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Sparkie Enlightened Jackinchatter

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NEW ORLEANS -- Five fifth-grade students face criminal charges after authorities said four of them had sex in front of other students in an unsupervised classroom and kept a classmate posted as a lookout for teachers.

The students were arrested Tuesday at the Spearsville school in rural north Louisiana, authorities said. Two 11-year-old girls, a 12-year-old boy and a 13-year old boy were charged with obscenity, a felony. An 11-year-old boy, the alleged guard, was charged with being an accessory.

"After 44 years of doing this work, nothing shocks me anymore," said Union Parish Sheriff Bob Buckley. "But this comes pretty close."

Authorities said the incident happened March 27 at the school, which houses students from kindergarten through 12th grade. A high school teacher normally watches the fifth-grade class at the time, but went to an assembly for older students and the class was inadvertently left unattended, Buckley said.

The class, which had around 10 other students, was alone for about 15 minutes, he said.

"When no teacher showed up, the four began to have sex in the classroom with the other elementary students in the classroom with them," he said.

WTF Do you want now?
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sourdough Novice Jackinchatter

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Kids will be kids! I was screwing around at that age! I was horner than a two peckered goat at that age! They were doing what kids do maybe they should have waited till after school to do it ! hehe
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hairyassguyuk Amateur Jackinchatter

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Yeah, you're right. I was sexually active at that age too. It kinda amazes me that people like the sheriff are shocked by this.. were they never young?

I would also wanna know, if I were their parents, why a class of 11, 12 and 13 year olds was "inadvertently" left unattended for 15 minutes.

Inadvertently ... hahahah! Where was the teacher?
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I wish I could have been that lucky!!!
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How long do y'all think it'll be before at least one of the audience members cell phone pics start circulating on the internet?

Quick funny story of which this story reminded me: when I was in 1st grade, a girl in my class flashed me her pussy by pulling aside these little red shorts. What did I do? . . . I WENT AND TOLD THE DAMN TEACHER, AND THE POOR LITTLE GIRL GOT IN TROUBLE! WTF was I thinking? Nowadays I can't get flashed (by an ADULT mind you!) to save my life. LOL!

Kids, kids, kids.
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Am I the only one who finds this siutation disturbing as hell? It's not cool. It's unfortunate. I realize that kids are sexually active at such a young age nowadays, but doing something like this in a school (which is supposed to be a safe, healthy environment) is wrong. Bottom line.
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hairyassguyuk Amateur Jackinchatter

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BiPolarFreak said:
Am I the only one who finds this siutation disturbing as hell? It's not cool. It's unfortunate. I realize that kids are sexually active at such a young age nowadays, but doing something like this in a school (which is supposed to be a safe, healthy environment) is wrong. Bottom line.

I think that kids have been sexually active at a young age for a very long time. We just read more about it now, because it would have been hushed up many years ago. It certainly went on behind the bike sheds, in toilets, on the playing fields at my school. Not all day, not every day... but it happened. It didn't, to the best of my knowledge, however, happen in classrooms.

As for schools being safe places, I can't speak for America, where this incident happened, but here they are hell holes of bullying, physical and verbal. Hateful places where by and large kids seems to be utterly miserable, and anything but safe. And teachers are incapable of doing much about it.

It is interesting to note that, in a survey on contentedness in teenagers, carried out in 21 developed countries, the UK and USA came out bottom and second bottom.

I think we have a lot to learn.
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Bittersweet Novice Jackinchatter

74 posts since 2006-12-07
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OMG - I think this is disgusting. 11 years old? Freaks the hell out of me.
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Yeah-this is truly sick. Yeah, I was playin with myself for about 3 years when I was 11, but never even thought of having sex at that age.
Besides, good god, my throbbing cock was maybe 2 inches long when I was 11. Its embarrassing enough now!
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Bittersweet Novice Jackinchatter

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rosiepalm said:
.... Its embarrassing enough now!

Um - saw your profile pic....I doubt it's THAT embarrassing, RP!razz
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georgiaguy Amateur Jackinchatter

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*Disclaimer: This is an opinion, my opinion and mine alone. It in no way reflects on anyone affiliated, associated or involved with a damn thing. This is MY opinion.*

Personaly I think it B*** S***, or in the least Highly over exagerated. At 11 to 13 I had no idea what to do with all my parts let alone a girls. Hell at that age we are still dicovering ourselves. Also even now with some experiance I coundn't get much done in 15 mins. Lets keep in mind according to the AP article a student told a high school student who then told the teacher. Who knows how many versions it went through before getting to that point. Also lets remember kids at any age like to embelish the truth. And I don't care what anybody says I believe 99% of us where or are to shy to strip, let alone have sex in front of an audiance. But I may be wrong, guess we'll have to wait and see.

* that was an Opinion, it has no basis in fact past or present and does Not represent anyones views but my own.*
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Thank you.
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I have to agree with you- call me a prude, but I did not have sex until I was 20. I WANTED to- and I masturbated from a young age, but I was smarter than to go fucking around at the tender age of a 5th grader. WTF- how can you all think this is so "cool" and normal? It was in school- in a public place... OMG- aren't PARENTS teaching their children any morals these days? Sex is supposed to be something "sacred." Ok- it's all funny, right? What's going to happen when, WHOOPS, any female partners get knocked up in 5th grade.

Yes- I'm adamant- it irks me that you guys find this so humorous and normal. My friends and I were NOT having sex in the fifth grade. IMO- it is too young- and the education must start at home. What is our world coming to???

No one talked with me about sex- I was just told masturbation was wrong. Lucky for me I was smarter than the average bear, and I read a lot (of what I wasn't supposed ot.) I educated myself. If I could turn out ok with the bass ackwards sexual education I gave myself, then a child who is actually parented properly should be able to choose right from wrong in a situation like this.

It may be an embellished story- but I also know from a close source that a cell phone was confiscated from a 12 year-old recently that had pictures of her giving oral sex to a 13 year-old. That's just sad.

This just disgusts me.

BiPolarFreak said:
Am I the only one who finds this siutation disturbing as hell? It's not cool. It's unfortunate. I realize that kids are sexually active at such a young age nowadays, but doing something like this in a school (which is supposed to be a safe, healthy environment) is wrong. Bottom line.
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Anna Skilled Jackinchatter
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BiPolarFreak said:
Am I the only one who finds this siutation disturbing as hell? It's not cool. It's unfortunate. I realize that kids are sexually active at such a young age nowadays, but doing something like this in a school (which is supposed to be a safe, healthy environment) is wrong. Bottom line.

Absolutely not. For those who are saying "a lot of kids are/were doing that at that age" I say that just because they're doing it does not mean that it's okay. Sex carries a very big responsibility not just reproductively but emotionally. I don't think it's funny. Rather, I find it sad that these kids are doing these things at an age where they should be out being kids not doing such adult activities with one another. Childhood is already shortened so much.

They're shocked because it happened at school where there are students younger than them. Would you want your 5 year old to have the possibility of seeing people having sex? At such an age they wouldn't understand it. I'm not shocked - I'm disappointed in the lack of supervision and these kids' poor decisions.

It's not okay for 10/11/12 year olds to be having sex. They cannot understand all of the elements involved with sex.
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hairyassguyuk Amateur Jackinchatter

320 posts since 2006-03-03
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I was talking about what happens in the UK. And yes, loads of young girls get pregnant. The UK has the highest teenage pregnancy in Europe. No, I'm not in the least proud of that. I don't think it's right that kids of 12 to 14 are having sex, and certainly not without using condoms. And even moreso, not in schoolrooms.

I don't think that in the UK parents do a good job of teaching their kids about sex. No-one said much to me about sex. My father tried, but he was so embarrassed that it made me embarrassed, and in the end I put him out of his misery, and told him it was fine... I knew it anyway. He gratefully accepted the getout without checking to find out what I knew. All I found out, I found out from other kids, and god knows where they found it out. There is not much real sex education in school here, and of course that varies from area to area, school to school, and teacher to teacher.

But I have the feeling that teachers are scared stiff to teach anything "real" about sex, incase they are accused of something, so it's all wrapped up in "birds and bees" stuff. I'm not sure that children connect birds and bees with their penises. I'm also ccertain that most boys have no idea what girls think, and most girls have little idea about boys' sexual motivations and drives.

Many parents are like mine ... just too embarrassed to talk about what Brits seem to think of as "dirty stuff", many others are just far to busy working 70 or 80 hours a week at careers to pay the astronomical amounts that are now required to put a roof over your head in an area that's not too bad. Others, in my experience are just too drunk or drugged up to give much of a shit about that stuff. Additionally some parents are positively proud of their children. A few years ago there was a headline story about a family that had two teenages with children (one was 12, the other 13, as I recall) and their mother was proud that they had done what she had done. She having had her first child at 12.

I work with young people, trying to help them find suitable careers, and of course they tell me all sorts of stories. Some of them I take with a pinch of salt, but when there is a group of them, and they are recounting the same story, there has to be truth in it. My 15 and 16 year olds, are no strangers to sex.

One of the very sad things that we have discovered in staff conferences is that among the working class teenagers, with whom we are working, the boys are not particularly interested in spending real or quality time with the girls. The girls understand this, and realize that, if they are going to get a "man", they must do so by "giving it up".
The alternative is that the boys pretty much ignore them unless sex is on the cards.

It's not right, and it's not good, but it is reality, and it is reality in a society which we have created. I think this is particulary true of the US and UK. It seems to me it is much less so in the rest of Europe.

It would be interesting if people had any constructive proposals for starting to sort out this problem. On a professional basis, I would be delighted to hear them. It's hard enough trying to find work for 16 year olds, without them being 16 year olds with 2 kids.

That said, there is a possibility that the press story which sparked (no pun intended) this discussion, was a little exaggerated... after all, you have to sell the newpspaers.

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