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Mr_Bator Novice Jackinchatter

42 posts since 2008-10-24
73 year old curious from Australia
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I’m sitting here at my computer watching a woman masturbate at one of the porn sites I regularly visit. I’m quite aroused but not fully erect. I slip my jeans and undies down and begin squeezing and slowly massaging my cock. I notice that my pre-cum has started so I rub it around the head of my penis for stimulation. After some time of watching and fondling my semi erect cock, my onscreen girl starts her orgasm. She’s frantically rubbing her clit and moaning loudly. “This is awesome” I think to myself as the close up of her vagina shows her cunt pulsing with the contractions of orgasm. “Whew... This is good, will I go for it now or wait?” I ask myself.

After watching a second time I close the site and switch the computer off. “Wow, I’m horny” I think to myself and decide to go into the bedroom to masturbate. With my wife away for a few hours I’ll take my time with an edging session.

Moments later I’ve stripped completely and lie down on the bed. My first task is to get out my soft rubber cock ring and slip it on. It stretches the skin over my balls and pulls them forward under my cock and feels terrific. I lie on my back and gently squeeze my balls and slowly rub and stroke my cock until I get pre-cum oozing again. I continue stimulation of my cock and balls and rub the pre-cum lightly around the glans of my cock head. I turn my attention to the underside of my cock, tickling my frenulum with a single finger in a circular motion. Occasionally I pick up a fresh supply of pre-cum for lubrication whilst enjoying the sensation of my hand brushing my balls held tight by my rubber cock ring.

I place my thumb on the upper side of my cock and three fingers on the underside. Lightly, ever so lightly, I begin a stroking motion by moving the loose skin on my shaft up and down with a steady rhythm. As my arousal builds more blood is forced into my cock and it is now approaching full erection. I keep my excitement building with light stroking and fondling and as it builds, I find that my cock is hard and tight with blue veins standing out and winding their way around my shaft like a cylindrical roadmap.

Soon a very pleasant sensation spreads into my pelvic region and I feel my seminal fluid flow into my urethral bulb; it only takes a few seconds but the sensation is quite distinctive and is the first sign of an impending orgasm. I stop stroking for a second or two and cup my balls, tightly stretched and held up against the underside of my shaft by my cock ring. The feeling is sensational and I wipe a huge bead of pre-cum from the eye of my penis with the index finger of my left hand; I then slip it into my mouth. I adore the sensation and the taste of mild saltiness of my pre-cum. I release my balls and return to stroking. The sexual tension within my body is palpable, and I have to fight to control the urge to speed up and finish myself off.

By this stage around three minutes have passed and the build up towards orgasm intensifies. I move my hand up the shaft so that my thumb is placed over the glans where the swollen head of my cock stands proud from my shaft. Momentarily I return to tickling my frenulum with a single finger using my pre-cum as lubricant. Then, with two fingers on the underside and thumb on top I increase the pressure on my cock and start stroking at a more constant pace. As the feeling of impending orgasm spreads throughout my groin I thrust up and down with my pelvis in time with my stroking while fantasising about my cock being buried in some tight little pussy. My hand easily slides up and down the shaft now; it’s done it so many times before its almost second nature. Pre-cum flows out of my slit and using my index finger I smooth it around the glans making it shiny and spread it over my bulging head.

“God I’m getting closer now,” I think to myself. I’ll have to be careful not to take myself beyond the point of no return and into ejaculation; I want this to last a while yet. More stroking and I really feel my body now on the verge of orgasm. The familiar sensation of early stages of orgasm engulfs my body like slipping into a deep bath of hot pleasure. Soon my breathing becomes deeper and in shorter gasps and I’m totally focused on the exquisite sensations.... “Oh God, this is bliss” I think to myself. Then it starts; the pure pleasure of the emission phase and impending orgasm begins. I sense the tickling of the fluids moving towards my prostate. I feel my pelvic muscle (the so-called 'pee muscle') contract during the emission phase and I realise I’m almost there, ready to go. My head is swimming with euphoria as the orgasm begins and the intense pleasure seems to climb the shaft of my cock. I’m only a millisecond away from ejaculation, head spinning with pleasure.

“Fuck... stop!” I think to myself and remove my hand from my cock. I press down internally with my pelvic muscle to stop my ejaculation beginning. As I hold muscle tension, the pleasure associated with orgasm hangs for a few seconds before it slowly starts to subside. I look down and see my erect cock pulsing vigorously with contractions that would normally be expelling my semen. I lie here for a few moments basking in the euphoria and heightened state of arousal as my cock slowly stops twitching. About thirty seconds have gone by and I’m still in what I’d describe as a semi orgasmic plateau but my ejaculation has fully subsided.

A wonderful sense of anticipation engulfs me as I take hold of my cock once more. Slowly I begin stroking again, totally focused on my feelings and sensations. With just a few strokes this time I again sense the movement of the seminal fluids in my body and enter the emission phase once again. My pelvic muscle begins to contract and my body begins its second orgasm. “Oh yes... Here it is again... That feeling” I think to myself as my head swims with euphoria. My pleasure climbs quickly and just as my ejaculatory response is about to kick in, I stop all stimulation once again. Timing is critical at this point; one stroke too many and I’ll take myself over the edge and ejaculate.

I repeat this process a dozen times or more before allowing myself the reward of climax and ejaculation. During the session I remain suspended in a heightened state of arousal and sexual tension. It’s wonderful. During each emission phase, more and more fluid accumulates inside my prostate so that when I do decide to ejaculate, the force and the amount of semen can be enormous.

Stroking again now; “this time I’m going to let myself go” I decide; I desperately need release now, I feel the tension of my built up sperm seeking release. Then, for one last time, I feel my semen travelling from my prostate up the shaft. My free hand cradles my balls now as the pleasure takes off. “Nearly there. Oh yes.... And then....” I'm there, the world stops, time stops and all sensation is centred on my cock head. “Oh God I'm cumming. Oh yes. Mmmmmh. Oh yes. I'm cumming, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING.......”

My breathing stops momentarily as my body tenses. All sensation is based in my cock and my engorged cockhead glistens with pre-cum. Sensation of touch is magnified to extreme proportions. I exhale and indescribable pleasure overcomes me as I ejaculate a small release of cum four inches or so onto my lower abdomen. But a quick flick of my wrist releases a second, more potent stream; this time a rope of cum shoots out and lands about eight inches up my belly. I raise my hips to aid the next release of cum. The sensation is fantastic as I watch my cock exploding and releasing its creamy white lava.

My breathing stops again and my next shot, the third, is the greatest. The explosive force spurts the load of this discharge the furthest. It has landed on my upper chest travelling almost two feet. Still stroking and with another contraction deep inside another huge rope of cum explodes out of the tiny slit in my cock flying through the air before it lands leaving a cum trail from its head. At this moment my cock is the centre of the universe.

Another spasm and another burst of cum, this time without as much force landing about six inches up my belly. My next squirt is much weaker and joins the pools of warm cum lying on my lower belly. My hand is still stroking up and down my shaft rolling over the ridge of my cock head. Fifteen to twenty seconds have passed but time seems to have stood still. Two or three more contractions as more semen seeps like lava from the head of a volcano.

Just as I think it’s all over another seizure hits me; my body tenses and the world freezes for a second or two. The next spasm is smaller and cum oozes out this time and runs down my cock head and over my fingers and thumb. Down the shaft it streams and starts a large cum pool at the base of my shaft. Oh so incredible. Another emission and another; no power now just warm viscous lava flowing down my cock and adding to the pool of creamy cum. All contractions are gone, my orgasm is over and I’m left with a wonderful sensation of contentment and satisfaction washing over my body. As I lie there recovering my senses, my erection begins to quickly subside and my cock lowers itself into the pool of cum at the base of my cock; almost as if by invitation. I look at the time and realise fourty minutes have passed since I began, and it seems like ten.

I love edging. Its taken practice and discipline to learn to take myself to the point of no return time and again. To back off just as my pleasure is at its maximum; when every fibre in my body is telling me to keep going and let my ejaculatory trigger kick in. To constantly stop all stimulation and allow my orgasm to subside isn’t easy. If I get it right though, the rewards are well worth it. I can experience the pleasure of multiple orgasms, the pleasure of heightened arousal and the wonderful tension inside my abdomen as my sperm builds up, ready to be released. I enjoy the large amounts of fluid that runs out of my penis. Early on it’s clear and sticky, the result of seminal fluid produced by my Cowper's glands. Later on, it can appear like egg white, as it pushes out accumulated sperm. I love the notion that I can experience extended pleasure and keep my erection for quite long periods. I love the fact that I don’t enter the usual refractory period until after I ejaculate.

Whilst the actual intensity of pleasure I experience at the moment of ejaculation is hard to describe. I still enjoy the journey, the teasing, the tension and time it takes to arrive. Then, when I finally allow myself to ejaculate, I feel as though I’ve somehow earned it; a true reward for discipline and patience.
16,000 + orgasms and still counting
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