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ConsummatePerv Novice Jackinchatter

10 posts since 2014-08-15
53 year old
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Do you watch porn at your place of business? I have a cubicle to myself with fairly high walls (and a short coworker behind me), and I can watch porn on my phone if I'm careful. I also have to be careful not to use too much of my phone's data limit at any one time and so I can connect to my company's visitor wifi, but again here I try use sites that don't put "porn" out other giveaways in the URL (tumblr is good for that). I use the incognito feature on my browser to hide my intranet history.

I can also get a wifi and phone carrier signal in the bathroom and go in there 2 - 3 times per week to jerk off, I shoot my cum in the bowl.

What do you do that would get you fired if anyone found out about it?
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I wish I had my own office and could watch porn at work. I'd wear some sort of self stimulating toy that could get me off throughout the day without anyone ever knowing grin
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riverdude Amateur Jackinchatter

469 posts since 2013-10-20
71 year old heterosexual from Upper CA
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try the remote control panty vibrator...
Master edger, veteran voyeur into just about anything. Dig nice racks, dangling labia, tribbing, hard cocks, cumshots, pull back hand jobs, skinny dipping with Gisele.
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iamthemachine Skilled Jackinchatter

753 posts since 2013-05-06
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Use tumblr for your work jerk
Jerkoff to my petite hotwife!
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I don't love vibrators. I was thinking more of something I could insert vaginally.
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wannaWatch_OH Novice Jackinchatter

13 posts since 2014-07-19
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Lucky guy here, I have kind of a corner cube, with my back to a wall. I can see everyone around me, so while it looks like I'm reading or something, one hand on the mouse and one hand on my dick. Keeping a straight face when I want to moan and sigh is pretty exhilarating!

I wear shorts into work, I can just poke my dick head out of the bottom and slow rub out a serious nut, then throw a napkin down and let it soak up the mess.
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I honestly do not do anything that would get me fired. I have too good a job and too large a family to provide for.

when I was much younger and single I had a job that I truly hated and a boss I hated as well. Eventually it got to the point where I did not give a fuck about the job and just stopped working. I came in, I sat in my cube and I watched porn. At first I hid it. Then I decided fuck it and started watching it openly. I didn't care who knew. It still took almost 6 months for them to fire me. I think they thought I was nuts and were afraid to do it. It took me watching porn, doing no work, putting pornographic pictures up on my cube walls that I printed out from websites at work, changing my computers sound files to porno sounds, and finally telling my boss to go fuck himself loud enough for the whole company to hear it when he told me the pictures were inappropriate to finally get me fired. That was actually a ton of fun and the only job I have ever been fired from.
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Index » Masturbation » For Him » Watch porn at work? How do you get away with it?