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identity Novice Jackinchatter

49 posts since 2006-12-28
37 year old
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yeh so anyway whenever i get my girlfreind to a really good enjoyment time haha..like when she is feeling really good! she always quickly stops me and says "StOP stop! im gona pee!!" and she feels like she is gona piss everywere so ill stop..

ive never made her cum...its sooo annoying /SLASH/ embarrassing haha
some help oh n yeh can you explain the whole pee thing??!!
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Alistoria Amateur Jackinchatter

130 posts since 2007-03-10
heterosexual from Another Place and Time~
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Dear Identity...
The woman and man, have many opportunities to understand the differences in their bodies and how they manifest them selves sensually and physically. Not being aware can cause confusion and indiffence or in relationship, separation. The "Waters" of the woman are a beautiful sacred essence, that is meant to be experienced and honored. With the woman submitting and releasing them to her mate, as an offering to be recieved in honor. It's not about being afraid to get the mattress wet. So therefore one doesn't release it. It is about trusting your mate to receive it well and in the spirit it was designed for. Our bodies have been created for this, male and female. Releasing is natural. If in her belief, it is speaking to her that it is bad, or she is going to get something wet, or she doesn't trust enough to release and submit to you completely, she is holding all of this wet energy in. An example might explain, a woman as young girl, may have had issues with bed wetting, and may have been ridiculed for it, made to feel that it was bad to make the bed wet. This can very easily be carried along into their interpretation of what is right and wrong with their sensualities, physically and emotionally. Actually, the waters are not made up of her urnine... it is a fluid, that I won't go into technically here, but urine can also be released into the waters...and it is sometimes difficult to sense which and from where it is actually cumming from. It doesn't really matter from where...What matters most is realizing that it is beautiful part of the female anatomy, and they are the flowing "Waters of the Woman". Because she is holding back the waters, she is not going to be able to release her orgasm...because it is part of her internal orgasm...Women have 3 different area's within them that can produce different variations of the releasing. Anally, vaginally and clitorially. One can easily release into the other. "How many ways can one release...let me count the way". Gushing and Squirting is the goal here for her to experience. "Squirting", takes some practice with the muscles. "Gushing" is a great way to begin.
But this would tell me that one is holding something more behind it, that they are also not releasing...and this lies within her belief system, that is brought to the relationship, that did not just start yesterday. Equipping yourself with Knowledge on this subject and Loving Encouragement will speak to her that you care very honestly about the enjoyment sensually, you want to share with her. Assuming she will just do it right eventually, may not cum before more disappointments make it more complicated. If it weren't confused by layers of negative interpretations, it could just happen naturally...but the question would be, what is, "What is keeping her from experiencing what she was truely designed to experience?" and "What is it that I need to learn about this so I can be the best possible mate to her I can be. Then at some point, she can return the favor to release the anxiety that this also is building in you. There are only two ways you can work through this...the one I just described, or become more and more frustrated, which will only intensify your separation from what you would like to experience with each other.
If she can experience this with her own self pleasure while she learns to feel these differencs...giving herself the joy of her own first orgasm would be a wonderful thing to return to you as her gift to you. Healing is a wonderful direction and experience that will deepen your intimacy with each other.
Enjoy the ride, it's not as scary as it looks and feels!
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angus Amateur Jackinchatter

128 posts since 2007-05-10
bisexual from Scotland
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Alistoria has asked me to help out, not sure that I am really qualified. I can understand your frustration, but maybe you are causing it by making her nervous. Sex seldom comes easily and I know from my own experience that it is not necessarily the major ingredient in a good relationship.

Message is just do not worry, with goodwill on each side it will sort itself out
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
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Maybe she really thinks she's going to pee when it's really female ejaculation. When it happens, it feels like a huge pressure and it does, in fact, sort of feel like you're gonna pee!

I'd suggest putting a towel down to ease her mind. Ensure her that whatever happens you will not laugh at her, make fun of it, or tell others about it. Finding out new things about your body should be a fun and relaxing experience.
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identity Novice Jackinchatter

49 posts since 2006-12-28
37 year old
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haha alistoria go easy on the bullshit haha

we are more than comfortable with each other. she isnt holding anything back from me...other than peeing in the bed. im not letting her piss all over my bed haha

there was one time she got to that point in the bath so she did pee n then wen she had finished peeing she wasnt as turned on like she had lost the feeling

all im askin is wat makes u ladies cum? and can i have a detailed explanation of wat it feels like?

and wat age were u wen u had your first orgasm

please dont comment on my relationship, im not asking u to cause u dont no anything bout it...cept from this sexual adventure haha shiiiit

thanx to peeps replying grin
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TigerLilly Amateur Jackinchatter

178 posts since 2006-07-31
68 year old heterosexual from Midwest
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identity said:
haha alistoria go easy on the bullshit haha

other than peeing in the bed. im not letting her piss all over my bed haha

all im askin is wat makes u ladies cum? and can i have a detailed explanation of wat it feels like?

and wat age were u wen u had your first orgasm

please dont comment on my relationship, im not asking u to cause u dont no anything bout it...cept from this sexual adventure haha shiiiit

thanx to peeps replying grin

identity, you would be wise to 1.) Listen to Alistoria because she knows what she's talking about. 2.) your GF will not PEE in your bed 3.) if you think like that she will never be able to have a female ejaculation with you as her partner 4.)Learn to spell and write properly 5) stop treating sex as if it's a joke it isn't, it should be a loving act between two people 6) Anna told you in no uncertain terms the same things that Alistoria did but in more basic terms

Finally, if you think bringing your GF to climax and giving her an orgasm is peeing in your bed then stop having sex with her until you grow up and learn how to pleasure a woman correctly. Do a search on the web and you can learn all about female orgasm and ejaculation.
a woman who knows how to use her mouth
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Unregistered ?

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haha Hey, maybe if you stop "laughing" and liten to her(your girlfriend) maybe see is trying to tell you something, haha. But being 20, I suppose you got everything all figured out already. Haha
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
Eat, Sleep, Fuck
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identity said:
please dont comment on my relationship, im not asking u to cause u dont no anything bout it...cept from this sexual adventure haha shiiiit

It feels like a sweet electrical charge starting at my clit and branching out. How does it feel for her? Or is that too personal?

Frankly, I'm confused why you brought up your sexual relationship.. and then tell us not to comment on it. Perhaps you shouldn't have sex until you can mature a little bit and stop laughing at your girlfriend.
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identity Novice Jackinchatter

49 posts since 2006-12-28
37 year old
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people here are commenting on my relationship..i dont want that!!

sex is fun get over it. im not making passionate love everytime..fuk that and my gf thinks the exact same!!! ofcourse we have our serious love making!

i asked about chicks having orgasms n shit. thanks to anna, the only person not being a wanker and attempting to answer the question without either talking about my relationship and babling on bout other shit

YES i no sex is part of a realationship

lighten up dudes seriously

u dont no me or my girlfreind so stop sayin shit like...dont laugh at her, grow up, treat sex seriously...U DONT NO SHIT ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIP again i was asking about orgasms n shit

me and my girlfriend love each other very much and are 100% open with each other

dudes are reading wat i am writing wrong but anyway over all this shit
dont care if i repeated myself cant be stuffed lookin over it

thanks to anna again and bye dudeees!!

and for people that care about spelling hahahahahahhaa its a forum not a god dam essay competition

have fun with the bitch session hope it makes u feel good

p.s i like to laugh, its fun. i dont like taking to many things seriously...not worth it
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TigerLilly Amateur Jackinchatter

178 posts since 2006-07-31
68 year old heterosexual from Midwest
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I've been making love and having orgasms longer than you've been on this earth. If you want your gf to have orgasms STOP tell her it's pee because it just isn't. If you can't understand that simple fact and you don't seem to be grasping it from what the 3 women have told you, read Dr. Ruth's "Sex for Dummies". It give great detail about pleasuring a woman to orgasm. Or buy a book on Kama Sutra or better still, see this web site for the HELP you so desparately need: http://www.clitical.com/how-to/fingering.php
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