationship, in real or online life, people (maybe women more than men...?) need some sort of connection. If I want to have a conversation with someone on more than one occasion, it would be great if he was interested in things I had to say and vice versa. If I was just in the mood to get off, I may still choose the one who contacts me and says "hey, how are you, wanna chat?" over the one's that simply say "phone?" or "horny?". Call me crazy, but one work doesn't usually get me all hot and bothered. So yes, you'd think that certain normal rules may not apply on a sit like this, as most of us come here because we like to play, but I don't think that automatically means that us women want to be treated like a peice of meat with nothing else to offer. I don't think that is being pretentious, I think it's about having self respect. Now, don't get me wrong, sure there are times that we wanna just get off, like we are so horny that a connection doesn't matter. We just want someone to tell us whatever they can to make us cum, but just know (in most cases) that's probably not going to be someone you later chat about the weather with. So I guess it depends on what each individual person is looking for on here....cyber, phone, cam, romance, conversation, friends....whatever it is, I am sure that there is someone out there looking for the same thing. So take these interactions for what they are, if it does something for you then continue, if not then move on. Thank you for listening. Great topic to get started Donna!!
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Dirtyboy Novice Jackinchatter

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This is a masturbation chat website i know women always like a bit of romance and thats fine cos i wouldn't dream of saying anything rude or disgusting when i chat to someone for the first time cos thats not my style, but all i am saying is that you shouldn't expect it on a site like this so dont act all innocent when everyone knows what you are here for. For God's sake some of you have your tits or cleavage showing on your profiles lol am i missing something here? Anyway as i said before its just my opinion im not trying to wind anyone up
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Unregistered ?

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I hope this makes sense to some degree... I've had several wine coolers earier and am feeling very mellow at this point... heehee.

I like what you said secretscret... and you too Anna. I'm not trying to be a prissy bitch (believe me, I'm not!) about what I think of you guys as a whole... far from it. All I've wished to state by this topic is my preference in what I enjoy with a conversation with a guy. The other ladies I've talked to seem to enjoy chatting in greater length anyway... maybe because they are female and can connect better with another female (as I surely do) or maybe simply because we are female we're just simply are chattier than most guys are by nature. I dunno. I recognize and respect everyone's opinion no matter what it might be and I didn't have the intention of implying that one opinion is right and the other opinion is wrong. It isn't.. I just wanted to state my opinion as to my preferences... a preference I enjoy most the time, tho not all the time! There are times I too don't wish to sweet talk, but rather just get off. The main reason I wanted to express myself and my personal preferences is because there's been enough times when I've gotten into a chat session and the guy is immediately crude and rude and short worded in his conversation and I express to him that I'm not enjoying the conversation and wish to bow out... sometimes it's taken personally and they get mad at me for not wanting to see them through to their orgasm... even if it would be fairly soon to happen. In those cases it's just not me to continue in that fashion. Tho again... there too are times that I'd just as soon make it short and sweet! I know this sounds contradictive to what I'm expressing that I like. Maybe many are saying to yourself... "what a dingy chic!". That's okay if you are... I understand. There are several guys that I really really enjoy chatting with, whether it lead to orgasms or not, and I truly enjoy talking to those. They are fun, interesting and in most cases quite sensual to chat with. Most of the girls I surely enjoy chatting with... whether reaching wonderful orgasms together with them or not. Most I will because I so much get turned on by other ladies! And then also, I don't neccessarily have to orgasm to totally get into a chat conversation. Just meeting and learning about other's is so nice. But anyway, that's just me... being the bi girl that I've become. Everyone's personality is different tho and no matter what the relationship, some you're gonna 'click with' more than others. I'm sure you guys find yourself enjoying particular other guys or ladies moreso than others too, of course. I suppose, in most cases chatting, I just like to get to know a person somewhat... it makes all feel more personal and likewise more intimate. The sexual and personal intamacy is what turns me on so much! I love the romance aspect of knowing someone and it's not like I'm looking to get serious with someone necessarily..tho it certainly could happen I suppose. Knowing the other person in more than a casual way, for me, is an aspect of chatting that turns me on so very much. Ladies aside, I must say, there's one guy in here that I chat with (actually we've moved to instant messaging now..I know, big deal...right?!) that I'm really turned onto...about as much as I am to those of my hot female acquaintances that I enjoy relations with here or otherwise in chats.

I truly appreciate everyone's comments, you've expressed yourselves well... and keep doing so ~ keep 'em cumming!
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
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I have to agree about the chat behaviors. Sometimes the short answers or crude talk (I can't stand when the guys start talking about "sweet cunt juice". hate the word cunt or when they start refering to me as a hot bitch. wtf?). In some experiences women have displayed the crude talk. The rudeness shoudln't be expected though. You can be horny and not be an asshole.

There are some people I would more readily cyber with than others to be honest. Hell, there are some I'd rather watch on cam than others because I know they put on a good show! Then there are others I just talk to because, well, it's a chatroom and we're not all horny all the time. After a while you find yourself coming to chat when you're not necessarily horny. Bad habit! LOL.

I honestly don't mind if someone wants to talk about what turns you on or fantasy or wildest sex we've had or last great orgasm from masturbating, etc but I wish they'd ask in the main room. It's so hard to have a private conversation when the other person barely talks. I don't mind asking questions but they always get upset when I don't ask any back. Sometimes I'm just not interested in asking back. I'd rather have a group discussion or open forum on the topic. I'll talk about damn near anything in the main room!

We're just naming preferences, that's all.
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WhiteButter said:
It goes both ways. Women get caught up on not being treated like sex objects, and then go on to treat men like a dick with legs.

I've got to admit that I see many of the guys here as "sex objects". I'm sure that's a very large (no pun intended) part of why I'll enjoy cumming here... because of all the glorious cocks hanging around. It'd be so kewl to see all you guys naked in a room lounging around and be able to stroll through and point to any particular one and say, "Ok, I'd like to try you out and see how you please me!"... and lead him or them off to enjoy and fulfill my fantacies for real! Though there may well be a guy here-in that I can learn to appreciate from a deeper level than merely a sex object, I think most guys I can 'use' as a sex object... much more easily than can or do another girl... a girl I've always wanted to 'know' more intimately emotionally. I can go overboard loving another girl so intensely emotionally tho... as I've found to be true in more recent weeks. When the emotions are so intense the desires to be together physically are so overwhelming and will drive me crazy... I think literally! 'Love' and 'desire' are such amazingly powerful emotions...so very powerful!
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