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oh just piss off and get a life you fucking weirdo!

I'm done here, people can see what you're like.
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Bare_Shaft Skilled Jackinchatter

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Kent said:

By contrast, your tortured attempt to justify why you wish to make requirements on this president which have never been made on any other president or candidate, while just as racist in character, is all the more offensive for its insidious duplicity.

Of all the candidates running, why are you only suspicious that the black man lied to get into college? White Mormons....or white Catholics..... never lie in your view? Or is it that you think no black man is smart enough to get into Harvard on his own?

I have the proper Democratic response to right wing Republican demands for proof of birth and citizenship, proof of religious affiliation, records of travel and residence, and university records:

GO TO HELL! And take your pernicious racism with you. At the very least, own up to the real reason that you hate Mr. Obama so much.

Kent, thank you for showing us all that you clearly judge a man by the color of his skin and not the conduct and nature of his character.

In recent history all those running for President have had their college records opened and reviewed including their admission records. That fact that our current President's records are sealed suggest there is either something embarrassing or something to be hidden. The color of his skin has nothing to do with this. In addition if you are so willing to call me a racist for inquiring as to why a man's records are sealed, when he was smart enough to get into Harvard, forces me to put into question your character and judgement.

I will agree the racism is evil (I assume that is the definition of pernicious you were implying); but calling everyone you disagree with a racist will only exacerbate racial tension.
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gcaplan Skilled Jackinchatter

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Well now gcaplan:

I see you have garnered the Declaration of Independence and some random samplings of presidential speeches to try to justify your ridiculous assertion that America has a "covenant to God." And then thrown in another reference to Obama's old pastor's Black Liberation Theology. (Nothing like throwing out a little more dog whistle racism in an election season is there? President Obama has repudiated this and only the right wing racists even mention it anymore. So, I'll not deal with it further.)

I'll not address the birther issue further either. The Hawaiian birth certificate has been released and those charges have become a joke to everyone but the right wing crazies. But your comment about thinking that Obama is a "Messiah" is a nice hateful touch that will also appeal to the right wing haters.

And as for those college records you require. That's another dog whistle to the racists. It's all about "suggesting" that he's a black man who received special treatment under affirmative action. To the right wing racists, he's just a little too BLACK for the WHITE House, isn't he?

As for that "covenant to God" that you've hatched. We are a secular nation with a constitution that requires that the secular system keeps hands off of religion. What is SO hard for you religionists to understand about that?

Yes, the Declaration of Independence makes the references you quote. But do you understand the difference between an historic "REVOLUTIONARY" document and a "GOVERNING" document? Apparently not!

The sole governing document of the republic is the federal CONSTITUTION.....and the state constitutions which are subordinate to it. Not a single word of the Declaration of Independence has the force of law. And the only reference to religion in the constitution is the part you quote which explicitly FORBIDS the establishment of religion in the United States. This absolutely DEFINES the secular nature of the nation, and is the basis of the doctrine of separation of church and state. And from this you infer a "covenant to God." Amazing!

Then you quote presidential speeches. And what is your point? Of course we have had presidents who believe in God. So what? Part of your "covenant?" Secondly, politicians will always sprinkle their speeches with references to God to appeal to voters, regardless of their personal convictions. Abraham Lincoln used God in his speeches a lot, and was not a Christian. He was criticized in his time for never having joined the Christian church. Jefferson was not a Christian and is usually referred to now as a "Deist." George Washington had joined the Christian church but refused to take Holy Communion. (For his own unspoken reasons.)

The point is that these men considered religion to be a private matter, to be observed in their own ways. NO, we are not a Christian nation. NO, we are not a religious nation. No there is not in our republic a "covenant to God" as you assert. We are a secular republic which assures religious freedom to all its citizens. And only you far right wing Bible thumpers seem to have any trouble with that.

Finally, you take the term "executive ORDER" and spin it as if the target of all your hate, Mr. Obama, is using such executive branch orders to establish a system of illegal and unconstitutional government. In fact, Executive orders are legal, constitutional, and necessary for the executive branch of the government to function. All presidents use them, and are actually required by law to issue them in many cases. This was never even seriously questioned before you people decided to demonize Mr. Obama.

Sorry if you consider my paragraphs-long replies (which you call rants) to your paragraphs-long posts (which you don't call rants) to be insufficient. If you could raise one or two single political issues in a few lines, I might be able to directly respond in a way more to your liking.

But for those of you on the political right wing, it's all about throwing as much shit against the wall as possible and seeing if some of it will stick. For the racists, and they ARE a part of this, it's about demonizing the hated black man in the White House. And of course for the politically radicalized Christian churches, it takes on the dimensions of a political crusade for GOD. These people really do believe that Jesus would be a Republican. Religious fanaticism knows no bounds. And its mixture with politics and governance has been the source of bloodshed and destruction throughout history. America had managed to avoid such hatred before the rise of the radicalized Christian right wing of the Republican party. Ultimately, their mission is to destroy the nation as we know it and establish a theocracy. They are out to destroy us.....LITERALLY.

You think I'm exaggerating? Well maybe. But do go back and take a look at Gcaplan's revealing comment:

"This is after all a country founded with a covenant to God by the original framers ."

This is the voice of religious fanaticism at work. He's not ADVOCATING a theocracy, this man thinks it's already here. When you go to the polls on election day, think about this chilling assertion. And think what this nation would become if these people gain political power. If you're a woman, or a man who loves a woman, think about the government supervising each pregnancy in accordance with Bible-based law. Think about the medically unnecessary, but legally mandated, ultrasound test which many women now have to undergo in compliance with Bible-based law. And think about the fact that these right wing jerks proclaim that they favor "small government," even as they position that government in each and every bedroom of the nation.

I am not exaggerating. In terms of our constitutional traditions, these people are evil. Pure unadulterated political evil! Religious fanaticism become law!

In response

The 56 signers of The Declaration of Independence were men of position , wealth , and business owners .
They signed not only their own death certificates but that of their families , and everything which was theirs . Think how nerve racking it is to sign a contract for a car , house or two year rental agreement ( binding contracts ) . These men signed in a Pledge ( promise if you prefer ) to the Country , a Declaration to the world , an Oath to God to what we stood for and will continue to stand for in his honor .

Sounds magical I know but it incured approximately 50,000 American casulties in battle and eight years of war against not just a superpower , but the last great empire . some of the signers went on to to be imprisoned , tortured , and see their families slaughtered before their eyes . Not one defected or recanted their their pledge . In words better than my own you can read here .


Not since the Magna carta has a document gone on to remake and inspire the world . Legally Binding is to flimsey a term to apply .
Full Document

Highlights refered to
hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

Final paragraph
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

As for my random presidential speech it was to support my statement , an ability Kent lacks .

the speech was from the first elected president under The Constitution , who also believed in the declaration enough to give up his already established fortune , land , position and to betray the Crown he once fought for and to do so for eight years . He wanted to retire but felt duty to serve his country one last time in hopes of securing a fragile government . This was the first speech by our first president , minutes after being sworn into office .
It was chosen to further expand upon this is a nation built on a covenant to God .

Such being the impressions under which I have, in obedience to the public summons, repaired to the present station, it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a Government

Having thus imparted to you my sentiments as they have been awakened by the occasion which brings us together, I shall take my present leave; but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the Human Race in humble supplication that, since He has been pleased to favor the American people with opportunities for deliberating in perfect tranquillity, and dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of government for the security of their union and the advancement of their happiness, so His divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations, and the wise measures on which the success of this Government must depend.

As for Obamas old pastor he was his pastor of nearly 20 years , and led hate filled , anti-american , racist sermons and inbetween married Barrack and Michelle as well as baptised their two daughters . He is no longer his preacher after it became an issue in his 2008 campaign


If my pastor had said anything remote to this I would have gathered my family and left .
According to Kent I am a radical racist for bringing up a significant portion of Obamas religious history after he spouts the evils of Mitt Romeneys Mormon faith and Paul Ryans Catholic faith . I wonder what Romeny preached in his church ?

I mentioned Obamas lack of existence on paper from 12 to 30 and compare it to the gap in Christ papers trail and seeing how people think him a messiah as well . Another truth but since I speak it it means I am a hateful and racist . I have told kent repeatedly in prior post i did not dispute Obama being born in the US . He insist on continuing to create a non existent character .

As for his school records and employment history which obama had sealed it is not a case of black man not white enough for white house but I will say Obama performs as I would expect an affirmative action hire to . Its not the black or the white that concerns me its the RED . From what there is of his prior existence it is communist filled .

Both you and Obama are right we are not a Christian Nation

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We are a nation of the rule of law . there is no forbiding of bringing your religious beliefs into office or even trying to make them law . You can not enforce your beliefs religous or otherwise against the law . The First Amendment is there to protect the people and the Church from the Government . Your right it also forbids Government from establishing a religion for you or I or anyone for that matter . We the people can establish any religion we like and practice it in the confines of the law . I am glad the forefathers had that kind of foresight .

There is no doctrine of The Separation of Church and State . The Phrase is not uttered once in the constitution but rather letters Jefferson wrote .

Jefferson , Lincoln and Washington spoke of God very publicly and not only to garner votes .

Executive Orders were questioned eriously under George W Bush , FDR and Lincoln I am sure there are more .

to new readers i will repast my issue with obamas executive orders .... if anyone got this far lol .
Executive orders

I understand every president does them , rarely have other presidents Executive Orders gone against the already Established law of the land and against laws recently voted down by congress and multiple times .
We now have Amnesty to roughly a million illegals . If these illegals were conservatives there would be high speed rails going 24/7 to deport and rather than green energy all funds would go to teleportation to get rid of them that much sooner . Instead we have a catch , release , vote in place .

some other orders im not overly fond of .

•EO 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
• EO 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.
• EO 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision
• EO 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
• EO 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
• EO 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations.
• EO 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.

Can you Imagine if George W Bush had signed those the uproar there would be .
I do believe Obama holds office legitimately I just think he is violating the constitution more than most presidents have .

As for those pesky ultrasound test i agree no point to it its just govt getting in the way and the tax payers pay for most of them anyway . Lets lets kill a flock birds or Big Birds with one shotgun shell and and outlaw abortion . it will get rid of mandated ultrasounds and saves thousands of lives right out the gate .

We have had many deeply religious men in office how about you list the harm they have done in God's name .

As for bloody crusades many times throughout history people use religion to whip up the Dumb Masses .

I see no threat from God fearing men and women . I also feel I and you too would be welcome in 99.99% of churches in America including Rev Wrights .

The real damage has been 4 trillion in govt spending , 2 trillion in stimulous .

Our Libyan Ambassador denied multiple request for help and after a six hour attack from al-queada he was raped and murdered and im not sure on the order it happened .

The strenthing of the middle east and China . both of whom are dedicated to our annihalation .

Obamacare not even implemented but sending desparetly needed jobs away and is destined to ruin the greatest healthcare in the world as all similar programs have done prior .

Kent I love long replies as you can tell . When i use the word rant I mean it in terms as i listed earlier by Shakespeare

Life ... is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”

you signify nothing , you virtually never give sources , or state facts that you can prove . Your an idea man and thats fine for science fiction and fantasy but your not making the rules here . Till you prove otherwise i take everything you know to not be so .

go on out find things so factual and give links for us all to back your opinions and declaritive statements that when and if one refute it makes us the ones signyfying nothing till then you can only be seen as what mirror me to be , hate filled and obsessed with race . or like these people I think who would agree with you



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gcaplan Skilled Jackinchatter

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Private letter from Thomas Jefferson to close if not his best friend John Adams

DEAR SIR, -- The wishes expressed, in your last favor, that I may continue in life and health until I become a Calvinist, at least in his exclamation of `mon Dieu! jusque à quand'! would make me immortal. I can never join Calvin in addressing his god. He was indeed an Atheist, which I can never be; or rather his religion was Daemonism. If ever man worshipped a false god, he did. The being described in his 5. points is not the God whom you and I acknolege and adore

link to full letter


a good book to see what jefferson really believed .


The hatred for this president is his anti-american communist actions that are crippling this great nation .
I would happily have Clarence Thomas , Thomas Sowell , or Allan Keyes . I was Herman Cains largest supporter till I learned he lied about his affair and maybe more . Don't you recall he was a tea party favorite .


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gcaplan Skilled Jackinchatter

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gcaplan said:
......Again I ask what has Obama done that we want more of ?

Interesting comment! It almost makes me think that you could leave the alternate reality of the right wing noise machine and participate in a responsible political campaign. One based on real FACTS and real ISSUES, and objective REALITY. Not smears and character assassination based on the lies and misrepresentations of Rush Limbaugh and FOX News.

There are SO many issues that you could responsibly attack Mr. Obama on politically. Hell man, you could mount a great campaign about his handling of the economy. But instead, you make silly charges about broken "promises" on the unemployment rate that in fact he never made. And you are obviously still in a tizzy about Black Liberation Theology.

And you're sure that he has something to hide about his admission to Harvard. You want university records. You want documents. (But you conveniently DON'T want Mr. Romney's tax returns.) You just HATE President Obama so much that you can't control yourself. And of course we all know the real reason for your hatred. No way a black man could actually qualify for admission to Harvard in your view, unless he received preferential treatment over white people. No way that he could even be a legitimate president. Must be foreign. Probably even a Muslim. So VERY different from US!

For the record, I have lots of things that as a liberal Democrat, I don't like about President Obama's record over the last four years. If you want an ACTUAL promise not kept, he promised to close Gitmo. And then he welched on that promise by caving in to political pressure. He's holding prisoners without trial, or even due process. He's killing innocent people in a foreign war. He's only better than Bush in that he's not torturing prisoners. Bush is a war criminal. Obama is not.

And the Affordable Care Act is not at all structured as I would like it. It should have had a public option. As it is, it's a huge gift to the private insurance companies. Obama couldn't even control his own party as the health bill was being crafted in the Congress. Then there was a total failure of the president and the White House political office which allowed you right wing crazies to demonize and turn against him what should have been the signature achievement of his administration. Obama absolutely SUCKS at being a politician in my view. Even the last debate proved that.

But will I vote for him? In the face of the lies and character assassination of the right wing Republican fanatics, you bet your ass I will.

The attacks i mounted pertained to the conversation as it spun . Just trying to stay on topic . As for Romneys tax records I would not mind seeing them but they will not be as revealing as Obamas school and employment history .
I think Romneys taxes make for a boring novel and besides its nearly unheard of to release more than he already has . It is also unheard of to seal your school records when president .

FYI Obama never was and still is not running against Bush .
You love to attack but fear to post FACTS , LINKS , and again I ask Why vote for Obama ? What has Romney said or did in business as a govorner , that would make him a worse candidate ? All I get is he is evil , a cultist intolerant mormon running around with a catholic terrorizing women and lying .
I admit these are serious charges , I have not found proof please help .
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frotfan Novice Jackinchatter

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The discussion here is a little better than most of the threads on Facebook. Still, I have yet to be convinced by any right-wing arguments that Romney would do a better job of running the country. The guy is a liar and a cynic - he has already participated in the elimination of thousands of jobs in the USA for the profit of his cronies in big business. Would this suddenly stop as he takes the oath on a bible in which HE DOES NOT BELIEVE? I don't think so.
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gcaplan Skilled Jackinchatter

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i acknowledge obama won by a nose and rose garden was a turning point . but he and his administration were saying a youtube vid with about 300 hits at time of quadinated attack on multiple embassies .
know any of those that saw the whole vid ?? how did a bunch of arabs see it .

take your time in responding , and frankly this is tiresome to write may i suggest we only go for say 2 or 3 topics at a time to keep this simple and still easily readible if anyone else still reads the post lol . or perhaps just take these to private email ? I am open to suggestions cause we are writing responses the size of congressional bills .

also I am going out of town the 22nd and not returning till november second and it is my vacation so i will not be here much that time but i will say hi when i get back . though i will be sure to stop by and rub some out to the non election post lol . off to bed

i am serious we need to reform our rants and ravs somehow
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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I say Obama promied 5.4% unemployment you say he never used the word promise just pledge .
I say he sealed his records you say was it sealed or just not released .

I demand your sources you just request more of mine which as my prior post show I never have shortage of sources .
WHy end the debate you started this thread ? You still lack your sources !



List Of Records Obama Refuses To Release

Passport files
University of Chicago Law School scholarly articles
Harvard Law Review articles
Harvard Law School records
Columbia University records
Columbia University senior thesis, “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament”
Occidental College records, including financial aid that he may have received
Punahou School records, where Mr. Obama attended from the fifth grade until he finished high school
Noelani Elementary School records, where Barack Obama attended kindergarten (according to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register — but parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country)
Complete files and schedules of his years as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004
Obama’s client list from during his time in private practice with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard
Illinois State Bar Association records
Baptism records
Obama/Dunham marriage license
Obama/Dunham divorce documents
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
Soetero/Dunham Adoption records

The non-issuance of the Occidental College records is especially pertinent. The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) served officials at Occidental College with a subpoena to produce records concerning Barack Obama’s attendance there during the 1980’s, because those records could document whether he was attending as a foreign national. Obama attended Occidental on a Fulbright scholarship — financial aid that is reserved for foreign students.

George W Bush released his transcripts


John Kerry's

We can finding Thesis and essays from Bill Clinton and many many others

Do you not recall calls for Bush's transcripts , and military history .

As for Romneys tax forms I would suspect his reasoning would be a contortion of good business practice being used to make him into an Ebenizer Scrooge .

With Obama from all circumstantial evidence I suspect we will find a dope smoking communist with anti-american sentiments far worse than his public ones .

I was not pretending to not understand I was asking you to make an argument and give proof and sources to your argument and not rely on your effortless brilliance .

Science tells me life begins at conception , as i told you before in prior post and challenged you before also to provide evidence otherwise and you keep insisting God told me .
Do you only win arguments by putting words in the oponents mouths ?
By that rational abortion is murder and as children are removed from abusive parents it is our duty to protect the innocent and defensless in the womb .
Everyone against abortion is already born . You are the one not concerned with the feelings of simple human beings .

You have said Obama can not lead a democrat congress , a republican congress , even bills with his name on them , or his ability to keep promises .

Obama promises 4 dollar a gallon gasoline and said many jobs in china will not be coming back . I hope that is not so and goes the way of the gitmo clossing .

Romney has worked with democratic majorities in Massachussets and led reform rarely seen in a leftist state . Turned failed companies around to become proffitable again . Helped start Staples from scratch . Saved the Olympics .
Next time you think how evil Mitt Romney is think of this story you have likely never heard before


I can not think of any story that comes close to this from Obama
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Unregistered ?

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Let's see--- Romney IN THE SAME SPEECH says we should vote for him because he'll create new jobs AND says that government doesn't create jobs--- ummmm anyone else catch the disconnect?
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