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Mr_Bator Novice Jackinchatter

42 posts since 2008-10-24
73 year old curious from Australia
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I have a question for all you expert masturbators out there; particularly those that have the ability to experience hands free orgasm. I’ll begin with an explanation though and I apologise about the long post.

I was a product of the 60’s Hippie and Love culture and like many youngsters experimented with a few mind altering substances. (Most of my friends would say that explains a lot about the way I am today. Lol J) Anyway, like many in those days I discovered the both the sensation and pleasure during sex were heightened after use so I often used to indulge a bit of weed prior to masturbating. The experience was.... well.... let’s say very nice.

Well that was then and this is now... some 30 years later and I don’t indulge the mind altering stuff anymore. About 6 months ago though, I was thinking about what it could be in the weed that heightened the experience so much. Without degree in chemistry I deduced that maybe it was the fact that I could focus on the sensations and the experience much more without distraction.

So, I set about an experiment one night in bed not long after that. I woke at about 2am feeling horny with half a hard-on and my wife was sound asleep so I decided to masturbate in bed and try to totally focus on what I was doing and what I was experiencing.
I worked away slowly, just lightly massaging and rubbing and staying completely focused on what I was feeling. After a time I began to feel the changes taking place prior to orgasm and I was amazed at the clarity I had. I bit like being able to clearly pick out individual musical instruments while listening to a symphony.

As I progressed the pleasure built and I was astonished at the strength of the feelings and the way the build up to orgasm seemed to be drawn out. When my orgasm finally arrived and I started to ejaculate, it seemed to last for ages with my semen squirting up onto my chest whereas it usually just oozes these days. It seemed that it was the strongest and most beautiful orgasm I’d had in many years and it seemed to go on and on.
Needless to say I was thrilled and felt that I’d really broken through with something. Taken my masturbation to another level maybe? What I found though, was that it didn’t always work. It tends to work brilliantly at night when I wake and maybe that’s because my mind is relatively free of the usual crap you deal with on a daily basis.

So I started to consider trying to take my masturbation to another level with hands free orgasm using the same principle... absolute concentration and focus on my sensations. I’ve experienced hands free orgasm without ejaculation a couple of times before and I’ve seen videos of guys doing it with ejaculation. My understanding has been that the pleasurable experience of orgasm is a function of the brain and is completely separate from ejaculation. So I began trying to achieve hands free orgasm in bed at night using a similar technique of focusing on the sensation and trying to elevate the arousal to the point of orgasm.

Well, I haven’t been able to achieve it yet but I seem to have got quite close on a couple of occasions. The technique I’m using is to try and induce an almost trance like state and at the same time I visualise that a beautiful young girl is stroking my cock. (remember I’m not touching my penis during this). I slightly clench my sphincter muscle and hold it for some time (I’ve had success with this before). I find that I begin to get waves of pleasure sweeping over me and with the visualisation the pleasure rises quite quickly. Unfortunately though, it reaches a point where I can’t seem to take it beyond. It’s a great experience and very pleasurable but I can’t induce an orgasm. Very frustrating! I think what happens then is the frustration takes over and I tend to lose concentration and I drop right back to where I started.

So what I would like to know is... how do all you guys that have hands free orgasms actually do it? What technique are you using and does it include prolonged concentration or meditation? There must be a secret to your success and I for one would be over the moon if someone could point me in the right direction.

Having said that, I am extremely happy with my progress and my orgasms now are far, far more satisfying and intense than they were.
16,000 + orgasms and still counting
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Index » Masturbation » For Him » Trying to take my masturbation to a new level - Help needed