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TigerLilly Amateur Jackinchatter

178 posts since 2006-07-31
68 year old heterosexual from Midwest
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As a woman responding the verbal intercourse between Perkin-Aus and Jason_Cyber: I have to agree with Perkin that somewhere Jason jumped to a conclusion that I did not see in the initial post. I was confused by the reference to MacCarthism because that was a man pulling the names of people he didn't like and who disagreed with him politically out of a hat for prosecution. The "sting" operations that are made (not the contrived ones like what was on NBC/MSNBC) usually involve law enforcement agents going to known web sites where men who engage or troll for underage kids are most likely to converge. They may or may not come to this site. They pose as teens or children and wait and see what happens. True operations have to be careful not to be leading, the decoy must act like the person they are trying to portray (not as an adult would).

In the past year or so several women (all teachers) have been arrested for having sexual intercourse with students. They were all married and in one case had children older than their victim. So much for the "homosexual male" theory.

Police look for the places where NAMBA associates lurk and many NAMBA associates are your neighbors - they look like normal heterosexual males with a wife and kids in the suburbs. Pedophiles can not be stereotyped as they cross genders and sexual orientation. Their vicitims are related to their orientation.

As Ben said, it is OUR DUTY to report any suspected underage users ASAP to a moderator. This is a good site don't let it be shut down because of a minor trying to act like a big shot.

And as Anna would say: "Let's all play nice in the sand box."
a woman who knows how to use her mouth
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georgiaguy said:
If you have to ask. Err on the side of caution and say no. Why risk anything when there are plenty of consenting adults to chat with?

Excellent point, Georgiaguy!
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uncut29uk Skilled Jackinchatter

672 posts since 2007-06-03
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I have to agree that it seems that Jason_Cyber has completely misunderstood the point Perkin-Aus was making. And I have to say that this was missed probably because of the automatic, knee-jerk response to such a subject.

I am also in support of something ssindelaware wrote:
"America is in the throes of a psychosis of fear, so they feel there is a terrorist and pedophile behind every tree."

This is precisely the case.

People seem to miss the instances of public panic, where something happens and the media fixate, releasing story after story in relation. The population suddenly think that there is a "wave" of instances, when in actual fact, the media reporting on this is creating a self-perpetuating panic.
Mix this with your well-thought-out, state-run media (come on, you and I both know the US government control your media, to deny that is ridiculous) and you have the creation of propaganda.

Unfortunately, much of all of this is down to lack of basic intelligence. People no longer think for themselves, they allow the government and press to do it for them.
It's a disease of the masses. It happens here in the UK too. We had the whole "crazed dog" panic recently (again) but this was perpetuated by the tabloid press rather than news broadcasters of the US (strange how Mr. Rupert Murdoch suddenly sprung to mind!)

Anyway, you chat to any person underage on cam or in chat rooms and you're asking for trouble.
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
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I'd copy/paste what Ben wrote because it's exactly what I would write but there's no point.

The point is if you're chatting with users on the website through jackinmail or in the chatroom who are underage then you need to report them to a moderator in the room or join #help and let one of the server admins know.

Website and Chatroom Administrator
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MrManDudeGuy Novice Jackinchatter

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Thanks for all the input everybody. Didn't really mean for this to turn into a philosophical debate though razz.
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uncut29uk said:
I have to agree that it seems that Jason_Cyber has completely misunderstood the point Perkin-Aus was making. And I have to say that this was missed probably because of the automatic, knee-jerk response to such a subject.

I am also in support of something ssindelaware wrote:
"America is in the throes of a psychosis of fear, so they feel there is a terrorist and pedophile behind every tree."

This is precisely the case.

People seem to miss the instances of public panic, where something happens and the media fixate, releasing story after story in relation. The population suddenly think that there is a "wave" of instances, when in actual fact, the media reporting on this is creating a self-perpetuating panic.
Mix this with your well-thought-out, state-run media (come on, you and I both know the US government control your media, to deny that is ridiculous) and you have the creation of propaganda.

Unfortunately, much of all of this is down to lack of basic intelligence. People no longer think for themselves, they allow the government and press to do it for them.
It's a disease of the masses. It happens here in the UK too. We had the whole "crazed dog" panic recently (again) but this was perpetuated by the tabloid press rather than news broadcasters of the US (strange how Mr. Rupert Murdoch suddenly sprung to mind!)

Anyway, you chat to any person underage on cam or in chat rooms and you're asking for trouble.

You're wrong. Monsters do exist. See my previous post about the girl and her teddy bear.

Oh, and save the patronizing observations about America for your UK JO buddies, please.
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uncut29uk Skilled Jackinchatter

672 posts since 2007-06-03
46 year old male from Buckinghamshire UK
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Jason_Cyber said:
You're wrong. Monsters do exist. See my previous post about the girl and her teddy bear.

Oh, and save the patronizing observations about America for your UK JO buddies, please.

Defensive much?

Did I say monsters don't exist? If you can find that in my post please show me.

As for keeping my (valid) observations about America to myself, let me think... no thanks! wink
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Hmmmm..... seems like the pederasty apologists are concentrated in the UK and Commonwealth countries. Makes sense, given that Victorian England lead the west back to Classical Greek pederasty. Even in modern times, English schools continue to be characterized as "hotbeds of pederasty." (H. Montgomery Hyde, The Love That Dared Not Speak Its Name, pp.110-112; Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.)

Guess I was being culturally insensitive. My advice to you, uncut29uk, is to enjoy your "classical" education now, before the 40 years of cultural suicide our poor mother country has undergone as penance for colonialism results in the formal adoption of sharia law.
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StrokerAce Amateur Jackinchatter

110 posts since 2006-02-13
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ok.....i think i speak for all.....wow
The Race is on!!!!!!
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Ben Enlightened Jackinchatter
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I'm with you, StrokerAce.
I'm just a guy
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Perkin-AUS Amateur Jackinchatter

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"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."-Benjamin Franklin

I believe he was an American...so there is hope!
Thoughts become things...pick the horniest ones!!
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hairyassguyuk Amateur Jackinchatter

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Jason_Cyber said:
Hmmmm..... seems like the pederasty apologists are concentrated in the UK and Commonwealth countries. Makes sense, given that Victorian England lead the west back to Classical Greek pederasty. Even in modern times, English schools continue to be characterized as "hotbeds of pederasty." (H. Montgomery Hyde, The Love That Dared Not Speak Its Name, pp.110-112; Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.)

Guess I was being culturally insensitive. My advice to you, uncut29uk, is to enjoy your "classical" education now, before the 40 years of cultural suicide our poor mother country has undergone as penance for colonialism results in the formal adoption of sharia law.

Goodness, what an expert you are on it Jason. Victorian England was quite a while ago though, I think you'll find.

Remind me, when was it that southern states of America allowed Black people to use the same entrance on the bus?
Ecce stercus pro cerebro habes
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uncut29uk Skilled Jackinchatter

672 posts since 2007-06-03
46 year old male from Buckinghamshire UK
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Jason_Cyber said:
Hmmmm..... seems like the pederasty apologists are concentrated in the UK and Commonwealth countries. Makes sense, given that Victorian England lead the west back to Classical Greek pederasty. Even in modern times, English schools continue to be characterized as "hotbeds of pederasty." (H. Montgomery Hyde, The Love That Dared Not Speak Its Name, pp.110-112; Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.)

Guess I was being culturally insensitive. My advice to you, uncut29uk, is to enjoy your "classical" education now, before the 40 years of cultural suicide our poor mother country has undergone as penance for colonialism results in the formal adoption of sharia law.

Yes, I think I just located that Wikipedia page too. wink

The difference between us two, is that you have just insulted a nationality, I merely insulted your leadership and media; which I think is a fair opinion to develop having witnessed the progress of the USA over the past seven years.
That's not a slight against the American people, it's an observation of your leadership and social structure based upon your foreign policy and internal media.

There is a difference also between being an "apologist" and having some "common sense". Instead of a population going crazy over a subject, locking the doors and closing the curtains before they cower in fear, I prefer to consider the obvious and make a judgment based upon what I know, rather than what is being reported or what I am told to believe.

I feel that you should do some more research on the British education system also. Probably fewer than one in one-thousand British kids has a "classical" education.
And it is amusing that you chose a book about Homosexual history as an example isn't it, when you consider that the vast majority of child abuse is perpetrated by heterosexual men against children of both sexes. This seems like a familiar attempt to enforce the misconceptions often raised by people who know nothing and repeat a lot.
It is much easier to repeat what others tell you rather than think for yourself.

Ultimately, you'll continue to believe that we should all live in fear of the big child molesting man (homosexual no doubt) who is just waiting for any opportunity.
And I'll continue to see that the majority of it is mass-panic produced and exacerbated by the media with little evidence to support what they believe is a pandemic.

Now, please continue to bury your point in so many needless words - I can see that this is in an effort to bolster your argument and make it seem more researched. As a writer myself I find that particularly amusing laugh
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just remember the fact that even if it wasn't illegal its still immoral
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TigerLilly Amateur Jackinchatter

178 posts since 2006-07-31
68 year old heterosexual from Midwest
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Boy oh boy this topic sure did seem to get off the subject. But maybe it's because I'm older than all the other posters on this subject. First, pedophelia has been a concern in ALL the countries mentioned (including those practicing sharia law) since before I was born. My mother recounted to me how her mother's mother recounted to her that she (my great grandmother) was to watch out for a certain farmer in the area (northern rural Michigan in the later 1800s) as he was known "to do not nice things to little girls". There was a "neighbor" man I was warned about, and a family (husband and wife and their friends) that I warned my kids about.
Secondly, I have traveled to many countries in Europe (not Austrialia which is a continent in itself and the oposite direction). In all cases parents tell their children the same things we tell ours "Don't talk to strangers". Unfortunately, I have gotten some kids into trouble by speaking to them but have spoken to the parents and explained I was just being friendly and then chatted with them.

Third, sometimes when we critize a government the citizens feel critized too. The French do not take kindly to WWII jokes, the Brits were upset if people critized Churchil in the 40s, and Pierre Trudeau comments did not endear Candanians to many people. Just because "you" don't like a particular offical doesn't mean that someone else doesn't. I never did like Bill Clinton but many of my friends did. But I would never be rude enough to tell them they voted for a man who couldn't keep his cock in his pants and thought more often with it than his brain which was the size of an unfertilized egg. I may think that but just wouldn't tell that to them.

Back to the point: Chatting with minors in the US or on a US site is ILLEGAL and MUST be reported. Minor is defined as any human being under the age of 18. Both Ben and Anna have stated the methods for reporting minors, in addition moderators are listed in RED at the top of the user list. When I have come across a minor they have dealt swiftly with the individual.
a woman who knows how to use her mouth
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