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whisperinghot Amateur Jackinchatter

174 posts since 2008-01-12
68 year old bisexual from California
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I can relate to a lot of what's been said.

Yes, I sometimes feel jealous, particularly if a female isn't interested in my kind, sensitive, caring and extremely sexy self. grin

I've noticed that women seem to get jealous more easily, or at least they show it. Men, perhaps, bury the feelings and click on the next cock that comes along.

The way I'm wired I come to chat mostly to give, and I'm always concerned that whoever I'm talking with finds what they are looking for. If I can't provide it, for whatever reason, then I'm happy if they find it with someone else.

I still have plenty of pangs of jealousy, though I've noticed that experiencing that rawness in chat has made me more aware of my same emotions in RT.

I'm not usually bothered if my partners are multi-tasking, especially if they are sharing themselves openly with me. My best cyber-friend, for many years, is an older woman who enjoys all levels of chat, with a few people at once. love Many times we just chat about interesting things (including cocks), and enjoy feeling sexy. She's often and inspiration to me for great cyber-sex, even though only now and then do we have full-on cyber-sex.

As an older stroker, I'm sometimes bothered (but not jealous) when younger folks leave to hustle someone their own age. When I was younger I fully enjoyed older sex partners, who are often more sensitive and skilled. When a youngster moves on, I figure it's their loss.

What bothers me most of all are people who just leave once they've gotten off, without so much as a thank you. Very rude. When chat is at its best, people shed their defenses and respond intimately to others. That deserves respect and consideration.
"...anyone who masturbates is a friend of mine."
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larissa Novice Jackinchatter

96 posts since 2006-05-17
39 year old homosexual from Germany and around
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During a very lonely and bleak time in my life, I got very attached to a chat-buddie on here. I used to masturbate with her on here every chance we got. Since she was in the States and I was in Europe and we both worked, this often meant getting up at strange times in the night. The language that we used when having cyber-sex quickly got charged with more than just the usual "suck-my-clit" physical rough-house. It got very emotional, and then it took a form of "I love you." That was very baffling to both of us. How can you write "I love you" to a cyberidentity? But we did, and we both started to mean it. To the point of serious jealousy. A ten-minte delay in getting on line led to "Where have you been?" accusations. Specially from me. I so desparately needed that reassurance that her hand was working her pussy as mine hand was working mine. Then once I got on line at what would have been five in the morning for her. She was on-line, but not actively in the chat. She was pvting someone else! I nearly freaked out. It was a pang of the most unspeakably painful jealousy I have ever experienced. I tried to pvt her, but she didn't answer for a long time. When she finally answered, I asked her where she'd been. She said chatting a a friend. I asked her if they'd masturbated together. She said: "Of course, why else do people chat?" I don't think she really had, but she said it to make me screaming jealous. Then she started on how this other girl could cum just off her nipples, and how they'd been trying it together. I was weeping and raging with jealous fury. And utterly despising myself at the same time: how could I feel like this for a shadow I knew only as words on a screen and a few (I now know fake) photographs? I think Secret's question is a good one. How and why do people get so involved on here? My feelings were just a real as those I've felt for actual people. Not deep and not stable, but real as hell.

Well, it's all over now, but it leaves a lot of questions in my mind about my ability to separate real life from fantasy and what happens on the internet from what actually happens day-to-day.

Maybe I'm nuts????? Or what????

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whisperinghot Amateur Jackinchatter

174 posts since 2008-01-12
68 year old bisexual from California
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whew! No, you're not nuts. Even in so-called "real life" these things happen. Words on a screen...perhaps not so different than "real life". Jealousy, confusion, deceit. Perhaps the most difficult thing we can do, at any time, is to see through our fantasies to the reality of another.
"...anyone who masturbates is a friend of mine."
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tonycause Amateur Jackinchatter

323 posts since 2007-11-28
35 year old curious from Europe
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It is a bit annoying, especially when they take ages to reply and say they were chatting to someone else. Would any one haveing a phone call stop to put you on hold and talk to another friend for ages??? A little curtosy never hurt anyone (reguardless of the fact most people here aren't wareing any pants lol)
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