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slowhand_66 Novice Jackinchatter

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Wank tank?

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BigBushGuy Skilled Jackinchatter

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vamac said:
Apparently none of you know what socialism is or looks like..Youd be singing a different tune if you did

I would rather live in a society where government controlled how business operated than one that controlled who I had sex with and how I did it.
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Youre only 28 .. That explains everything
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MDguy Amateur Jackinchatter

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Obama sucks, now go back to strokin.middle
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Str8_Bob Professional Jackinchatter

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vamac said:
Youre only 28 .. That explains everything

Apparently you're implying age and wisdom. But you had nothing to say about the actual issue the 28 year old raised.

You say you're for small government, and yet your party advocates unprecedented government control of sex and contraception in the bedroom. You say that government should not get between doctor and patient, and yet you would require by law the use of medically unnecessary vaginal probe ultrasound tests for women. You love the constitution you say, but then you want to change it. You hate big government programs you say, but then when you get old you accept the social security checks.

You're a mass of contradictions and hypocrisy. And you seem not to even know it.

Do you qualify for a smart phone?
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Bigolly Amateur Jackinchatter

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Okaaaay, I don't usually do this, get involved in some of these "discussions", but some of the things being said here, today, are a few steps beyond ridiculous. Oh, and by the way, this is the "General, coffee Shop" board, which is not usually not a very sexually provocative venue, and that can be a good thing.

After finally being rid of that Bush dog and pony show, we have a President who has his head screwed on right, and more than a modicum of intelligence, and some apparent grasp of what truly is tearing this country apart. I'm constantly amazed at all the short sighted, narrow minded, unwavering, right wing ideologues, and "patriots" that have crawled out of the woodwork. Hatred, fear mongering, and often not so vieled racism, mixed liberally with blatant greed, and all being fed to the masses by the likes of Fox News, Rush Linbaugh, etc., etc. This insidious manipulation, bolstered by such outrageously false accusations, phrases, and words, like "death panels", and "socialism", and that nebulous "family values" malarkey being thrown around by some of the most adulterous hypocrites in recent history has just gotten way beyond the point of absurdity. We have nothing even vaguely close to true "socialism" in this country, and trying to paint that picture shows incredible ignorance of social and political theory and policy. At times, it seems like we're sliding backwards something frighteningly similar to the McCarthy era. As far as Rick Santorum and his efforts to push as many of the religious right's button as possible because he has little else going for him, he has to take another and closer look at the first amendment of the Constitution he seems to have so little use and respect for. I'd rather not listen to Linbaugh, or watch Fox News, but I'll defend their right to express their views, lame as they may be.

Okay, I'd had my say, and I'll leave you to your slings and arrows. I just couldn't help myself today. I'll logout and wait for my ears to begin burning. Greece! Really?
Always ready to chat and stroke it when I'm online!!
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MDguy Amateur Jackinchatter

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Most of Bush's faults are still in the Senate? Obama sucks, unless you are a believer of free shit from the magic stash or support a progression to a marxist society. Get out of politics and get back to wanking off. middle middle middle
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GentlemanPerv Novice Jackinchatter

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The Republicans will never ban pornography as long as Rush Limbaugh wants to watch videos of college students having sex.
Roger (Gentleman Perv)
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BigBushGuy Skilled Jackinchatter

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vamac said:
Youre only 28 .. That explains everything

You had this exact same and lame comeback on another thread that you hijacked with your socialism argument.

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MDguy Amateur Jackinchatter

173 posts since 2006-06-28
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Can you possibly deny Obamas direct ties to communists, socialists and domestic terrorists?
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Roger Skilled Jackinchatter

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MDguy said:
Can you possibly deny Obamas direct ties to communists, socialists and domestic terrorists?

Are you freakin serious? Or is this intended to be a humorous and ironic reference to Bigolly's apt reference to McCarthyism?

If you consider this a serious charge about President Obama, I just feel sorry for you.
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Roger Skilled Jackinchatter

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Great post Bigolly! You have it right!

In my time, we showed respect for the President of the United States, whether we agreed with his politics or not. Now these people never call him President Obama, they just spit out the name OBAMA like it was rotten food.

The fact of the matter is that his skin is not the right color for the modern Republican Party.
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Unregistered ?

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His skin is not the right color for Republicans?? I would have voted for Herman Cain or Allen West or any other black conservative..Typical liberal using the race card once again
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MDguy Amateur Jackinchatter

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Roger said:
Are you freakin serious? Or is this intended to be a humorous and ironic reference to Bigolly's apt reference to McCarthyism?

If you consider this a serious charge about Obama, I just feel sorry for you.

Frank Marshall Davis Obama's teen mentor and CPUSA
member (communist Party USA)
Barack Obama's older brother, Abongo "Roy" Obama. He is a Luo activist. militant Muslim and a Marxist." Source: Barbara Busby, 180people.com “The person who made me proudest of all,” Obama wrote, “was Roy Source: Bill Sammon, The Examiner "Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country" Source: Invenstor's Business Daily
His father wrote a paper called "Problems With Our Socialism" that advocates 100% taxation of the rich, communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land. Source: Greg Ransom, PrestoPundit

"Nine years before Palmer picked Obama to be her successor, she was the only African-American journalist to travel to the Soviet Union to attend the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, according to an article Palmer wrote in the CPUSA newspaper, People's Daily World, June 19, 1986." Source: Jim Corsi, WorldNetDaily based on Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection (Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein)

Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn:Ayers and Dorhn are former terrorists from the Weather Underground who's SDS organization received financial contributions from the CPUSA. "Obama's run for the Illinois state Senate was launched by a fundraiser organized at Ayers' and Dorhn's Chicago home by Alice Palmer. Palmer had named Obama to succeed her in the state Senate in 1995, when she decided to run for a U.S. congressional seat." Source: Jim Corsi, WorldNetDaily based on Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection (Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein)
.......and on and on.....
I feel sorry for you if you deny it..
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Roger Skilled Jackinchatter

515 posts since 2007-06-06
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MDguy said:
Frank Marshall Davis Obama's teen mentor and CPUSA
member (communist Party USA)
Barack Obama's older brother, Abongo "Roy" Obama. He is a Luo activist. militant Muslim and a Marxist." Source: Barbara Busby, 180people.com “The person who made me proudest of all,” Obama wrote, “was Roy Source: Bill Sammon, The Examiner "Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country" Source: Invenstor's Business Daily
His father wrote a paper called "Problems With Our Socialism" that advocates 100% taxation of the rich, communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land. Source: Greg Ransom, PrestoPundit

"Nine years before Palmer picked Obama to be her successor, she was the only African-American journalist to travel to the Soviet Union to attend the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, according to an article Palmer wrote in the CPUSA newspaper, People's Daily World, June 19, 1986." Source: Jim Corsi, WorldNetDaily based on Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection (Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein)

Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn:Ayers and Dorhn are former terrorists from the Weather Underground who's SDS organization received financial contributions from the CPUSA. "Obama's run for the Illinois state Senate was launched by a fundraiser organized at Ayers' and Dorhn's Chicago home by Alice Palmer. Palmer had named Obama to succeed her in the state Senate in 1995, when she decided to run for a U.S. congressional seat." Source: Jim Corsi, WorldNetDaily based on Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection (Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein)
.......and on and on.....
I feel sorry for you if you deny it..

Well for the record, I think it's paranoid delusional bullshit.

Why don't you entertain us with some of the old stories about the Clintons murdering Vince Foster. Or about the drug ring the Clintons ran down in Arkansas.
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