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Hardrocker Amateur Jackinchatter

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do you think that high officials of the Bush administration should be prosecuted? a policy of illegal and barbaric torture is now a matter of public record.

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Weird_Al Novice Jackinchatter

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Roger Skilled Jackinchatter

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Definitely YES!

It wasn't that they were simply cynical, opportunistic politicians. They also broke the law and flouted the constitution. They tortured prisoners and denied them legal due process.

Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, and the whole rotten crowd are ciminals, and should have to defend themselves in a court of law. What they did went far beyond sleazy politics. It struck at our very system of constitutional government.
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Then too bad FDR's staff wasn't prosecuted for rounding up AMERICANS and putting them in interment camps. Those poor AMERICANS lost their homes, their jobs and their businesses. All because FDR side stepped due process.

Difference between Bush's and FDR's administration? Bush did it to enemy combatants, FDR did it to AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! Our country has had far worse "leaders" than GWB folks. Maybe some of you need to read history, REAL history not the revisionist crap that is taught.
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I'm not trying to be rude, but what does this have to do with the topic of the board? I mean I'm against torture, and am NOT GWB fan; I'm glad he's gone, but thought we were here to discuss jerking off and sex. This is kind of a buzz kill....
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no, they should be decorated...
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Roger Skilled Jackinchatter

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iwant2suckuoff2000 said:
Then too bad FDR's staff wasn't prosecuted for rounding up AMERICANS and putting them in interment camps. Those poor AMERICANS lost their homes, their jobs and their businesses. All because FDR side stepped due process.

Difference between Bush's and FDR's administration? Bush did it to enemy combatants, FDR did it to AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! Our country has had far worse "leaders" than GWB folks. Maybe some of you need to read history, REAL history not the revisionist crap that is taught.

I agree completely that FDR's internment of American citizens in World war II, simply because of their ethnic origins, was as bad or worse than anything GWB ever did. What FDR did was a shameful blot on American history for all time. (Eleanor Roosevelt thought so too, BTW.)

Thing is.....there is much more to FDR's story than that disgraceful episode. He also happened to save the American Capitalist system in the 1930's.....and then saved the nation from Nazi tyranny in the 1940's. He had a REAL war to fight.

George W. Bush, on the other hand, has no such record of accomplishment to balance his tyrannical actions. He declared a phony, unending "War on Terror", during which he cynically used fear.....and his phony "War Powers"....as an instrument to grab and maintain political power.

The Republicans still say "he kept us safe." Oh really??? What a joke!!! On 9/11/01, he had been President eight months......and had been warned of the danger beforehand. THAT'S how safe he kept us. But Cheney is still spouting those lies every chance he gets.

Prison is too good for GWB and his crowd.
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Hardrocker Amateur Jackinchatter

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Jayden1976 said:
I'm not trying to be rude, but what does this have to do with the topic of the board? I mean I'm against torture, and am NOT GWB fan; I'm glad he's gone, but thought we were here to discuss jerking off and sex. This is kind of a buzz kill....

I respect your opinion Jayden. but actually the Coffee Shop forum is NOT exclusively for discussion of jerking off and sex.

the list of the various forums on Jackinchat includes a description of each one. the "Coffee Shop" is defined as a forum dedicated to the discussion of "everything and anything." so, surely an important topic of current interest is appropriate in such a forum.

if some find it a buzz kill.....surely they dont need to open the thread and read it.

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no, they shouldn't.

Roger said:

Thing is.....there is much more to FDR's story than that disgraceful episode. He also happened to save the American Capitalist system in the 1930's.....and then saved the nation from Nazi tyranny in the 1940's. He had a REAL war to fight.

um, no not exactly. the new deal was the beginning of the end for true capitalism in this country. and had Germany not declared war on us after japan bombed pearl harbor, we probably would not have declared war on them until they posed a direct threat to us.
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stevernc Amateur Jackinchatter

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politics in a jackoff room?????? give me a break!
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Eddy_MN Novice Jackinchatter

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Whatever it takes. Desperate times call for desperate deeds.
In the Revolutionary War we killed P.O.W.'s. (King's Mountain). In the Civil War we lost our rights to a trial.
In WW 1 We lost rights under the Sedition Act. In ww2 we
almost lost our country. You do what you have to do to win.
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Kent Professional Jackinchatter

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stevernc said:
politics in a jackoff room?????? give me a break!

As noted above, the topics for the Coffee Shop are specifically defined as "everything and anything." And it seems to me that this subject is at least as important as our experiences playing with our dicks.

My vote is.....yes. If officials at any level of the previous administration violated the law, they are not now ABOVE the law. They should be prosecuted.

There is ample precedent. Many Nixon administration officials went to prison, including his Attorney General and top White House staff. His Vice President was also convicted of criminal charges, and only a Presidential pardon rescued Richard Nixon himself from prosecution.

What Geroge W. Bush did was infinitely worse. He used public fear to create a "war on terror" so that he could subvert the constitution itself. And he even used public fear and manufactured "intelligence" as a justification for a foreign war in Iraq. Thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis died.....for no reason other than Bush's desire for Presidential power. He was more than a bad president. He was and is a war criminal.
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alwaysjackin48 Amateur Jackinchatter

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stevernc said:
politics in a jackoff room?????? give me a break!

I agree, unless of coarse we want to take our protest to Washington naked and jacking in solidarity wink
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No. I am for protecting this country using all necessary means possible. If some phsyco needs water poured over his face then so be it. Water-boarding stopped another 9/11 style attack on L.A.. That is a fact and on the public record. As a person who lost a family member in the first tower that went down I applaud the way theu handled that filthy scum of the earth.

let's define torture. I think making a jewish journalist say he rejects jewdiism then cutting his head off is torture. I think everything Saddam did to his people was torture. I do not think sticking a scum bad in a room with loud music, pouring water over their filthy face , or putting them in a room with a scary bug is torture. We need to continue protecting this country. We cannot afford to let this anti-american government we have in place ruin our society. Obama has done in 100 days what took Chavex YEARS to do. Do your homework and think about that. Know who Chavez is?
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js06877 Professional Jackinchatter

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Enough of the politics. There are other places for that crap. This is supposed to be about jacking.

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