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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

1500 posts since 2008-06-28
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The left wing crazies in San Francisco have advanced a ballot initiative which will be voted on next November called the Male Genital Mutilation Bill. It will ban circumcision in San Francisco. Another case of left wing attacks on individual liberty by the San Francisco crazies. At the same time, Colorado is considering joining 17 other states in no longer fuding Medicaid coverage of the procedure.

Circumcision is under attack as never before. Apart from these assaults on individual liberty, they do not take into account the religious aspects of the practice. In this sense, freedom of religion is under attack as never before by the left wing social planners, and the Medicaid bean counters.

Circumcision must remain an option freely available to all Americans. Circumcision offers certain clear advantages, not least the fact that it produces a more handsome and shapely penis than nature otherwise provides.
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Boxerzonme Amateur Jackinchatter

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We're just fucked again. Individual choice and freedom in any matter it seems is being taken away.
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Unregistered ?

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As a UK resident, this decision obviously has not impact on me and as I am uncircumsized, I may have a certain personal bias. However, I am curious...

You state "Circumcision offers certain clear advantages, not least the fact that it produces a more handsome and shapely penis than nature otherwise provides." Surely this is a matter of personal preference? I know many people, including myself, much prefer the look of a natural penis, but there could be as many or more who prefer a circumsized penis. The point here is that it is not a fact, but an opinion or preference.

Secondly, surely this adds to an individual's personal liberty? As a baby, I have no control over my parents' decision to mutilate me. Surely it would be fairer to allow that individual to choose whether they wish to be circumsized once they are old enough to make that decision for themselves, rather than having to grow up without that freedom of choice?

I don't have any strong opinion on this either way - just curious to see how others perceive this issue.
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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The aesthetic issues involving the appearance of the penis is certainly a matter of personal preference. But to my mind, how anyone could prefer the shapeless tube of flesh that is the natural penis, to the shapley tube and cockhead of the circumcised penis is beyond human understanding. All girls I know certainly prefer circumcised guys.

The personal liberty involved is the liberty of parents to make important decisions for their children. Parents decide what children eat, where they live, where they go to school, church, etc, etc. Parents have near total control over their minor children. Surely they should be free to decide the circumcision question too.

As for "mutilation".....this is an emotionally charged word which does nothing but detract from a serious and rational discussion of the issue.
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Rabbit420 Skilled Jackinchatter

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I like mine circumcised and wouldn't have it any other way. I didn't suffer any emotional or physical trauma when it was done and I'm glad my parents decided to have it done for me.
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getnoff Professional Jackinchatter

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I'm uncut and I'm not going to begin a debate about the virtues of cut vs uncut. I am disappointed that I come here and read things like, "cirumcision produces a more handsome and shapely penis" (according to who? you?) and "all the girls I know certainly prefer circumcised guys"(what about the girls the rest of us know)... I don't agree with "forced choice" for or against circumcision as this is a very personal choice for each of us. How about we not say things that could offend those of us who are uncut? And accept our differences without such comment. Just like size, we're all different, have different preferences and likes/dislike. As a bi man - I enjoy cocks of all shapes, sizes, colors and "status" related to cut/uncut.
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Rabbit420 Skilled Jackinchatter

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I agree with you, to each their own. All I was saying is that I prefer mine the way it is. As long as you are satisfied and happy with yours then that's fine too, but I don't think that it's mutilation any more than having your cock pierced or tattooed which I wouldn't do.
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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Of course what I stated is an opinion. It's opinions that usually get posted here. That's sort of what the board is for, it seems to me.

As for possibly being offended by the nature of my opinion, does it seem that I might be just a little bit offended by the statement that I have been "MUTILATED." (Not a statement you made, but certainly one that I responded to in forming my opinion.) I appreciate and understand the contrary opinion which you've stated.

As for tolerance and choice, I'm for it. It's the crazy people in San Francisco who are trying to ban circumcision with their "Male Genital Mutilation Bill."
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ilsatyr63 Skilled Jackinchatter

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For the most part, circumcision in our culture is unnecessary, although it may have some health benefits. On the other hand, I hate liberal dogooders who are always intejecting themselves in other peoples lives. I am cut and have often wished i wasn't, but there are a lot worse things in life. yes, American women prefer cut dicks because that is what they are used to having. I just want a woman who wants dick, cut or uncut! Yes, its fun and different as a bi to play with an uncut member, but for the most part it doesn't matter that much; so let parents make their own decisions.
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getnoff Professional Jackinchatter

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Hey Kent

All good man, sorry if I came off as a jerk. Those of us who are uc take lots of crap for it sometime. I remember back in high school being the only one uc and of all the names I got called in the locker room... this can be an emotionally charged topic sometimes.
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palmer Skilled Jackinchatter

848 posts since 2007-06-30
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same here like many posters i prefer uc, its simply natures way. im cut but its easy to figure out the benefits of being uc. perhaps being cut its always easy to tell which end goes up but other than that...
its just sex
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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getnoff said:
Hey Kent

All good man, sorry if I came off as a jerk. Those of us who are uc take lots of crap for it sometime. I remember back in high school being the only one uc and of all the names I got called in the locker room... this can be an emotionally charged topic sometimes.

You didn't come off as a jerk at all man! And I agreed with what you said. I certainly know about the crap that a guy can have to put up with in high school too.

Good exchange of opinions on an interesting subject!
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Unregistered ?

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Certainly no government agency should forbid the practice, especially for those whose religion requires it. But I believe it would make sense to mandate that the parents actively request it, rather than it being the default option that it currently seems to be in most of the US. I'm cut but my sons aren't - a decision we made 30 years ago over the objections of the doctors and the hospital. I'm glad we didn't knuckle under to the pressure.
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palmer Skilled Jackinchatter

848 posts since 2007-06-30
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yea seems like governments have enough to do already - without adding that "one" to the rule book. i've read some studys that say truly the only benefit for cutting is the doctors checking acct.
its just sex
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Steve_B Novice Jackinchatter

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Why is it that "the left wing crazies" are all for tolerance but then they want to force their beliefs and choices on others?

I believe circumcision should be a matter of choice; a choice for new parents and a choice for adult males. However, I don't believe the procedure should be covered by Medicaid, unless it's medically necessary. Let's keep the government out of this!

I happen to be circumcised and I've never had any desire to be otherwise. In my opinion, I too think a circumcised penis is not only more aesthetic but also more hygenic. Furthermore, most women have told me they prefer circumcised penises.

Finally, for those of you who are unhappy with your circumcised penises, there is such a thing as foreskin restoration surgery.
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