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For example, when you're doing yardwork, or swimming etc. outside, do you pee outside or go inside to use the facilities? Front yard vs. back yard? And why? Thanks!
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on the golf course.
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whatdoyouwanasee Amateur Jackinchatter

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Yes I do. Sometimes out of convienence. A large portion of my property is wooded, and if I am doing some stuff out there where I won't been seen, it is easier than walking around to the gate and then try get take off my shoes or get the mud off before going inside. Then there are times I find it a turn on for some reason. Guess the exhibitionist in me hopes I might be watched sometime.
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Rod Enlightened Jackinchatter

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Hmmm...well, I don't make a habit of it.

Living in an apartment, I have no yardwork of my own to do. I do help out my wife's grandmother and my mother & stepfather with yardwork, but that's not terribly conducive to taking a whiz outdoors.

Don't use the pool at the apartments, but rather at my mother's...see above.

Although, if we're housesitting for my folks (or just plain there when they're not), and go swimming, I've been known to just step out of the pool and over to the grass if nature calls.
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onannano Amateur Jackinchatter

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I've always enjoyed peeing outside. Now I live in an apartment it's more when I'm out walking or when I'm on the road. I enjoy the exhibitionist side of this (and really enjoy watching a woman when she's taking a leak outside). Also enjoy the wetting websites and pics of women who have/are wetting their jeans etc... Especially when the girl looks proud/excited to be out in public in that state. I used to know a girl (long time ago) who was into this and we built it into our sex life. very nice. grin Are you into pee secretsecret? It's been a part of my sex/fantasy life since I was a kid (and that's a LONG time ago!)
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sourdough Novice Jackinchatter

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Being from alasla it's not unusual to go pee outside where i live i can pee off my ront porch and back porch and nno can see. It's just so natural to do it outside nobody even thinks twice about up here!
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Unregistered ?

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I can pee outside pretty much anytime I want since I am in the country a bit. Usully go behind the building but I have been know to go right out in front at night.

So Secret.. now you have to answer the question yourself..

tell us girl.. Do you pee outside?

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M_T Novice Jackinchatter

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Sure, I love to pee outside - since I was a kid. I like being naked outside when I can, and peeing just comes naturally. I've peed in some pretty strange places outside, I guess, but it's a turnon for me.
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Unregistered ?

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cms said:
So Secret.. now you have to answer the question yourself..

tell us girl.. Do you pee outside?


Well I certainly have, lots of times, but not routinely anymore when I'm doing yardwork or something like that. You see, I'm not the neatest squatter and pisser...I pee on my shoes or panties sometimes (maybe that was when I was drunk), who knows....I do most of my peeing inside now though, for that reason! hehe
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When at the beach I pee in the sea,but if no one is around I'll go ashore stand there and pee.Its fun, as anyone, who has peed outdoors and liked it, will agree.Once after drinking 2 cans of lager I had a full bladder and needed to pee at the beach.Standing behind a boulder I did a hands-free pee and it was great.
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marriedboner Skilled Jackinchatter

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I run for exercise, often on trails, and it's quite normal to pee along the way, even if I'm running in a group. Runners are very matter-of-fact about body functions and we'll stop and wait -- at a distance -- if someone needs to pee, then we run again. I've seen women peeing off-road and I notice but just keep on going. I understand why some women feel they can't pee outdoors but it makes me sad and I wish they'd just take the moment, pee, and go on and not worry. It'll probablyl be all right.
In a few long road races I have had to pee and have learned the art of just letting it go so I don't have to stop. It's a mess but you are going to shower afterward anyway. I know other runners, male and a few female, who do this and have seen others do it occasionally and it doesn't bother me.
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alwaysjackin48 Amateur Jackinchatter

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AT my previous residence. I had a detached backyard garage. Many a night, after drinking , I would come home with a raging need to pee. It just seemed natural to step out of the garage and pee b4 I got into the house. One thing I learned , was it makes GREAT fertalizer for the bermuda lawn. Haveing a fenced yard , the chance of being seen was 0%. So once I realized I was fertalizeing the yard as I relieved, I felt there was no reason to NOT pee outdoors. I think I speak for a majority of guys, if there is a restroom handy fine , if not , FINE.
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Saves water to take a leak outside - I do it all the time.
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eddy Skilled Jackinchatter

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I enjoy peeing outside. But, I never do it when there is a chance I will offend someone.
Horny old men want sex too.
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