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Unregistered ?

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Hey guys!

Do any of you have your nipples pierced? Or would you consider it? I sorta wanna get mine pierced. For any of you guys who have it done..does it hurt? Does it take long? How is the healing process and is it worth having done? Also, anybody have their tongue pierced? I'm thinking of having mine done too, is it worth it? Do it really enhance oral sex?

Any help will be appreciated!

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Unregistered ?

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I had mine pierced 12 years ago, 1/2" 12ga. I kept them till about 4 years ago. I can't say I recommend it. They were constantly getting snagged during sex. Certainly, go with lighter gauge if you do it. Also, tongue piercings don't really enhance oral sex. If you're giving or receiving oral to/from anyone who's good at it, you won't be thinking of a tiny steel ball.

My experience is that from having 30 piercings at one point in my life, they look cool and lots of women and men find them attractive, but they are purely for decoration only. If you like the look and your employer doesn't mind, go for it. It won't really make a difference in your sex life.

Regarding pain & healing, your piercer will give you all that info and it varies widely by individual. If you're not willing to deal with pain, body modification is not for you. I can handle pain well, so the act of the piercing never bothered me. Waiting for healing can be miserable, though.
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Both of my nipples are pierced. They were originally pierced as 14ga but later stretched to 12ga. There was considerable pain for the one or two seconds that the piercing actually takes. The the worst of the pain subsides as soon as the piercing is through your skin.

I have had both nipples re-pierced. One was due to snagging which tore the piercing. The other was because the original piercing was not straight through the center of my nipple. It was my first nipple piercing and it's hard to say if that was the piercer's fault or due to my flinching. My last re-piercing was done at 12ga and in my opinion it did not hurt as much as 14ga.

I found the initial healing to take about 6 to 8 months. There were ups and downs in soreness during that time. Complete healing for me took about a year. It is very, and I stress, very important the you completely understand the healing process and be prepared to deal with it before you get pierced. If you're not prepared it's likely you will remove the piercing in frustration at some point. Your piercer can advise on after care and what to expect in regards to healing. You may find that your head has more difficulty dealing with the healing process than does your body. If you follow the after-care advice there should be no problems with healing.

Prior to piercing, my nipples where not particularly sensitive. I didn't find nipple play to do much of anything for me. There is great sensitivity with my nipples pierced and I've become quite fond of nipple play (pierced nips invite play). That is, once the healing process was completed. But, I hear that it can work either way. You may gain or lose sensitivity. I don't think it's predictable.

If you want pierced nips bad enough you'll do it. If you do, pick your piercer very carefully. There are some good books available that give general advice. I found one titled 'The Body Art Book' that I got at Barnes & Noble and have used it as a piercing and tattoo reference book for seveal years now. I'm sure there are others as well.

Good luck.
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chas Novice Jackinchatter

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get your penis pierced it is better get a prince albert
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Nice kitty wink
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