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From: Sept. Conference - Phoenix by MouthfulMI

bumpity bump

From: Sept. Conference - Phoenix by MouthfulMI


From: Sept. Conference - Phoenix by MouthfulMI

49/mwm that will be hitting Phoenix in a couple weeks for a conference. Looking to find someone to chat with for a few weeks prior and then get together when I'm down there. Looking to jack and watch some hot porn in my hotel room with someone, and if we hit it off we could possibly do more. I'm open to pretty much any porn and would just like to feel comfortable with the person first before meeting. If you happen to be attending the conference and you're interested in chatting a bit to break the ice, hit me up on here or on Skype: MouthfulMI

From: Lets tug on each others cocks by MouthfulMI

Your inbox is full JonC2020. No one can send you any private messages on here until you delete some messages.

From: mentioning masturbation to otther males by MouthfulMI

I'm still trying to figure out how to casually mention stroking to a person you're sitting next to at a bar, hoping they'll bite and want to join you for a j/o session.

From: Replacements for Rabbit by MouthfulMI

Skype is available via the Web Version of Skype. I've hooked up with another guy and we've both started a video at the same time so we can chat about it while jacking.

From: Homemade fucking toys by MouthfulMI

I need more info. on the construction of this toy!!! My cock has been aching to slide into something for a really long time and this might be my only chance.

From: Business Travel Hotel Bate Buds (Maybe an Ongoing Thread?) by MouthfulMI

Phoenix Sept 14-17.

From: Ideas for a free night alone by MouthfulMI

Let me know what OTC viagra you get and if it works. I'd like to try some myself in a month when I'm out of town on a business trip...and alone in my hotel room.

From: Shemales Reveals by MouthfulMI

Baily J in the second one is SO DAMN HOT!!!

From: September MES Conference by MouthfulMI

48/mwm that will be hitting Phoenix this fall for a 4 day conference. Looking to find someone to chat with for a few weeks prior and then get together when I'm down there. Looking to jack and watch some hot porn in my hotel room at night. I'm open to pretty much any porn and would just like to feel comfortable with the person first before meeting. If you happen to be attending the conference and you're interested in chatting a bit to break the ice, hit me up on here or on Skype: MouthfulMI

From: Phoenix Conference in Sept. by MouthfulMI

Bump! The conference is getting closer!

From: Phoenix area jack buds by MouthfulMI

Is anyone attending the MES conference in Phoenix in Sept.?

From: Business Travel Hotel Bate Buds (Maybe an Ongoing Thread?) by MouthfulMI

Anyone attending the MES conference in Phoenix in Sept.?

From: Business Travel Hotel Bate Buds (Maybe an Ongoing Thread?) by MouthfulMI

I'll be in Phoenix this Sept for a 3 day conference. I'll be all alone in a big hotel room. Hit me up if you'll be down there at the same conference for the weekend of the 14th, or if you live down in that area.

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