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Unregistered ?

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I remember a "talk" that my brother and I got from our dad on the way to church one evening. We were told that masturbation was bad and if we did it too much, we would go insane. I remember laughing under my breath because I was around 14 or 15 and had already been told that these were old wives' tales, and by that time, I considered myself an expert at masturbation so, that didn't bother me, but since I was old enough to understand, I had been taught that sex in general was bad and I still get twinges of guilt right after a good orgasm. I guess these things stick with you for life sometimes.
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eddy Skilled Jackinchatter

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My parents never said anything to me about it one way or the other. Although, I am sure they knew from some of the evidence I left behind many times.

Later in life I found out that my mother and her brothers and sisters had been abused as children which may of contributed to their silence about such things.
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dutchstroker1958 Novice Jackinchatter

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My brother and I were never told about sex by my parents. They tought the school ought to do this. Yet I got erections, and learned how to get rid of them: by wanking. I also wanked when making by homework, when looking at women in lingerie (no porn... yet). My mother used to enter my room without knocking and more than once discovered me beating off, and forbid me to do it, without spanking me. I discovered I could lock myself in (my room had a key), and started doing this when I was jacking off. Of course she tried to enter my locked room, and confiscated the key: It just disappeared. She stopped however entering my room without knocking, and I continued to J/O. I made sure though I always came within 1 or 2 minutes.
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genuinefine Professional Jackinchatter

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My parents didn't openly discuss sex with me either. They gave me a book. Considering the conservative parents they had (especially my dad), that was the best they could do. Never got caught (almost a couple of times)wanking, but they had to know I did it --- especially my mother, who washed my sheets and never said anything about the cum stains.

I remember my mother relating a story from a gossipy neighbor about her son catching his friend jacking during a sleep-over. The tone of things was like this was wrong. Hopefully, our neighbor wasn't under the illusion that her son's didn't do it...LOL! Stories like that didn't stop me either.
I'd like to hope that in this day and age there are less and less parents who are freaked out by masturbation, and even less who make their kids feel ashamed of their bodies and normal things that they do. I really like the dad who left his son a box of Kleenex. Nice clear message that what you're doing is normal and OK; just keep it private and clean up after yourself.
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Orchidflame1 Novice Jackinchatter

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though there have been times when I've been caught looking at porn, I've never been caught wanking, and my parents never really talked with me about it. there has been the occasional close call, however. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be too freaked out to know that I did, though.
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lothian Novice Jackinchatter

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mom walked in ( stupid ) saw me butt ball naked with my best friend and just walked back out never said one word...yea ive been caught and sounds too..so what LOL
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Thetrainer Novice Jackinchatter

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My Mom was alot more sexual than most it sounds. I'm not making this up, but when I was 16 I thought she had left to go shopping one morning and I got in her bed naked and was jacking off looking at some pictures of her and she walked in to get something she had forgot. I was stunned and she was too at first but she saw that I was looking at pics of her and she quickly became comfortable with what I was doing. She loved being the one that caused my excitement. Anyway I wont bore you with juicy details but she didn't punish me at all. I learned alot from her that helped me so much in my sexual life. Maybe some are saying thats gross but you just had to see my Mom when she was 35ish.
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Unregistered ?

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My Dad caught me once, but did'nt tell me off 'til he watched me finish, dirty sod ha! ha!....not telling how old I was at the time..well not in public. Did'nt stop me doing it...feels too nice and it's a great hobby that does'nt do harm to anyone.
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Unregistered ?

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Not to be negative or judgmental, dude, but I hope you're not STILL jacking to pics of your mom.
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woodpkr Novice Jackinchatter

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I was never caught masturbating by my parents because I never masturbated at home. I felt more comfortable doing it out in the woods or something like that. My parents knew that I was doing it but never really confronted me with it. My Dad did ask me once if played with myself. I answered "yes". He didn't respond to that. My Mom was a little more supportive. When we moved into a new and larger home she saw that I had a room with my own bathroom. And, that there was an ample supply of Kleenex there. Until I moved out of my family home I always j/o in my bathroom.
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grady29 Novice Jackinchatter

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I think I was lucky with my dad's catching me masterbating when 15, I think.

I had forgotten to lock the bathroom door, and Dad walked in and saw what I was doing. He smiled a littlr, nodded, and before he closed the door, he told me to be sure to clean up my mess.

I could not look in in the eye for three days. I think he sensed my embarrassment and sat down with me and said what I was doing was natural for my age.

He added that almost all men masterbated, even married men. I think that was the big shocker of that conversation. I was sooo naive that I thought husbands never masterbated, only had sex with their wives. As said, naive.

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sassydog Skilled Jackinchatter

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Yep got busted when i was about 14 doing it with 2 friends got caught by one of there sisters and she told on us.I was grounded for a month and sent for counciling that was so humiliating having to talk to an adult about it and told it was wrong.Fortunately i did not care and continued my passion but not with my friends anymore.
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plush Omnipitant Jackinchatter

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when I was 6 or 7 my mother saw me playing with myself under the bed blanket she slapped my hand as I recall and said something about what I was doing.It was several years before I ever had an orgasm and I have not stopped doing it, sorry mom
old long time jacker who loves anal with woman only
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marriedboner Skilled Jackinchatter

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I got "busted" when my mom decided she had seen too much "evidence" on my sheets and pajamas and ordered my dad to have "a talk" with me, so he did but I know he masturbated a lot too... he didn't really believe it was bad but his religion told him it was and so that's what he told me, or tried to.

No matter how much you later find out that it's all hogwash -- lectures like that and the tension between some men and women about who masturbates and how much is okay and why -- the bad feeling, your parents' anger and discomfort -- it never really leaves you.

So at least it lets me feel like I'm breaking this big taboo every time I take my pants off and start the "motion" with my hand.... and it's erotic knowing that I'm doing it for myself, again, and that I've decided it's not something to be embarrassed about even if they tried to make me feel that way.

We should have a way to masturbate and not to have to be so secret about it -- that's why I come to this site.
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Unregistered ?

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Yeah I grew up in New Jersey too and still carry guilt about masturbating, I got spanked a few times at 12-13 by my mother when she walked on me naked and jacking. I use to masturbate all the time at friends house during sleepover
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