Welcome to JackinChat.com! |
JackinChat is an online masturbation community for like-minded adults who enjoy the act of masturbation. JackinChat is open to both men and women of any sexual orientation over the age of eighteen (18+). JackinChat is for the open discussion of masturbation, sex, sexuality or anything else on your mind! We offer free masturbation themed chat, message boards and more. .:: Enter JackinChat ::. By clicking above you agree to our Terms of Service and declare that you are 18 years of age or older. You may not enter the chat or make use of any JackinChat services otherwise. |
Frequently Asked Questions |
Why was this site created? Who is the intended audience of JackinChat? Does JackinChat cost anything to use? Are we only allowed to talk about masturbation? If I have any more questions, who can I contact? |
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