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Roger Skilled Jackinchatter

515 posts since 2007-06-06
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Str8_Bob said:

Why have school boys (of varying ages and sexual development) commonly been subjected to such indignity is anybody's guess. Something about the macho American male mentality I guess.

And it probably has something to do with the attitudes of the Neanderthals.....always called "coach".....who presided over boys phys ed classes.

The locker room and open shower experience was endlessly humiliating. I don't remember ever seeing a hardon there. The guys were probably too embarrassed to get horny.
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well i gym i go to, there is rarely any guys that are hard, but there are a few. which in my opinion is completely normal, sometimes the penis has a mind of its own lol
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JObuddyIA Skilled Jackinchatter

846 posts since 2008-05-23
73 year old homosexual from Keokuk Iowa, USA
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I guess in the USA it is very common for locker rooms to have a shower room with shower heads arranged around perimeter walls, or sometimes on poles with multiple heads. I'm glad I got used to them really.

Although my major desensitization to nudity in the locker room and this arena came in junior high for me. In swimming class starting in 7th grade, the boys class was conducted in the nude. So here we have about 30 boys of varying levels of development at about age 12-13 swimming and practicing new strokes around the pool deck. It was very intimidating when I first learned about it. But after a couple classes, it was great. To this day, I think swimming with any kind of suit except a brief Speedo just really drags ya down. At the beginning of each class when we took attendance we sat along a wall, in alphabetic order. The boy on one side of me was well along in puberty compared to me. He was a delightful sight!

I never have known for sure the reason for our nude style, but in the end I'm glad we did it. It got me over that modesty quite effectively.
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My first open shower locker room experience came in 7th grade. I was very shy, hadn't hit puberty yet and overall it was a disaster. I was too embarrassed and tried to keep myself turned to the wall most of the time so I didn't really notice what the other guys were doing. I do remember seeing one guy in particular as he walked past my row of lockers to the showers. He was tall, thin and had what I thought was a ginormous dick and he had an erection. I watched in awe as it bounced up and down as he walked. Amazing!

In high school we had open showers. At most of the gyms where I've worked out we've had open showers. So now this present trend of individual shower stalls seems a bit prudish to me...but, oh well...sign of the times I guess.

I have seen a few guys who were definitely in a turgid state getting out of the whirlpools in the locker rooms and sometimes the sauna. I've seen the same in the showers. Some guys must be very cock proud or cruising cuz they make no effort to hide it while other guys will at least try to minimize it. Like it was said, sometimes a cock has a mind of it's own.

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Str8_Bob Professional Jackinchatter

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Roger said:
And it probably has something to do with the attitudes of the Neanderthals.....always called "coach".....who presided over boys phys ed classes.

The term "Neanderthal" actually gives those guys too much credit.....LOL.

I never saw a hardon in PE class. Probably because I was always turned to the wall in embarrassment. We had nude boys' swimming classes too, BTW.

If girls PE classes had been run like the boys classes, school administrators would have been fired on the spot. Can you imagine making girls strip nude and then play....and shower....in front of all the other girls? Why people think...or ever thought...that it's OK for boys and men to be denied simple modesty in this way is beyond understanding. PE class in school was an endless torture and embarrassment......(even though I was an early bloomer and had a decent looking package.)

Interesting that American men get accustomed, or densitized, to it. Europeans, generally, do not tolerate it.
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Hardrocker Amateur Jackinchatter

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our old style, open shower rooms in middle school and high school were embarrassing at first. but I got used to it. some guys took to it immediately. Ive seen several guys in the locker room with hardons and making no attempt to hide it.

after I was getting some bisexual feelings, i enjoyed seeing a shower room full of naked boys, some of them with very manly packages.
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horneyoldguy Amateur Jackinchatter

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bonerup said:
most guys I have seen are soft, have seen a few semi hard. Have gotten a couple in steam room hard, Came on to me and we sucked each other in there, nobody else around so was very careful and kept an eye out just in case somebody was coming towards door and then would jump over to side and cover up ourselves with our towels, have gotten some awesome head at the gym!!!!!

Never sucked or benn sucked but have mutually jacked in the locker room. No big deal - we both wanted and needed to cum. He and I are no JO buddies.
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Str8_Bob said:
Modern parents are more and more demanding privacy for their sons.....either demanding that schools provide private cubicles......or, in some places, showering after PE class is no longer mandatory.

Why have school boys...commonly been subjected to such indignity is anybody's guess. Something about the macho American male mentality I guess.

I'm not sure that everyone, forced to be nude in front of others, perceives it as an indignity. My gym now has individual shower stalls which replaced the old open showers. Some men undress and hurriedly wrap themselves in a towel, enter a stall and close the curtain and then take off their towel. Some sling their towel over their shoulder, walk to the showers and don't bother closing the curtains.

Recently our high school pool went out of commission for two weeks so the boys swim team used the pool at the Y. I was there several times when the boys came in from their practice. They stripped down in the shower area, sometimes two to a stall, showered then headed to the lockers. They stood around, totally naked discussing teachers, classes, where they were going to go to grab a bite to eat, whatever and they were completely nonchalant and seemed at ease being naked...even with other men around who were clearly not in their age group. Then I had to chuckle when I saw a 40ish man trying to cover himself so completely that he might as well have gone into the showers fully clothed.

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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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I started having PE class in middle school. Showers were private and optional. But you had to dress and undress at your locker.

When I was 11, mine was still child sized and had no hair around it. I was OK with the locker room arrangement, but I was certainly impressed with the guys I saw who were growing and getting hair. I did see a few hardons, and I don't recall the guys trying to hide them. I was also amazed how big they looked and how they sort of bounced when the guy walked.
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bonerup Novice Jackinchatter

11 posts since 2008-12-27
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I definately believe the cock has a mind of it's own! Sometimes u can't help it! That big old boy just want to stand at attention!!! Doesn't bother me to see a guy with a hardon
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Jack09 Novice Jackinchatter

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Didn't realise there was so many guys that were that embarrassed about it. I knew a friend that had the same problem, he even had trouble taking a shower even though they were glassed off from one another. Didn't talk much about it just looked really insecure. If you think that's embarrassing/humiliating don't even bother trying to serve.
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eddy Skilled Jackinchatter

830 posts since 2007-03-06
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I have already posted to this, but, I just had an additional thought. Nude is natural, nude is good, be confident, and not embarrassed.
Horny old men want sex too.
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Str8Male74 Amateur Jackinchatter

406 posts since 2005-08-16
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My experinces in middle school were having to jog around the gym once a week but not enough that you were that hot or even sweaty. Then everyone lined up and walked thru the shower where I never really got wet to begin with and I was near sighted so there was no looking. In high school didn't take any showers because also for the same reason wasn't strenous enough needed to take one and didn't have the time despite the fact that I paid a $6 towel fee for my four years.
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Str8_Bob Professional Jackinchatter

1351 posts since 2008-04-25
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eddy said:
I have already posted to this, but, I just had an additional thought. Nude is natural, nude is good, be confident, and not embarrassed.

It seems to me that it's rather more natural to wear appropriate clothing when one is in a roomful of other people.

But I've discussed only the one locker room environment that I'm familiar with. The one that applied in schools when I was there. I'm talking about school children who don't have the option of violating school rules, or of going to another gym where different rules may apply. (Adults who work out can choose the gym they go to, or not go to any gym at all.)

In the school environment, I believe that this mandatory public nudity is neither "natural" nor "good".....and it's not even uniformly applied. It has been required for the boys. It was never thought to be proper for the girls. Who knows why? An unacceptable macho male mindset, I would suggest.

At least modern school administrators seem to be getting the message. More private shower arrangements are often being provided, and, in some schools, showering after PE class is now optional. Boys in swim class are often allowed to wear swimsuits.
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macque Novice Jackinchatter

52 posts since 2005-12-10
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Never had a real lockerroom experience until I started going to a gym in college. In PE in high school guys would change clothes only but I never saw anyone shower. I happened to take PE though the last class of the day.
At my gym it is rare for someone my age or younger to strip completely naked to shower or sit in the sauna but there are a few of us. Only once have I seen someone with a stiffy. The guy was probably 16-17 years old, drying off after his shower and his dick was sticking out straight as a flagpole. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed but nobody said anything, either to him or after he left.
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