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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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coffeenporn said:
What I find funny is that you never see any of our female and/or gay members starting threads where they call George Clooney, Justin Timberlake and gay male porn stars degrading names.

Or women showing pics of their husbands and boyfriends (ex's included)

Even if there was a section of the forum set aside for degrading chat, it wouldn't be a guarantee that those users wouldn't post in the threads for those who admire women.

I think that you are comparing apples and oranges here.

"Dirty talk" is sometimes a staple of heterosexual lovemaking, and it's not unusual at all that it would find its way into male masturbation fantasies. As far as I know, there may be no such tradition in gay sex, and therefore would probably not be a fantasy for the gay crowd. Then you say that you don't see women doing it. The point is that there are very few women posting at all on Jackinchat, so you don't see them doing this or anything else.....compared with the males who post here. But from this meaningless comparison, you then conclude that men post pictures and dirty talk, and women don't.

And of course the very same thing applies to what you said about posting pictures of spouses and boyfriends. And there's also the fact that women are not oriented toward visual stimulation the way men are anyway.

And finally, who are you to decide who does and does not "admire" women. Why do you think that the nature of sexual fantasy translates into "admiration" (whatever that means) or the lack thereof. And you are absolutely sure that the people you find so disgusting wouldn't stay in any hidden spot that you might carve out for them anyway. They would show up where you could see them and offend your delicate sensibilities. Once again, you are making grand moral judgments based on nothing at all except what you personally like and dislike. Something that you probably wouldn't want others to do to you. Sorry, but it seems to me that being married to one of the dominant sexist males who think it's their mission on earth to protect women must be a real treat. *sarcasm*
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Dman Professional Jackinchatter

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coffeenporn Professional Jackinchatter

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Kent, I'm not referring to dirty talk between two consenting adults, my original post was about the fact that most of the time when I visit jackinchat, I see threads and subjects where celebrities are being called degrading names. It seems like a pavlovian response, celebrity = degrading name.

The other day in jackinchat, someone mentioned Kristen Stewart looking good cause she put on weight. One of the users replied "My meat would look good in her" then a second later "fucking bitch". Seems like they forgot to insult her on the initial comment. I would have replied "i'd stuff her with my sausage" but their second comment stopped me.

I'm no boy scout either, if I see a nice tits or a great ass I call it. My last girlfriend liked to be called a naughty girl and I obliged.

But I don't look at a woman and think/say "Hot slut" or "What a whore".

I guess you're right that I'm slightly offended, because I see it so often. I'm not the only person either, just the current voice of opinion.

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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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coffeenporn said:
Kent, I'm not referring to dirty talk between two consenting adults, my original post was about the fact that most of the time when I visit jackinchat, I see threads and subjects where celebrities are being called degrading names. It seems like a pavlovian response, celebrity = degrading name.

The other day in jackinchat, someone mentioned Kristen Stewart looking good cause she put on weight. One of the users replied "My meat would look good in her" then a second later "fucking bitch". Seems like they forgot to insult her on the initial comment. I would have replied "i'd stuff her with my sausage" but their second comment stopped me.

I'm no boy scout either, if I see a nice tits or a great ass I call it. My last girlfriend liked to be called a naughty girl and I obliged.

But I don't look at a woman and think/say "Hot slut" or "What a whore".

I guess you're right that I'm slightly offended, because I see it so often. I'm not the only person either, just the current voice of opinion.

At least we're getting a few specifics about what we can and can't say. "Nice tits" and "Great ass" and "Naughty girl" are all OK. But "Hot slut" and "What a whore" are forbidden. And then we have this problem of being rude to "Celebrities." Seriously? You think that "celebrities" who spread their pictures all over the popular media even notice? These are young women who exploit their sexualized appearance and sexually hedonistic life styles into really big bucks. If that's not in and of itself a form of whoring then I don't know what you would call it. And yet your problem is with the young guys who respond to this stuff exactly as it's intended they will? Amazing!

At least we're getting some guidelines on the new politically correct female-celebrity-protected Jackinchat....as bizarre as they seem.....and as inappropriate as they are, since they're nothing other than an imposition of some people's personal preferences on all of the other members of the board, who have nothing to say in the matter.

OK, I'm signing off here now. No point in flogging a dead horse. But it IS surprising that this stuff was given a serious hearing, much less approval. That's surprising even by Rod's moderating standards.
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Dman Professional Jackinchatter

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davestr8ker Skilled Jackinchatter

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Has the board gotten more misogynistic over time? It always seemed pretty misogynistic to me.

A lot of guys have a madonna/whore complex and can't get off without using the degrading whore/slut/bitch patter.

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Jack_Meoff Amateur Jackinchatter

189 posts since 2015-06-11
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Hi coffeenporn. I've just joined this conversation & I want to thank you for starting it. It's great to know that there are others on this site who share my dislike of the degrading of the women in the porn that we all love and enjoy wanking to.
These guys seem to think that because these women appear in these movies, they are somehow less than human and need should be degraded. They miss the fact that women are nature's gift to man and that women provide us with that exquisite pastime we call sex.
They also don't seem to understand the difference between "dirty talk" (I'd love to get my schlong into that lovely twat"wink and talk that degrades the woman.
Thanks for the opportunity. I'll shut my soapbox down now and get back to enjoying a good wank over some seriously sexy women performing very erotic sexual acts.
This blog probably won't have any effect on the offenders, but it is nice to know there are others on this site who feel the same way I do. I think I'll keep coming back now.
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coffeenporn Professional Jackinchatter

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Thank you for your support Jack_Meoff
Two things I like hot and fresh in the morning; coffee and porn
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Hardrocker Amateur Jackinchatter

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Jack_Meoff said:
Hi coffeenporn. I've just joined this conversation & I want to thank you for starting it. It's great to know that there are others on this site who share my dislike of the degrading of the women in the porn that we all love and enjoy wanking to.
These guys seem to think that because these women appear in these movies, they are somehow less than human and need should be degraded. They miss the fact that women are nature's gift to man and that women provide us with that exquisite pastime we call sex.
They also don't seem to understand the difference between "dirty talk" (I'd love to get my schlong into that lovely twat"wink and talk that degrades the woman.
Thanks for the opportunity. I'll shut my soapbox down now and get back to enjoying a good wank over some seriously sexy women performing very erotic sexual acts.
This blog probably won't have any effect on the offenders, but it is nice to know there are others on this site who feel the same way I do. I think I'll keep coming back now.

So you'll get back to objectifying women as sex objects the way you (and coffeenporn) want to while disapproving of the way others do it.
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coffeenporn Professional Jackinchatter

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Hardrocker said:
So you'll get back to objectifying women as sex objects the way you (and coffeenporn) want to while disapproving of the way others do it.

There's a difference between objectifying and degrading.
Two things I like hot and fresh in the morning; coffee and porn
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JOLUVR Professional Jackinchatter

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IMO, I object to describing a girl as a slut just because she's beautiful, likes sex , poses for pictures etc.
It seems there's no sense in describing people in such harsh tones. Maybe it's just me but what do those words add to the conversation ?smile
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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JOLUVR said:
IMO, I object to describing a girl as a slut just because she's beautiful, likes sex , poses for pictures etc.
It seems there's no sense in describing people in such harsh tones. Maybe it's just me but what do those words add to the conversation ?smile

It's simply a matter of personal opinion. It was nice when everyone treated it that way and tolerated opinions different than their own. But Coffeenporn and others decided that it was a matter of right and wrong and demanded that the moderators support their opinion and ban the others. Coffeenporn justifies it as a matter of semantics. He wants us to accept that there's a difference between "objectifying" behavior and "degrading" behavior. The difference is only in his mind, but it's a difference that he wants enforced on the forums.
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coffeenporn Professional Jackinchatter

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I never demanded anything from the mods, and I'm not the only one who feels this way about the degrading name calling.
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Adiemus Skilled Jackinchatter

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I am not sure how I can voice my opinion on the matter since I am gay and don't look at females as a sexual object.

I can look at a naked female and appreciate her for the beauty of the female form. I don't go out of my way to consider her a slut or a whore because of what she is wearing but by her actions that would cause her to deserve those names.

To be honest gay men get called the same degrading or objectifying names as well but sometimes far worse we get called fag and faggot. I am not saying that it's the same thing, it's not but it's the only similar thing I can state.

I also understand that there is a sub-culture/fetish with the form of degrading that people get off on and I can appreciate the desire for them to do that as well. Perhaps there should be a section that is dedicated to that.

I guess the thing that puzzles me is when a guy posts a picture of a female, say standing there doing nothing and calls her a slut or a whore. I don't see the sexual drive behind that. I could understand it if the females is taking 2 or 3 cocks at once that she would warrant such a name.

When I looked up the words objectifying and degrading this is what I found:

The definition of objectifying: degrade to the status of a mere object

The definition of degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating.

In my opinion they are the same thing.

I fully understand that people get off on doing and having done both of these to themselves or someone else. It is a whole sub-culture as I have stated before. As a society we objectify everyone in some form or another it's part of who we are as a species. I am sure I will be degraded and objectified because of this post in some form. It's part of life.

This all however is a matter of personal opinion. I suppose as staff of this website and chat room we have to act in accordance to how the website as a whole should be represented. If the staff believe that something is degrading or objectifying then we have the responsibility to put a stop to it or remove it from the website.

While it may not be stated directly in the Terms of Service it would fall under the section of 5. Prohibited Topics. I am sure that many people will disagree with our actions as they have clearly stated in this whole topic. we are not here to make friends while modding the forums or chat room, we am here to make sure the rules are followed and by doing so is going to make people upset at us, they will just have to deal with it.

This is a privately owned website and therefore the rules of freedom of speech do not apply here. Yes you can argue with me until you are blue in the face but it is your opinion and we are allowed to hear it and not take it into advisement. I am more then willing to listen to anyone defend a statement so long as they have facts and a good foundation to back up their statement. Simply saying that it's a site about masturbation we should be allowed to talk about it doesn't really work. Explain in detail to me why it should be allowed.

When I founded JackinChat some 16 years ago, it was for the simple reason to let people come into a chat room and talk about getting off and maybe getting off together. That is the basic principle that I started it on. It is still going strong despite any rules and or changes that have been put in place. Sex will always be around and so will places to discuss it.
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davestr8ker Skilled Jackinchatter

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Kent said:
But Coffeenporn and others decided that it was a matter of right and wrong and demanded that the moderators support their opinion and ban the others.

You are fucking delusional.
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