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Mr_Bator Novice Jackinchatter

42 posts since 2008-10-24
73 year old curious from Australia
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Hi all again,

This is a two part question for all the older, more experienced masturbators out there. As I age I'm finding I rarely get a full erection any more but have little trouble with arousal. I often begin masturbation sessions with a half erect cock and on occasions ejaculate without a full erection too. My questions are...

(1) Do any of you use Viagra or Cialis for masturbation?

(2) If so, where do you obtain it? I'm embarrassed to go to my local family doctor and discuss masturbation with him. He is a family doctor that looks after my wife and my whole extended family.

16,000 + orgasms and still counting
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gondo Professional Jackinchatter

1117 posts since 2008-02-09
70 year old curious male from Toronto, Canada
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You will need a prescription, as there are health risks under certain circumstances, such as high blood pressure. If you are married, why does the context of your discussion with your doctor need to be masturbation? On the other hand, as a man he would probably understand.
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horneyoldguy Amateur Jackinchatter

335 posts since 2007-11-26
80 year old from New Jersey
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I am 64 and enjoy masturbation. While I am able to get it hard in the morning without Cialis etc. I do use it to get hard with my wife and become super hard the next morning when masturbating.

1. Your discussions with your doctor are private - there is the privacy thing so don't be afraid to tell him you have difficulty getting an erection and want it so you can get hard. I your doctor is like mine not only will you get a prescripting but you will get some samples as well.

2. Understand that if you use it just to masturbate you are wasting a pill. Use it to also screw your wife/partner and then during the next morning there will be enought in your system so you can have a good masturbation session as well.

3. Men masturbate, it is normal - my urologist has told me that a male my age has to ejeculate at least 3 or more times a week.

4. Have your testosterone checked. Just before my 64th birthday it was discovered that my levels of testosterone were lower the normal so I was put on testosterone replacement which is being monitored by my endrocrinologist. As he told me low testosterone is also a cause for ED.

Hope this helps - If yo want to talk some more or have any more questions you can im me on yahoo - while here I use horneyoldguy as my name on yahoo im I go by old_retired_big_guy

I chat with a number of guys who have some kind of ED but still masturbate.

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rick9865 Novice Jackinchatter

36 posts since 2008-09-07
58 year old curious from South Carolina
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I agree...Cialis is great for fucking, but its too expensive for masturbating. Just buck up and ask your Dr. to write you a scrip for it. It's 2008, and he works for you. You will be surprised when he simply says "OK" and writes you the prescription.
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Unregistered ?

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In the UK, if you suffer from diabetes you can get viagra on prescription from your doctor, depending on your other meds, blood pressure etc, and the prescription charges are waived. Impotence is one 'side effect' of diabetes
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