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Questions related to your preference for women:

Boobs: Real or Fake (ok I know, PC term is implants)
Fingernails: Real or Fake
Nail Polish: French manicure or Nail color
Skin: Tanned or Natural
Hair color: Blond, Brunette, Red, Other
Hair Length: Long, Medium, Short
Hairstyle: Straight, Wavy, Curly
Shoes: Heels or in Tennis shoes
Cooking: Her, You, take-out
Make-up: None, light, heavy
Skirts: Long, mid-length, short
Jewelery: Silver/Platinum or Gold

Ok, well just some fun ones to lighten the mood. I know it's all about preference, nothing is meant to offend anyone, just thought it could be interesting to know what everyone likes and why. Thanks
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Rod Enlightened Jackinchatter

3032 posts since 2005-08-13
53 year old bisexual from Dallas, TX
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This one is fun!

Here we go...

Boobs: Real...for me, though, I prefer a nice perky shape to a large size, and I've seen some fakes that meet the criteria, too
Fingernails: no preference, really
Nail Polish: no preference here, either
Skin: either...depends on the person
Hair Color: Red, followed closely by blonde
Hair Length: long/medium
Hairstyle: different looks work for different women...wavy-ish?
Shoes: hmmm...heels generally mean I need to be somewhat dressed up, too, so...tennis shoes laugh
Cooking: yes
Make-up: none to light
Skirts: mid/short
Jewelry: whatever makes her smile (yeah...so...I'm a suck-up in this category...so what?)
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My preferences are:

Boobs: Real, firm and just a good handful.
Fingernails: Real
Nail Polish: None
Skin: natural tan
Hair color: Brunette
Hair Length: Long
Hairstyle: Natural, however it grows
Shoes: Tennis shoes or barefoot
Cooking: Her
Make-up: None
Skirts: short
Jewelery: None

I prefer an athletic outdoor woman.

Actually, I like all the ladies I meet, except the ones I don't like. smile
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whatdoyouwanasee Amateur Jackinchatter

153 posts since 2006-10-03
49 year old heterosexual from Ohio
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boobs: I prefer real, but then I've never felt a fake so who knows. Really it just matters that she is comfortable with them. Sometimes gets weird if she's self concious about them.

Nails: I prefer short to medium length real nails. Being that I like a finger in me sometimes, the thought of a fake nail getting lost scares me.razz

Nail polish I am impartial too.

Skin: Tan definitly. Tan lines are a turn on too me.

Hair color: I don't care as long as it looks natural.

Hair length: Again I don't really care as long as it fits the rest of her.

Hair style: Wavy

Shoes: Tennis shoes I guess. I'm pretty laid back and high heels seem too formal too me.

Cooking: Recently I have been trying my hand at cooking a bit more, and kind of like it. How's this? I'll do the cooking if she does the grocery shopping? razz Take out gets old after awhile.

Make-up: None to light. Not really into the heavy stuff. Usually scary whats underneath all that.

Skirts: Hmmmmmm......don't think I've dated any women that wear skirts often. I guess that goes back with the high heels. Nice butt huggin jeans for me please.

Jewelery: I used to like yellow gold, but now prefer the white gold, silver, or platinum. Not too into the darker titanium stuff. It looks great if the display, but not in the body too me.
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whatdoyouwanasee said:

real nails. Being that I like a finger in me sometimes, the thought of a fake nail getting lost scares me.razz

LMAO.....I hear ya on that, but was funny as hell to read it!! Thanks
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Sparkie Enlightened Jackinchatter

4345 posts since 2005-08-16
53 year old heterosexual male from Kansas City
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Boobs: As long as she has them - Who cares? boobs grin

Nails: Don't prefer either. I hate fucking my woman and having to put Band-Aids on all the claw marks she leaves. frown

Nail Polish: See 'Nails' above. plain

Skin: As long as she doesn't look like a lobster or an albino science test rat I am okay. razz

Hair Color: Brunette all the way baby! love

Hair Length: I don't like my woman looking 'Butch'. angry

Hairstyle: Three hairstyles need to be laid to rest: The Texas Beehive; The Cyndi Lauper cut and the Hillary Rodham Clinton cut. Damn it is going to suck if she is elected president, because there will be a number of women who go and have their hair done just like hers because they 'idolize' her. cry

Shoes: 9" Fuck-Me Pumps amazed

Cooking: No need to cook dear, I can survive on Subway Honey. grin

Make-Up: Just enough to bring out the natural beauty that she possesses' smile

Skirts: Easy Access Baby ass for when we are at concerts, sporting events and those never ending PTA meetings. smooth

Jewelry: Didn't I buy you a ring when we got married? confused

Why do I suddenly feel the urge to crawl back under my rock? razz
WTF Do you want now?
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VicSecret_JO Amateur Jackinchatter

249 posts since 2005-08-14
48 year old heterosexual
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Boobs: Real or Fake
- Either; the important aspect is what led her to get them: low self-esteem or something

Fingernails: Real or Fake
- Either

Nail Polish: French manicure or Nail color
- I truly don't know the difference, and neither do I care

Skin: Tanned or Natural
- Either

Hair color: Blond, Brunette, Red, Other
- Any; although I do have a bit of a redhead fetish

Hair Length: Long, Medium, Short
- medium; too long just screams HIGH-MAINTENANCE; too short is too masculine

Hairstyle: Straight, Wavy, Curly
- any, but see previous about high maintenance

Shoes: Heels or in Tennis shoes
- Either, depending on the circumstance; it would be nice if she liked to dress up on occasion, but also dress down and relax

Cooking: Her, You, take-out
- Her, if I'm tired; me, if I want to impress her; take-out, if we're both too horny to take time to cook.

Make-up: None, light, heavy
- depends on the situation

Skirts: Long, mid-length, short
- depends on the situation

Jewelery: Silver/Platinum or Gold
- Lead; consider the following:
And this too, actually:
Mmm, I love jerking off... fucking my greasy, tight, slippery fist until I spurt my gobs of cum...
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Unregistered ?

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Boobs: Real and firm
Fingernails: Real
Nail Polish: usually some shade of red color, but I like natural too
Skin: Healthy tanned but that's a misnomer because the sun isn't all that healthy for skin
Hair color: Blond or Brunette
Hair Length: Long or Medium
Hairstyle: Straight or Wavy,
Shoes: Heels or in Tennis shoes, either just depends where we are going
Cooking: both, cooking can be a very sensual affair
Make-up: None or light
Skirts: Do not like long skirts or dresses, so i like mid-length, short
Jewelery: Diamonds
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Unregistered ?

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Boobs: Real is great becuase at my age they dont loose there perkyness
Fingernails: dont matter either way
Nail polish: the french thing turns me on
SKin: a natural tann, i dont know why but both tanning bugs me
Hair: burnnet
Hair lenght: medium to long
shoes: black hooker boots
Coockin: i that we both do it? not like i have every lived with a girl before seeing my age, but we cook for eachother still
Make up: Little to medium, i like to find the true beauty they have
Skirt: Shorter the better!
Jews: White gold
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alex31 Novice Jackinchatter

2 posts since 2006-07-21
heterosexual from canada
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Boobs: Real or Fake don't mind as long as they look and feel GOOD!!!
Fingernails: Real
Nail Polish: French manicure
Skin: Tanned
Hair color: Blond
Hair Length: Long
Hairstyle: Straight
Shoes: Heels
Cooking: Her
Make-up: light
Skirts: mid-lenth
Jewelery: Gold
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davestr8ker Skilled Jackinchatter

624 posts since 2006-04-11
heterosexual male from California
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Boobs: She can be flat chested or huge, but a natural shape.
Fingernails: Natural and not long.
Skin: Tanned is natural, right? I do seem to like pale skin.
Hair color: Brunette. Jet black is sexy. So are redheads (if the carpet matches the drapes wink )
Hair Length: Long. Hmmm, or butch can be very cute.
Hairstyle: Straight, but wavy can be sexy.
Shoes: None
Cooking: Shared.
Make-up: None
Skirts: None.
Jewelery: As long as it's not blocking my view of her sexy navel.

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Unregistered ?

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This was easy..... Yessssssss to all, none of these things make a bit of difference when you look into a woman's eyes and get that connection, get a little aroused, nothing matters after that... the animal takes over

With every rule there is an exception overkill, too much or too over the top with just about anything will stop the connection from ever happening at all
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Unregistered ?

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Boobs: real I love small chested real boobs.

Nails: real or fake as long as she has them. Nothing like long nails scratching your balls or digging into your back.

Nail polish: Painted with red or a hot pink. I used to love to see my wife fist my cock with her long fingers and nails painted red.

Skin: Tanned. We did live in SoCal,I still love the sun.Love the tan lines or lack of them.

Hair color:Brunette

Hair length:I'm going to say something the way I last rembered my wife. Bald or peach fuzz. Even after kimo she was the best looking lady in the house.

Hair style: Again bald, I would get into bed and cuddle up to her and rub her head and tell how beautiful she was.I think she knew.

Shoes: Heels she had great legs.

Cooking: Lets go out. It was just the two of us so why not.

Make-up: very little. She never needed much. she looked wonderful with or without.

Skirts: She loved them short, like I said she had great legs.

Jewelery: She loved gold and she had the longest fingers and it just showed off her jewelery.

God I miss her so. twenty eight years. I love you baby.
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that's so sweet and tender.
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Ben Enlightened Jackinchatter
Cock of the walk
2998 posts since 2005-07-18
45 year old curious from St Paul, Minnesota
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Well, I already have a dream woman, but I'll answer anyway

Boobs: Gotta be real. I'd rather she be a real A cup than a fake C cup
Fingernails: Fake is ok if they are professionally done and tasteful
Nail Polish: I love the french manicure. Anna got one for the wedding, and damn it was hot
Skin: Tanned or Natural. No real preference
Hair color: I've never dated anyone but brunettes
Hair Length: long curly hair is hot
Hairstyle: curly or wavy hair can be very sexy
Shoes: barefoot
Cooking: I'd prefer to be the one cooking
Make-up: either none, or very light and natural
Skirts: depends on the girl
Jewelery: Silver/Platinum
I'm just a guy
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