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From: Vermont FUN by mmfwb

tried to PM you, but your inbox is full.

From: JO Buddy in Philly by mmfwb

anyone interested in meeting at an ABS in Bristol tonight?

From: Looking for Philly buddy by mmfwb

Central NJ here, will be visiting an ABS this weekend, either Bristol PA or Bordentown NJ, not sure when. Message me if you're interested in meeting up there.

From: Gloryholes by mmfwb

I love that big theater near you, Cinema 309. I live near Princeton, NJ and have made the trip several times. Can't wait to return after the pandemic is under control.

From: What's it like the to go to a booth or JO in Public? Please tell us stories by mmfwb

Thanks for resurrecting this thread, lots of great stories. I wrote earlier, but wanted to say now that I've expanded my horizons beyond bookstores to include adult theaters and jack clubs, too. That tingly nervous feeling when I go in never gets old. I'd love to meet up with a guy in a non-sexual public space (mall mens room for example) seems quite exciting, so maybe something like that is next, or maybe go all-in with a bathhouse, once places like that open back up.

From: What is the point of cock rings? by mmfwb

They achieve better erections by allowing blood to enter, but trapping it from leaving, hence keeping you harder. I have a couple, one is a rubber strap that snaps, another is silicone that stretches. I'm deathly afraid of having to go the ER because I couldn't get a metal one off :-/

From: Nyc JO buds by mmfwb

NY Jacks is really fun. Takes care of the "nobody can host" problem really well. Happy to provide details, PM me.

From: Philly JO Buddy Group by mmfwb

Ok, let's try to get this going. Anyone interested in going to Philly Jacks on Fri afternoon, Jan 10? I may try to go on Fri 12/27, but not sure if I can yet. Both days are 11:45 am to 1:00 pm.

From: New Jersey by mmfwb

Princeton here, could meet somewhere halfway. Jacking in the car (as opposed to carjacking, which is a completely different thing), ABS. Also looking for an opportunity to go to a Philly Jacks meeting.

From: Goin' to Gunnison by mmfwb

I went last week, early sfternoon. There were maybe 30 people total across the whole beach.

From: Florida Married Men Masturbation Group by mmfwb

Man, do I wish I was in FL right now. Super jealous.

From: Sucked my first cock this morning by mmfwb

I sucked my first last fall in a video booth...young black guy and a 30-ish white guy at the same time, both had big dicks...fabulous. White guy left (apparently he didn't want to share)...black guy finished, didn't swallow but let him cum all over my shirt, then I came buckets, and walked proudly out to my car with my shirt dripping...great day.

Have sucked one or two more since then, some days its all I can think about.

From: Golf partners with benefits by mmfwb

Great idea. I'm near Princeton, sent you a message.

From: one, two, three or four? by mmfwb

#3...very hot, and with that little smirk, seems like she's looking straight through me and knows I'm going to bate to her.

From: Pennsylvania by mmfwb

Anyone want to meet up at an ABS in Bristol, north of Philly?

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