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str8jakdude Amateur Jackinchatter

435 posts since 2006-10-10
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so there is this woman i have vaguely known for a few years now and a little over a month ago she suddenly started talking to me alot. she went from being unseen on my facebook wall to liking and commenting on just about everything i post, after a while i thought what the hell..i asked her out, she said yes! we went out, had a great time, and the kiss at the end of the night was beyond awesome, this date was about a month ago and since then we have talked, text, facebooked ALOT.. she would send random texts just seeing what im upto, when i call her we never talked for less than a couple hours, texting or fb comments she is always smiley facing and LOLing, we had been trying to schedule another get together and yesterday she text me and asked if i wanted to come over by her and do something, so last night i picked her up at her place,but even before i went there she called me and talked until i finally told her i needed to get off the phone so i could get over there to pick her up! (she can talk and talk and talk)and when i got there she gave me homemade cookies.lol we just went to a local bar for the evening, we each only had 3 beers, my only problem with going to a bar (specially when you first meet someone) is that she knew alot of people there and it was quite hard for us to have one on one communication, her and I didn't get much chance to talk.. moving on, at the end of the night it was very late, almost 3am, she said she had to be up at 6am and had not entended on being out so late and i could tell she was exhausted, i took her home, went inside and chatted a few minutes then as i was leaving i went to kiss her as i did on the first date figuring that time was great this one would be better..however, she was quite short about it, then turned it into a hug, i said goodnight and left a little confused. did she suddenly decide she wasnt interested in me that way? or was it just exhaustion and the need to go to bed, not wanting a kiss to turn into a make out session...or more at that moment. i dont know..it just threw me for a loop a little bit. it could very well be nothing, she is very sweet, funny and just a blast to talk with, and about as beautiful of a woman as i have ever seen...id hate to see our progress get derailed, if anyone has some input about this id be happy to hear it
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grlnextdoor Novice Jackinchatter

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give her another chance it could just be the late hour.
something to think about is how did she act at the bar. was she into u even if u couldnt talk one on one. did she hold ur hand touch u rest her hand on ur thigh.
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str8jakdude Amateur Jackinchatter

435 posts since 2006-10-10
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grlnextdoor said:
give her another chance it could just be the late hour.
something to think about is how did she act at the bar. was she into u even if u couldnt talk one on one. did she hold ur hand touch u rest her hand on ur thigh.

there wasnt really contact, we sat next to her girlfriend and they talked alot, and we talked, i didnt know anyone there, but everyone knew her so it was difficult, at the end of the night some guy friend of hers was trying to get her to go to an after bar party, it was quite obvious to me that he wants in her pants but she brushed him off, she did mention that when she was overly tired she could get a bit cranky, or not as chipper, like anyone i guess.. so she very well may have just wanted to go to sleep. in the end im gonna play it off to nothing...i am most certainly gonna call her again sometime, and ya know she told me about a guy she went out with a little bit that turned into a bit of a stalker, so she may have felt a little exposed with me in her home that late hour and it was really only our 2nd time out..her defense may have just shot up .. only she knows
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JackinUncut Amateur Jackinchatter

196 posts since 2008-12-07
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Why don't you just ask her? Maybe she was tired it was 3 AM and all.
A mind is like a door or a window, it only works when open.
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jackin7unc Novice Jackinchatter

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Sounds like she gets around a lot. How long do you think you can handle her if other guys want in her pants so obviously? Ask her to fuck and if she says 'no' move on.
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fleshpumper Novice Jackinchatter

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jackin7unc said:
Sounds like she gets around a lot. How long do you think you can handle her if other guys want in her pants so obviously? Ask her to fuck and if she says 'no' move on.

this is about the worst advice (no offense) but just because this woman, or any woman, or a guy. has alot of friends doesnt mean they "get around alot" and when it comes to an attractive woman there is always going to be other guys that would like to get in her pants, but it doesnt mean they are going to get there, and asking a woman to fuck that you been out with a couple times, guess thats fine if its all you want, but any respectable person will send you packing and never see you again. just my 2 cents
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Jacklvr Skilled Jackinchatter

536 posts since 2009-12-26
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Something fishy here...you connect with a lady, she asks if you want to go out BUT talks so long on the phone you have to tell her bye so you can pick her up????

Next date plan a movie or dinner and then back to her place...if she balks or uses delay tactics, just end the date politely and move on...she is not ready...
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str8jakdude Amateur Jackinchatter

435 posts since 2006-10-10
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Jacklvr said:
Something fishy here...you connect with a lady, she asks if you want to go out BUT talks so long on the phone you have to tell her bye so you can pick her up????

Next date plan a movie or dinner and then back to her place...if she balks or uses delay tactics, just end the date politely and move on...she is not ready...

i think you misunderstood, this was our 2nd date, i text her to see what time i should be there then she called me to give me info, we just got to chit chatting and i just told her i better get off the phone so i could get ready and leave to go there,
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Index » Sexuality » Sex and Relationships » anyone with advice or opinions about this?