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From: Masturbation Questionnaire by Bigolly

masturbator85 said:
1. When did you start masturbating and how many years have you been masturbating for?I believe I was around 11, which would make it 60 cock stroking years ago. Damn!

2. How often do you masturbate?Once or twice a day, lately. I get very, very, horny!

3. How long do you usually masturbate for?varying lengths of time.

4. When did you last masturbate?About an hour ago

5. When do you usually masturbate?When I'm awake!

6. Where do you usually masturbate?Much of the time right here at my desk, but also in bed, or while taking a shower.

7. Which hand do you masturbate with?I'm a south paw.

8. [MEN] What do you cum on? (chest, belly, hand etc.)Myself usually, my belly most of the time.

9. [MEN] Have you ever cummed in your mouth or tasted your own cum?It's difficult to cum in my mouth, but I've tasted it many times.

10. Do you practise edging (masturbating on the edge of orgasm)? Sometimes, but I love to cum so much that I'll just jerk off to two or three climaxes.

11. How long did your longest masturbating session take?Quite awhile. I lost track of time and wasn't paying attention.

12. How long are you able to abstain from masturbation and what was the longest period you went on without masturbating?For as long as I have to, depending where I am and/or what I'm doing. When I was in the Army, there were very long periods. I didn't want to get blown away with my dick in my hand and my head up my ass.

13. Have you ever had multiple orgasms while masturbating? No, I haven't, and frankly I don't believe men can. You might get horny and hard again very quickly, but multiples? That's women's domain.

14. Do you use lubrication? If yes, what do you use? I've used various kinds and brands, but usually just the pressure from my fingers is enough.

15. Have you ever been caught masturbating?Yes, a couple of times.

16. Have you ever masturbated with a person of the opposite sex?Many times and loved it!

17. Have you ever masturbated with a person of the same sex?Many more times, and loved that, too.!

18. Do you use anal play while masturbating?Yes, but rarely.

19. Have you ever had an anally-related orgasm?No, but it definitely helps bring on an orgasm.

20. What is the most times you masturbated on a single day?
Unbelievably, 13 times, a long time ago, but I've never come (cum!) close to that again.

From: A simple test. by Bigolly

I have a tendency to question tests like this, but ....

mean sexual orientation: 5.5
sexual orientation range: 9

sex drive: 10
same-sex attraction: 10
opposite-sex attraction: 11

I didn't fine out anything I didn't already know.

From: "You must enter a body for your message" by Bigolly

Well, I'm see that I'm not the only one to run into this particular problem, frustrating as it is. I really don't speak "computer-ese", and have no desire to. All I want to do is send messages to some "friends" and reply to the messages they've sent to me. Sounds simple enough, but noooo! Hopefully, this "bug" or glitch, or whatever the hell it is will be addressed and fixed. Sure, I love to "jack", but I also love to "chat" .... via the PM feature.

From: "Flood control"??? by Bigolly

Hi, Kent,

thanks for all the information, although .... none of it applies to the "problem" I encountered earlier today. Where do I begin? Let's see, I've been sending and receiving messages here for years and have only run into this, or a closely similar problem, once, maybe twice, before. I recall being just as frustrated and disappointed that my ever so carefully composed and worded message couldn't or wouldn't be sent. Today was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, i.e., I was pissed off in a major way.

I didn't send or attempt to send a second message. The "error" messages in that little box at the top of the message area kept changing, telling me that I had to have a header or whatever, then it would change saying I needed a message ..... where there was one, a rather lengthy one. Now, I'm hesitant to send even this one! Please, forgive my angst, but this should be a simple matter, as it is just about everywhere else I've taken advantage of the messaging features. Anyway, I'll try again, some other time and see what happens. In the meantime, thanks for trying to clear this up for me. Oh, and it's nice to hear from you, .... again. We've swapped a few messages in the past, and I always follow you on the coffee shop board, not to mention my ongoing appreciation of that very "stimulating" avatar you have. So, thanks again, and get back to me if you have any other ideas or answers to my messaging dilemmas. My actual name is .... Sheldon. Ciao, mon ami.

From: "Flood control"??? by Bigolly

So, now I go back and see that due to "flood control", I can only submit one message every 30 seconds? Huh? Since when? And why? So, I suppose my message is, or will be lost and I'll have to burn up my keyboard composing another message within that 30 second window? Someone, please, shed some light on this, will ya'?

From: Difficulty sending a PM to another registered member by Bigolly

After painstakingly composing a message to another registered member, and beginning with an appropriate heading, a box keeps appearing informing me that I have to have a heading, which I have, and then a body to my message, which I also have, but/or won't allow me to submit it. I hate the thought of losing such a carefully worded and sincere message to someone. What's up with this?

From: Being a cocksucker turns me on.... by Bigolly

PantySlut said:
I think everybody wants to suck a cock now. It's FUN.

Don't you (and I) wish!

From: do sexual things to your bible by Bigolly

Ya' know, I do suspect that you have issues that absolutely won't get resolved on this site. Good luck, you putz, and I sincerely hope you live a long, long, way from me.

From: Herpes? by Bigolly

plush said:
When stationed in the Philippines I went into a bar called "Hot Lips" one night and asked if Herpes was working tonight a couple of the girls said "You stay she will come in later" I told them I'll come back later".

What? Did I miss something here? Explain this one if you can. Hopefully, this was just too cryptic for me, or you were just "playing around", which really wouldn't be very cool at all. Let us all know.

From: Is Pubic Hair Returning for women? by Bigolly

I definitely hope so! With some exceptions (And no, I don't care to hear about them, okay?), it appears to me to be a generational thing. Then again, I'm an old school sex maniac and truly do miss that mystery involved, too. "Natural" (for me) is the nicest, and definitely the sexiest.

From: Anyone sleep in the nude by Bigolly

I always sleep nude, and have since I was a kid. In the winter, like right now, I just curl up beneath soft cotton linens and my eiderdown comforter and stay toasty.

From: What happened to dick.net? by Bigolly

Yes, after weeks and months of hoping that good ole dick.net would be revived and reappear, it seems to be gone forever. Definitely one of a kind. I've been coming (and cuming!) here for years and enjoy it each time. I just miss some of the features that dick.net offered. I grew to depend on them and so many of the "like minded" people I met there, both men and a few women. If anyone else misses it as much as I do and cares to chat, get in touch with me here.

From: Favorite older porn star by Bigolly

Back in the day, there were some incredibly sexy women in "porn". Seeing it on actual film, and in large actual theatres was terrific, too. Like remouse, the women who got me the hottest and contributed to thousands of climaxes for me were Kay Parker, and Juliet Anderson, known as "Aunt Peg", and Nina Hartley was, and still is, one of the most deliciously nasty women I've ever seen. I realize there were many others, but these three "porn queens" were my personal favorites.

From: Anyone else on dick.net by Bigolly

Unfortunately, it looks like none of us will be on good ole dick.net anymore. It would appear that the site has finally faded into the sunset. Those of you who have been active there know what I'm talking about. I've been coming, and "cuming" here for a few years now, but I've always spent time there, too. There's really no good "substitute" that I've been able to find, and that's pretty sad and disappointing. My user name there was the same as here, so if anyone cares to commiserate, get in touch. In the meantime, enjoy yourselves here, as I have for such a long time.

From: Are you a sex addict? by Bigolly

Damn! I scored a 6, only! Perhaps I should step it up a bit. Actually, I looked at some of the questions in terms of what I may have done, somewhat recently, like in the last few years or so. A few of the questions touched on, or were concerned with things I did (and enjoyed!) many years ago, and some just once or twice, so I checked "no". If I was to include all I've ever done, I'd probably be off the chart!

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