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sassydog Skilled Jackinchatter

994 posts since 2008-12-30
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I know this is a free site and is not political but we stand here on the brink of probably the biggest moment in American history since George Washington creamed the British sorry wankers no disrespect.
I guess for you guys and girls out there how big a deal is this and is this the real deal?I grew up in England but moved here in my young 20s got drafted into the marines paris island(SC)never saw any real action but love the people here and became a US citizen.So how do you see us as a nation are we going to survive this mess or go down that road as a bunch of winy self centered people.
Me im going for it i did not join in here not to,we the people of this united states are the real deal and we have the passion to be the greatest nation on the planet once again.
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Str8Male74 Amateur Jackinchatter

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I feel hopeful to like alot of people that Obama will improve the country and fix the things that need fixing but with realistic expectations that it won't all be done over night but day by day over time it will happen.
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playful_hubby57 Novice Jackinchatter

45 posts since 2007-01-31
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Socialism didn't work anywhere else! It won't work here either! obama is a socialist!
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playful_hubby57 Novice Jackinchatter

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I served 1968 thru 1974!

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Ben Enlightened Jackinchatter
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George W Bush is a socialist too. Lets not forget about the bailout of AIG, Lehman Brothers, etc. Plus now the auto makers. This is pure socialist, it is not free market economy stuff.

On a side note, I am very excited to see what becomes of the next few years in the US. I am confident that things will be improving.
I'm just a guy
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You're right, the bailouts were socialist actions and should not have been done. We need someone who knows the US constitution and not look at it like a "living" document. Things were written in it for a reason and we need to continue to abide by the principles in it, which is basically capitalism and individualism. The government is there to pave streets (basically for our military) and defense. I'm afraid Obama will try to act on whatever poll numbers are telling him, much like Clinton did, except worse. I hope he does not. I hope he sticks with his principles, and I hope those principles are in alignment with the US constitution. We'll see.
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I know Obama has the true desire and ability to "fix" our country. However, I also know that "They"; the forces who put GWB in office twice; are still around. He wasn't anymore elected than I was. I'm not sure if they failed to keep Obama from getting elected or if they let him be elected in hopes they can use him. However things happened, he has them to contend with. I just hope they don't decide to kill him.
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BiStoner said:
I know Obama has the true desire and ability to "fix" our country. However, I also know that "They"; the forces who put GWB in office twice; are still around. He wasn't anymore elected than I was. I'm not sure if they failed to keep Obama from getting elected or if they let him be elected in hopes they can use him. However things happened, he has them to contend with. I just hope they don't decide to kill him.

Are you serious? HAHA!
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Yeah, I am.
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Strider Amateur Jackinchatter

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I agree with BiStoner.

And in response to Jasonbla 1's comment "I'm afraid Obama will try to act on whatever poll numbers are telling him, much like Clinton did, except worse." I'd like to point out that the Reagan years in office left the country with a $200 billion deficit. the senior Pres. Bush...$300 billion deficit...GW Bush over $400 billion and counting, while at the end of the Clinton administration we had a $200 billion surplus.
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Good one, Strider. I never had a problem with Bill at all. Who cares if he was getting head in the oval office? Has anyone stopped to think just what a positive influence that can have on a man's decision making process? I was put out with him for lying about it,though.
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hairyassguyuk Amateur Jackinchatter

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I agree with Bi-stoner too. I hope he can be kept safe. There are a lot of people who don't want him around.

I don't know what planet Jasonbla1 is living on, but it certainly isn't the same one I'm on.

Playful-hubby, I think you could reasonably say that socialism of a sort works very well in some European states, particularly Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Holland.

Certainly it's true that the most severe types of socialism don't work (Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, USSR, etc) but it would be fair to say that capitalism in its severe forms wasn't really working terribly well. Unless you like the idea of everything shutting down and no-one having work and starving to death.... and all as a result of unfettered capitalism, or as we call it here in Scotland... greed.

I'm less keen on that than some.

As Ben says, the socialism of bailing out banks and motor manufacturers in the USA has been done on Bush's watch. Obama only got in this afternoon. He's bailed out nothing so far.
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I know that I'm of the minority here, but it was the Democrats who were pushing for the auto bailout, yes Bush wanted it also but Democrats are the ones who are UAW friendly, and it's the rediculous pay packages that the UAW has forced the American auto makers to pay that has run them into the ground($78/hour total pay package compared to $46/hour in nonunion factories that still employee Americans). I personally didn't support any of the bailouts, but you can't blame the state of the economy on the Bush administration, the enonomy has historically had it's ups and downs, but it has always recovered. I truly believe that the over abundence of media access we have today is what prompted the rapid decline of the economy because people panicked and believed what they saw in the media, the economy will fix itself, it always does, we as Americans can only hold onto our money for so long before we start spending again. My biggest concern is Obama's ability to handle countries like Russia, North Korea, and Iran, all of whom are becoming more aggressive and defiant of the U.S. I am a Republican, but I do pray that Obama is successful during his presidency because when it comes right down to it, I am an American and I want the United States of America to be a safe and prosperous nation, and a modle for the rest of the world.
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robbbee Novice Jackinchatter

7 posts since 2008-10-21
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te reason we had a surplus was the biggest tax increase in american history....the surplus was on the backs of hard working american tax payers.....what needs to happen is easy...they need to stop spending our money and let us keep it so we can spend it.......
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gondo Professional Jackinchatter

1117 posts since 2008-02-09
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Speaking as a Canadian, I'd have to say it looks like a good day to be an American.
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