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Danny Skilled Jackinchatter

628 posts since 2005-08-16
38 year old bisexual from MO
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Most message boards have a forum like the Coffee Shop for general topics of discussion.

It's surprising that as election day (in the USA) approaches, there have been no political postings. Perhaps experienced and dedicated masturbators are simply not thinking about politics. I know that when I'm playing with my penis, I have trouble thinking about anything else.

And of course, politics is a dirty business. Even in a nation which values its constitutional guarantees of free speech, we may note that message board members are surprisingly intolerant of having messages posted that they disagree with. Cries of "TROLL", charges of "FLAMING", etc, etc. are accompanied with requests to the site administrator that the member with the unpopular opinions be banned....and that his or her posts be locked or deleted. The sort of thing that happened here some time back when some brave individuals posted some anti-masturbation messages. Such effrontery!!! The very idea!!!....But I digress.

The membership is to be congratulated that our serene environment of sex and masturbation has not been fouled by crude political discourse in this election season. winkwink

But just a thought. Dare we hope that the voters in November will turn out in droves to turn the right wing Republican wackos out of office? That with a Congress under Democratic control, we can minimize the damage that can be done in the next couple of years by the arrogant, warmongering idiot Bush.

Like I said...just a thought!

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relaxd Novice Jackinchatter

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I'm with you 100%
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Sparkie Enlightened Jackinchatter

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I vote Republican 99.9% of the time.

Those who vote a straight ticket fail to look at the candidate and only see what the party itself has to offer.

I have seen Republicans that make me scratch my head as to why I am a Republican (Pat Robertson, Tom DeLay, McCain) and still I see Democrats that disgrace their party by their outlandish acts (Clinton, Jackson).

Vote for the candidate, not the party. grin
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Danny Skilled Jackinchatter

628 posts since 2005-08-16
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Sparkie said:

Vote for the candidate, not the party. grin

I don't really disagree. But the Pat Robertsons and Tom DeLays have carried the party of Lincoln far to the right wing fringe. And as for Bush....I don't think he's a bad man.....he's just incompetent.....a complete idiot.

It happens with Democrats too. Who was a more incompetent warmongering idiot than Johnson...who gave us Vietnam.

But when in doubt....party labels can help. My family has voted Democrat since the age of Jackson....(Andrew)...(in the 1820's). And my great grandpa marched in torch light parades for William Jennings Bryan. So, for me, when in doubt, I will always vote Democrat.

As for this year...I am in NO doubt. And if the 18-20 year olds would get off their butts and actually vote, the bellicose old men who send young men and women to die on foreign battlefields wouldn't have a chance at getting elected.

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Sparkie Enlightened Jackinchatter

4345 posts since 2005-08-16
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I certainly hope that all of you stop masturbating long enough on Tuesday the 7 to go vote.

If you have early voting or mail-in voting and have already voted, CONGRATS.

The rest of yes, cast your ballot and then let "He who has a free hand cast the first stone". grin
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Bare_Shaft Skilled Jackinchatter

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Sparkie said:
I vote Republican 99.9% of the time. ....

Vote for the candidate, not the party. grin

Wow, something else Sparkie and I agree on.
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mack2334 Amateur Jackinchatter

214 posts since 2006-02-07
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Most of you folks do not live in Il where two idiots are runninig for govZero selection so I will probably vote the green party.Really sucks.
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one4more69 Novice Jackinchatter

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All i know here in the UK Tony Blaire is a Wankler!...lol...probabaly goes on here to meet George Bush and they wank together!
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VicSecret_JO Amateur Jackinchatter

249 posts since 2005-08-14
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An independent libertarian here. grin

Legalize freedom!

My stance on sexuality is the same as the LP's:
Mmm, I love jerking off... fucking my greasy, tight, slippery fist until I spurt my gobs of cum...
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VicSecret_JO Amateur Jackinchatter

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mack2334 said:
Most of you folks do not live in Il where two idiots are runninig for govZero selection so I will probably vote the green party.Really sucks.


Mmm, I love jerking off... fucking my greasy, tight, slippery fist until I spurt my gobs of cum...
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Str8Male74 Amateur Jackinchatter

406 posts since 2005-08-16
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I had been watching Oprah the other night. They had on Bill O' Reilly. He has a new book out called Culture War. His argument is there is two groups. The traditionalists and the I forgot what he called it but the left wing people. People said can't you be both. He says no, you have to choose a side. I instead choose myself. You listen to both sides and you decide what you want and not have to listen to overinflated people like him and Russ Limbaugh. I have zero interest in politics. I just vote whomever my parents vote for.
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VicSecret_JO Amateur Jackinchatter

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Str8Male74 said:
I had been watching Oprah the other night. They had on Bill O' Reilly. He has a new book out called Culture War. His argument is there is two groups. The traditionalists and the I forgot what he called it but the left wing people. People said can't you be both. He says no, you have to choose a side. I instead choose myself. You listen to both sides and you decide what you want and not have to listen to overinflated people like him and Russ Limbaugh. I have zero interest in politics. I just vote whomever my parents vote for.

Both "sides" only offer different varieties of socialism. In that sense they are both "traditionalists"; they both want to perpetuate the status quo of people-control, although for their own agendas. The common denominator is tyranny over the individual for the sake of some greater good, usually in the form of "society". A liberal goes on and on about letting people do whatever they want in the bedroom, but would tyrannize people in economic activities -- for the greater good, of course. A conservative goes on and on about letting people do whatever they want economically (except for drugs, prostitution, and gambling), but would tyrannize people in the bedroom -- for the greater good, of course.

The two major American political parties, and most of the smaller ones, are hostile to the concept of the sanctity of individual liberty.

What both "liberals" and "conservatives" refuse to understand is that the only truly universal American morality is in allowing individuals to follow their own moral values. If they feel that it is moral to engage in certain sexual activities, then they should be free to do so. If they feel that it is wrong to have their money stolen from them by force and given to someone else, then they should be free to keep their own money; if they want to give to others, then they should be able to choose when, where, how, and how much they give to others. (And if they don't want to give to others, then that's their choice.)

Democrats would impose their morals regarding socio-economic "justice" onto others; and Republicans would impose their moral regarding Christian "virtue" onto others. Like all fundamentalists, Democrats and Republicans believe that their moral system is the one and only true one, and should therefore be imposed on everyone else by government force. It's for the greater good, they say: If someone refuses to see that their value-system is the one and only true way to be moral, then they should be forced to behave morally (as those in power define it), or go to jail.

I'd like to urge all those who consider themselves leftists or rightists (or moderate and centrists, for that matter) to remember that it's hypocritical to demand freedom for yourself but not for your opponents. Liberty cannot be applied inconsistently, simply because you say it should be. As long as government has the power to revoke liberty at will, there can be no liberty, only privileges and restrictions. Tyrants can come up with seductively reasonable-sounding justifications for their policies, but at the end of the day might does not make right.

Both of the major parties expect me to praise them for the moderate, pragmatic, and enlightened nature of their tyrannical agendas, but I ain't havin' it. A jail cell is still a jail cell despite all the pretty furnishings.
Mmm, I love jerking off... fucking my greasy, tight, slippery fist until I spurt my gobs of cum...
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Str8Male74 Amateur Jackinchatter

406 posts since 2005-08-16
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After reading I was reminded of Natalie Merchant from the Dixie Chicks who spoke out against the President. Their new documentary Shut Up and Sing about the backlash just got released at theatres. I was a bit surprised at how many people were burning their CD's, etc. You have a huge part of the country which is mostly all of the southern states that attacked the group because Bush is from Texas but still it stands to reason when you look at everything that has happened and then when Hurricaine Katrina happened and how that turned out.

According to the people who are in the know the administration was given bad information but has/was made to look like the government lied to us. Now they have to do alot of spin control and try to clean up Iraq without anymore loss of life. It disturbs me that there have been so many young people under the age of 25 that have died, people who would of gone on and done some cool stuff. Plus, how many joined the armed forces really for the money to add to their college fund? Even though they knew the risk going in and were choosing to do what they wanted it still a tragedy.
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Str8Male74 said:
After reading I was reminded of Natalie Merchant from the Dixie Chicks who spoke out against the President. Their new documentary Shut Up and Sing about the backlash just got released at theatres. I was a bit surprised at how many people were burning their CD's, etc. You have a huge part of the country which is mostly all of the southern states that attacked the group because Bush is from Texas but still it stands to reason when you look at everything that has happened and then when Hurricaine Katrina happened and how that turned out.

According to the people who are in the know the administration was given bad information but has/was made to look like the government lied to us. Now they have to do alot of spin control and try to clean up Iraq without anymore loss of life. It disturbs me that there have been so many young people under the age of 25 that have died, people who would of gone on and done some cool stuff. Plus, how many joined the armed forces really for the money to add to their college fund? Even though they knew the risk going in and were choosing to do what they wanted it still a tragedy.

Natalie Merchant is not a member of the dixie chicks. that's another person altogether. Natalie Merchant was a member of the 10,000 maniacs and now has a very successful solo career. just had to correct your statement.
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Sparkie Enlightened Jackinchatter

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The Dixie Chick's singer is Natalie Maines, but I get the drift of your post Str8. I secretly listen to the Chicks even though I don't agree with how she phrased her words against the BUSHman.

The U.S. does allow for free speech including speaking out against it's leaders. IMO, if she would have re-worded what she was thinking and then said it, there might have been less backlash. Public opinion in the country carries a lot of weight.
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