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biggi60 Amateur Jackinchatter

276 posts since 2020-12-24
64 year old bisexual male from Hemel Hempstead
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Used to love buying them from newsagents, I'd get several at a time so I left my intentions very clear to whoever served me, esp sweet if it was a female serving.
In my teen years club international, mayfair, penthouse etc and later razzle, escort, fiesta.
The readers wives where a massive turn on, ordinary women showing there tits and cunt for my wanking pleasure.
I loved the stories and letters too, such a turn reading filth while I wank...
60 yr old bisexual pervert and masturbator, love all types of porn and love long popper fuelled wanking sessions. discovered the joys of cock sucking in my teens and loved the thrill of hanging around toilets to find sperm donors
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N45MUK said:
This thread got me reminiscing!
My addiction to this sort of thing can be traced back to me finding a copy of Club International had been lifted down to a lower shelf in our local Martin newsagents.
I stuffed it in my bag and that was the start . From there I moved onto buying my mags - mainly Club and Escort - and as has been said above, it was all about the planning, the waiting for my moment, going in and appearing nonchalant, hoping against hope nobody came in while i was doing the deed... then confidently strolling out to not arouse anynsuspicion, and heading home to enjoy my purchase in intimate detail.
Some research this evening confirms my first pinched mag was Club International had been volume 20 number 8 (you can see the cover on Google search)
The cover girl wore only white ankle socks and trainers and didn't go full frontal nude. Great pink nipples though.
Escort was a bit dirtier and probably my favourite.

This is exactly the routine and why it was quite so special. My heart would be pounding and my voice all dry as the assistant usually left it on the top of your purchases on purpose. I once bought a Penthouse in a really busy newsagent in Oxford, the queue behind all getting a good look at the dirty perve buying a jazz mag.
I still go and buy one once or twice a year to get that buzz but you can get some random shit sometimes.
It is true that you can find on the internet exactly what you want these days but nothing focused the mind for a good wank like a new porno mag.
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I preferred Razzle and Men Only, but I also bought a ton of garbage thinking it would be 'better'. I still remember the disappoint when I returned home with 'Health and Efficiency', and realising with each new page that it wasn't going to get any better.
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brice7005 Novice Jackinchatter

8 posts since 2021-04-21
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I used to time my mag buying to Sunday lunchtime from a local Indian newsagents as they always left their very young teen daughter in charge of the shop while they ate as it was very quiet. I used to "accidentally" let the mag fall open at the centre pages - usually showing an wide open young cunt - as I put it down on the counter and sometimesd even rubbed my finger over the lil cunt in the mag as I paid.

The assistant would go very red and I had the biggest boner ever!

(PM me to chat more - or wickr is brice7005)
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bilko Amateur Jackinchatter

225 posts since 2012-08-30
62 year old heterosexual male from england
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Would buy my mag at local Spar shop, on a Saturday when schoolgirls would work behind the counter, as their Saturday job. Sometimes would see them in uniform on school days walking in town. Wanked over them as much as the girls in the mags.
Chronic masturbator, with over 40,000 lifetime wanks under my belt. Just love to masturbate over rebecca ritters, emma watson, martina hingis, paula ann bland, simone hyams,brooke satchwell, tempany deckert.
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Wentworth69 Skilled Jackinchatter

555 posts since 2018-10-28
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My dad ran a shop from the sixties to the nineties probably around early seventies he started selling top shelf publications ,very tame by todays standards. We had a rotating magazine rack for them, he always put each one in a clear plastic bag taped up so they couldnt look throught them and clear off,they had to buy. Surfice to say I would borrow the ones not on display always careful to return them in good order,I would be about 12 when I started some great wanks were had. I also remember he got someone from a womens church group complaining about him selling them. He pointed out they were legal and sealed in a plastic bag so as not to corrupt the youth,too late for me though,happy days.
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BevCallardWanker Skilled Jackinchatter

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bilko said:
Would buy my mag at local Spar shop, on a Saturday when schoolgirls would work behind the counter, as their Saturday job. Sometimes would see them in uniform on school days walking in town. Wanked over them as much as the girls in the mags.

I well remember a very sexy girl called Julie-Ann who worked at the local Macfisheries on a Saturday. I found out from a mate who also worked there part-time that she was a college student studying for her A levels but was also fucking the manager who was twice her age.

Apparently they would shag in his office and lock the door for <security reasons> strokestrokestrokestroke
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Alpha1968 Skilled Jackinchatter

933 posts since 2014-10-21
56 year old heterosexual male from North East England
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I can still clearly recall the first time I bought a UK magazine, Mayfair in September 84. I'd planned for a while beforehand which mag I was going to buy and where from.

To be honest, I felt uncomfortable buying from a girl serving, so picked the shop largely because of the middle-aged male owner and the shop not being on a busy street. On the day, I had a reci trip into shop earlier to note where on the shelf the mag was, in order that I could be in and out of the shop as quickly as possible.

Returned a few hours later, no one in shop, picked mag off shelf, paid and out in a minute..and the anticipation of the pending session to the girls was incredible.

I still have the magazine and as I was never into cumming on the pages, its in mint condition and after all these years, I can still enjoy some very strong orgasms to the centrefold doggy style pose, which is the pic I used for the cum strokes back then.
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Certainly do. I always thought Readers' Wives and the Stories were the most erotic
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Loved buying mags. I was such a regular at my local newsagent that the lady who worked there remembered me when I returned to the same shop after 4 years working out of town. I always purchased Razzle and Fiesta and would often buy tissues at the same time just to add to the excitement. Many happy memories of some great wanks.
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As a randy teenager I used to eye up the top shelf mags in newsagents and petrol stations whenever I could. It was such a thrill when I eventually plucked up the courage to get one down and buy it.

Rarely seen now, but noticed airports still have a top shelf selection. Bought one on a recent trip and had a wank in the airport bogs before my flight. Just like old times.

I sometimes used to get hardcore mags from adult shops. It was good that you could browse there without being embarrassed.
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GreenEye22 Novice Jackinchatter

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wankDK said:
Loved buying mags. I was such a regular at my local newsagent that the lady who worked there remembered me when I returned to the same shop after 4 years working out of town. I always purchased Razzle and Fiesta and would often buy tissues at the same time just to add to the excitement. Many happy memories of some great wanks.

There was a local asian newsagents close to us and on Sundays it was very quiet and the family would go into the back to have lunch leaving the youngest daughter (who was probably far too young to be in charge) serving. Loved going in their and buying a pervy mag and a packet of tissues and somehow the magazine always seemed to fall open to the double paged open legged nude cutie in the middle for the shopgirl to see what i was soon going to wank over!
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Yes , always enjoyed glancing up at the top shelf. Remember me and a few mates finding tons of them thatd been chucked out at back of the shop.
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Mattthewanker Professional Jackinchatter

1255 posts since 2022-09-25
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Loved buying them
Numerous newsagents with big gaps before I went back to the same one
Used to find the odd one or the odd page from one in an alley
Would enjoy spunking into the mag many times and leaving it in an jalley knowing someone will take it home with my dried cum on it
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dcl2011 Skilled Jackinchatter

659 posts since 2012-11-01
51 year old bisexual male from UK
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Used to buy Mayfair, Club international, Men only for a while on the way to work in 1991. Loved the pics but was really into the readers stories.I used to leave them at work in my locker. Always a great lunch time wank. Wish now I had included a couple of the lads to
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Index » Masturbation » Jackin Material » Any other UK guys still remember the old top shelf days?