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Unregistered ?

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I am curious, how much you can trust someone that you only interact with online? How is it that some people come across as more trustworthy than someone else? Do you think your own personal history influences how much or how easily you trust or distrust someone on the net? Is it easier to trust someone of the same sex? Why? Thanks!
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eddy Skilled Jackinchatter

830 posts since 2007-03-06
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A word of advice ... trust no one on line that you only know on line. I never lie to anyone, even on line. But, I never give information that I could not give to any stranger.

There are some really evil folks out there. Except me and you.
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Unregistered ?

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Lol Eddy..

I wasn't really talking about sharing like social security numbers or anything...I just mean trust people in their conversations I guess....I certainly wasn't suggesting to be stupid and divulge everything, but I have found that some people seem more "trustworthy" than others I have met online...so that's where I was coming from, thanks for the response.
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Unregistered ?

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I think that you have to treat all people with a certain amount of caution, as you get to know them better then trust them with things that wouldnt collapse your life in. Also helps if they live in another country. I share some details about my everyday life etc but thats to a select few
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Terrible Novice Jackinchatter

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I seem to be able to figure out the people I can trust.

I've personally met several people online who have been totally fine to interact with, and I've met up with several of them in person.
I wouldn't meet up with the ones I felt I didn't trust. I feel that I am a good judge of character...

I've met some real questionable people on the net, but I've also made some good friends. I guess you just have to be careful...

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Unregistered ?

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have met one person once but it was someone where the chat was not of a sexual nature, was a pleasant hour...
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uncut29uk Skilled Jackinchatter

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I think a lot of the time it comes down to how they discuss things.
I tend to get involved in lots of really good discussions, about things which are usually "make or break" subjects. A lot of the time I can tell if a person is genuine, open-minded, and has their own opinion, or if they just go with whatever is popular without having considered it.

I've met some great people on line, and usually through discussions that have been true discussions; where we have shared ideas and developed a new slant on a subject. I tend to end up saying "actually, I've never looked at it that way before" or something similar. I like people who find themselves saying that in response to something another person has put across.

They are the kind of people who's opinion I will trust on something if I ask them for it.
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Unregistered ?

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Secret, what type of trust are we talking? This was a very vague question. Is something specific on your mind?

I have things that I can tell a total stranger online because I'm confident they have neither the means nor desire to harm me. I am very cautious who I talk to in person because people in my professional circle are a small, tightly-knit, community. I have no doubt that I will run into coworkers 10 years from now. I try not to burn bridges.

Regarding your gender question, in my case, I am more comfortable around women because I had 2 sisters growing up and no brothers, male cousins, etc. When I was single, 90% of my friends were women and my wife is by far my best friend today. I also think my general personality traits have a bit more in common with a conventional woman than a conventional man. Unfortunately, I am in a male-dominated profession, so I mostly interact with men. I always assumed my gender preference was somewhat unique and not the norm, though.
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eddy Skilled Jackinchatter

830 posts since 2007-03-06
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Secret, Glad you clarified that for me. In that case ... I trust everyone I meet on line ... until they give me reason not to trust them. Sometimes after a bit of conversation, I decide something just ain't right, so I break it off. Ouch ... break what off, you might ask.
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Rod Enlightened Jackinchatter

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Myself, I tend to be cautious, but as open as possible. (Gee, contradict much, Rod?)

That is, some friends and I (my friend's wife, primarily) have had a bad experience with someone that we only knew online. Reader's Digest version: after some threatening e-mails (again, primarily to the friend's wife), and some digging by the feds, this guy ended up doing a few months of federal time.

So, while I'm honest in what I say, I'm cautious about what kind of identifying information I provide in any online forum.

With that experience under my belt, to a certain degree, I always go into any new online interaction (whatever its nature) with a degree of caution. When it comes to any kind of sexual context (such as JC here), I also hold a healthy dose of skepticism about what's being said until I can get a feel for the person on the other end. Of course, much of that same caution can be applied in face-to-face interaction, too.

The folks who do earn my trust, though, probably know it, based on the content of the conversations we have.
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