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joed Skilled Jackinchatter

521 posts since 2008-03-18
72 year old bisexual male from Sacramento, California
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I have sex with my wife and it is actually quite good, but I just need a lot more. I have a great massage "therapist" who knows how to jack me off, and I do like jacking with men, frothing, and sucking cock. I jack off everyday, and really like enjoying the experience with others.
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SloStroker Omnipitant Jackinchatter

7249 posts since 2006-08-21
52 year old bisexual male from Nashville, TN
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My wife and I have been together for 20 years. She does everything she can to avoid sex. If we have the chance to sleep in and "cuddle" she makes up an excuse to get up. If we have a night to ourselves without our daughter she is "too tired". If I try anything the I get the "is that all you want" speech. My wife will kiss me, and hold my hand, but basically we have a 5th grade romance.

Every now and then she will get horny and she typically wants to masturbate with her silver bullet. After she cums 3 to 5 times she will let me use her wet pussy. Sometimes watching her masturbate makes me so horny I can't wait and I lube up and jerk off while I watch.

I jerk off every day, and my wife encourages it. To the point that if I don't do it she suspects something is up. She figures if I jerk off I won't cheat on her.

I do not want to leave her. She is a good mother and I won't let lack of sex separate me from my daughter. I can't do the part time dad thing. Just doesn't work for me. So I stay, jerk off, and live with it.

And no....we didn't conceive my daughter. She's adopted. I could probably almost name the times we've has sex since our first year of marriage.
Check out my porn blog at https://slostroker.bdsmlr.com/ and my writing blog at https://slostroker.wordpress.com or catch me on Skype as SloStroker
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lilredlisa Amateur Jackinchatter

135 posts since 2013-02-14
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just saying========== lot of gals around that will take care of the problemn for ya, lol
im kinda in a relationship like that now
nothing serious just for sex, and damn good sex togrin
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lilredlisa said:
just saying========== lot of gals around that will take care of the problemn for ya, lol
im kinda in a relationship like that now
nothing serious just for sex, and damn good sex togrin

Agreed I just fucked one last night, she is married and horny allthe time but her husband isnt
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lilredlisa Amateur Jackinchatter

135 posts since 2013-02-14
51 year old
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my driends wife is a stuck up lil bytch thinks she might mess her her perfect life if she put out,lol
her hubby is a great fuck * exccuse my spelling im not awake yetgrin
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SloStroker Omnipitant Jackinchatter

7249 posts since 2006-08-21
52 year old bisexual male from Nashville, TN
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Wish I could find one of these wives who's husbands ignore them.

I had a great fuck buddy for about a year and she went all fatal attraction on me. Showed up at my office, called me and told me she was parked on my street, told me she was going to leave her husband. Said we needed to go on "dates" instead of just fucking.

The sex was awesome, we were great together. But I had to let her go. She finally hooked up with another guy and I was safe. Really thought she was going to blow the whistle on me.

Check out my porn blog at https://slostroker.bdsmlr.com/ and my writing blog at https://slostroker.wordpress.com or catch me on Skype as SloStroker
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uncut29uk Skilled Jackinchatter

672 posts since 2007-06-03
46 year old male from Buckinghamshire UK
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I don't have relationships like this, but my best buddy only in his late 20's got married a few years ago and he's experiencing the same thing now. They have two kids together, he gave up his whole life pretty much and moved away. Now he works all hours, sleeps on the couch, and they're just together for the kids.

I don't get it. Men know this is what happens, but they always seem to think "my wife/girlfriend is different". Well, most of the time that's bullshit. lol

I believe in good friendships, and that we can love plenty of people, but I truly believe most men are completely different when it comes to sex. So many men still have their sex drive well into their 50's, 60's and beyond, but women lose their sexual appetite a lot earlier.

So what is the solution? I think men and women are great when it comes to friendship and creating a family, but there has to be some freedom when it comes to sex.

To all the young guys out there who might be thinking about one day settling down and getting married, really think about the deal you make. If she gives up on sex in ten years, will she let you carry on without her outside of the relationship? You really need to make that an important discussion before you end up in that same situation as many millions of other men out there.

Oh, and for the love of God, when you meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, don't dedicate every waking hour to them and loose all your friends. One day you will wake up and realize there are no other men in your life and you're almost a neutered pet on a short leash with no life of your own. Look around you and ask yourself who is really happy, the married men who spend all their waking hours working and keeping their wives happy, or the single men? Or, how about those in the middle who have a wife, but still have their own lives and freedoms?
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Wish I could find one of these wives who's husbands ignore them.
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