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Unregistered ?

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You're right, gondo, it is a good day, but it's also one of fear. We have a lot of homegrown nuts who would view Obama's assassination as the perfect way to set off the "coming race war" they believe in. I'm trying to be optimistic but look at our past. Kennedy was the first Catholic President and was loved. He was murdered. Obama is our first Black President and so far he's pretty loved. I mentioned "them" in my original reply; referring to those who are truly pulling a lot of the strings in this country. I honestly believe they put Bush in office. A technical problem with the voting two times in a row? Nope, not buyin' it. Call me a conspiracy nut if you will, but "they" are real and are still around. Mr. President, May God Watch Over You.
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Strider Amateur Jackinchatter

349 posts since 2006-03-22
homosexual male from San Francisco
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In response to Lowley 69's statement

"but you can't blame the state of the economy on the Bush administration, the enonomy has historically had it's ups and downs, but it has always recovered. I truly believe that the over abundence of media access we have today is what prompted the rapid decline of the economy because people panicked and believed what they saw in the media,"

First of all, I think the economy would likely be stronger if we didn't have the huge expense of a war which was chiefly predicated on lies and fabrications which came from the Bush administration. Moreover, the housing and banking crises are, to a very large degree, the result of massive deregulations which were pushed through congress primarily by Republicans. In terms of news media responsibility, let me remind you that the government took control of all American telecommunication satellites before we invaded Afghanistan and has controlled a great deal of what we get to see and hear. And it has been very obvious for a number of years that a large portion of the news media, including CNN, and old trusted programs like "Face the Nation" were sitting comfortably in the pocket of the Bush administration. So if media is to blame, it was Bush's media. And lastly, although there was and is a recent precipitous drop in the economy, it was preceded by a long, and not so gradual decline. The overall quality of my life and wellbeing had already deteriorated a good deal before any word of foreclosures were made public. I pray that our new president can deliver us from all this damage as soon as possible. It can't be soon enough for me. I had my work hours reduced from 40 to 20 last week, and I was barely getting by on 40 hours a week. The few friends I have are already feeling the pinch and I have no living family. I have nothing to fall back on. I'm only a few heartbeats from living in my car. I'm angry. Angry with what Bush and Republicans, and allot of wishy-washy Democrats have done. And I'm sad. Sad to see such great loss to my fellow citizens, and the loss of respect of the world at large because of our governments behavior. But most of all, I'm scared as Hell of what future I face.I feel as though my soul has been left to go wandering alone in the dark. I doubt that Mr. Bush and his corporate cronies are frightened.
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sassydog Skilled Jackinchatter

994 posts since 2008-12-30
curious from South Carolina
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I agree with you Strider its a fucking disgrace what those bastards have done to this country and its people.If they had been in the real business world like us they would have been fired along time ago.All we can hope is this President can sort out the meatheads in congress and get this country back on track but i think its going to take awhile.
Good luck with the job,its tough for most of us right now.
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