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From: guys cumming in their pants by Lingula

I've been soggy all day!



From: video booth/ glory hole by Lingula

Oh yeah! those places are fun, but getting scarce. Used to be some in New Hampshire with no doors on booths. Fun to watch the guy jerking across the hall, pace yourself to his beat. Wait for somebody to cum stick his cock in your doorway.

Damn I wanna get my rocks off....

Right now!!

From: Whats the proper order of events for chat? by Lingula

I often start off with a general message:
"Are there any other horny older bicurious guys here?"

and if there are... one usually sends back a private message.

And since us old guys get to the point right away, we're telling each other what to do in about two more sentences.

Have fun!! stroke

Ling... who would sure like to be doing this for real, live, wet and messy!

From: Jackinmail problem by Lingula

OK... thanks. the fellow I wrote to sent me a reply to I guess the original went through. Still, the software could be better.


From: Jackinmail problem by Lingula

OK... I sign in, get mail from someone, reply to them....

and then the problem starts. When I submit the mail, the program wants me to sign in. I do, but then don'tklnow whether my reply got sent or not. Is there a fix, so I don't have to sign in twice? Is there a way to see the messages I have sent??

Lingula... who might make more use of this board if it was more reliable.

From: What underwear do you guys wear? by Lingula

microfiber underarmor
silk bikini from Winter Silks...

both easy to pull aside when the mood moves my hand down there.

From: Age by Lingula

I may be 77 butmy balls think they're only 30......


I love it!! JO, that is.....

From: Jerking Off in a Video Booth by Lingula

Booths are getting scarce up here in New England. They tried to calm things down by taking the doors off. That just led to more fun!! So now the towns are shutting down booths all together. Big Bummer!!

From: Gooning? by Lingula

So that's what my problem is!!!


From: Anyone Jackin right now? by Lingula

Yes.... and it sure feels good!!stroke

From: Mass here 36/m/Marr by Lingula

merrimack vlley.....

From: Do most of you have a J/O buddy? by Lingula

I sure wish I did!! Right now! I'd get his cock out of his pants and stroke it up hard.... lots of lube... twist it, turn it.... stroke slow, then fast.... mmmm...

Wanna lick it.... suck on it. make it cum....

stroke razz

From: Piercings by Lingula

OK.. guys! I've been imagining about a PA. Maybe some of you gents that have one can tell me more. I'd think that sucking cock with a PA should be wild. I just imagine my tongue playing with that hardware. wow!! And what about doing oral with someone who has a barbell in their tongue!! I keep hearing all the teeth and metal clacking away...

So what's it really like??


From: pissing by Lingula

Geezzz !! I just spent a long weekend with gout... wish I'd known. Did drink lots of water... and peed hourly.. wink

From: Cock in Hand by Lingula

I'm another guy who's hand just seems to drop down there. All my pants wear out in the crotch before anywhere else. Yes, the iron-on patches on my jeans get in the way....

but not not long stroke

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